Without even looking at it, it seemed that the blood spattered on his face would make Liuli feel sick. .

After spitting lightly, a smile suddenly appeared on Liuli's face: "The blood splattered three feet, let's forget it, seeing your appearance and hearing your voice makes me feel sick... I really can't imagine that I am Before, were you blind to see such a rubbish like you?"

The unceremonious words immediately sank the blood-spattered mood to the bottom of the valley, and the last extravagant hope was declared shattered.After the extravagant hope is shattered, there is only endless anger left, the eyes are tearing apart, and the eyes are full of madness.

"Damn, have you taken a fancy to this little boy next to you? Let me tell you, this man already has a woman. Even if you take a fancy to him, you're just a mistress. Why, can you tolerate him having other women around him?" I can't tolerate other women around me, so I can't compare to this trash who has nothing?" The blood was spattering three feet, and he roared ferociously.

"It's not that you can't compare, you are far behind him..."

"Okay, okay..." The blood spattered three feet and trembled all over, it was pissed off, the poor guy was almost pissed off directly: "Okay, okay, if that's the case, then I will fulfill you, Everyone prepare, give me the two..."

Whoosh... buzz!

At this moment, a strange sound suddenly appeared in the sky, and above the distant sky, an angel had appeared at some point.

That's right, it's an angel, with a beautiful face like a flower, and a well-proportioned figure. She is dressed in a silver-white battle armor, covering her exquisite and delicate body. She is almost half-naked, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and bare feet. Slight shaking in mid-air. . There is a pair of snow-white wings behind her, flickering gently.

That is an angel!

It's just that this angel has no expression on his face, there is no expression on his face, only a kind of bewildered coldness.

That's not to mention, the angel's attack was also absolutely violent, without the slightest sound, a huge missile, the size of a person, was flickering crazily in the sky, with a large piece of bright light, the missile quickly Shoot out high in the air.

The slight sound immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they couldn't help but raise their heads and look towards the sky.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just looking at it is fatal!

The terrifying missile quickly flew down from the sky, and immediately exploded in the most densely populated place!

Who would have thought that there would be such an attack in the sky, who would have thought that the power of this attack would be extremely terrifying?

The missile quickly exploded in the crowd, with a bang, the sky was full of smoke and dust, the scene in the base once again appeared, no, this time it was even more terrifying, the energy like a stormy wave exploded directly in the crowd, the next moment, violent The power spread wildly towards the surroundings in an instant, and wherever it went, each and every figure was instantly torn into pieces.

The evolution of the permanent rear-end air-to-ground missile!


The power of the explosion continues!

Lin Shuang's complexion changed, and he quickly pressed down the glass beside him. As for the others, they were not so lucky. They hadn't even reacted to the blood splatter, not only the blood splatter, but also the other players around them, and even Before even reacting, the missile had already exploded in the crowd, and as a mushroom cloud appeared, the violent impact immediately spread crazily around.

The body couldn't bear that kind of perverted power at all, the blood spattered three feet, only to feel that the body suddenly became light and light, and immediately the whole person was already dancing crazily in mid-air, and at the same time, his own blood volume was still crazily decline.

A full ten seconds passed, and with a bang, the blood spattered three feet of the body, like a dead pig, and hit the ground directly.

The power of the explosion finally passed. When Lin Shuang and Liuli climbed up from the ground, seeing the surroundings, they all felt their eyes tearing apart. They were so powerful, they were too powerful.A huge deep pit appeared directly on the ground, and there were still puffs of black smoke around it. Even the yellow sand couldn't bear the abnormal force, and burned at the moment of the explosion.

The astonishing breath makes people shudder, and the violent power makes people desperate.

There were hundreds of players chasing and killing them, but under this missile, almost all of them died.

Hundreds of players, what kind of power is that?Even if it's Naye's full firepower, unless it is using Huangxia Storm, otherwise, even the Meteor Holy Bullet will not have such abnormal power. What kind of master has such amazing destructive power? Next, directly kill hundreds of players?

It's hard to imagine that there are such perverted players in this game.

"Which friend is going to help me, I wonder if I can show up to see you?" Lin Shuang shouted towards the vast sky, Lin Shuang wanted to see who this player who helped him was, and who actually possessed such a powerful and perverted ability .

But obviously, that player didn't want to appear at all, and even the angel in the sky had disappeared.

After asking several times, there was no response in the end.

It's just that Lin Shuang didn't know that he had missed a best chance to meet Xin Qi.

Just behind a piece of yellow sand, Xin Qi's figure is looming. Under the telescope, Lin Shuang's figure is looming in the distance. When she sees Lin Shuang, Xin Qi can't help showing a smile on her face, she can save her sweetheart , what kind of happiness is that?

But when she saw the woman next to Lin Shuang again, Xin Qi's face suddenly collapsed. This damned playboy has different women around her every time, and she is either a little bird, or a heroic figure. Each of them is beautiful and heavenly, the best in the world, what is the charm of this Huaxiong Daluo that can attract so many women?

Are these women blind?How could you fall in love with such a man?

It's just that when Xin Qi was furious, she forgot that she was also one of those blind women.

This time, Xin Qi didn't come here specifically to save Lin Shuang, but came here to trouble Yun Ling. After killing eleven suitors, Xin Qi simply stopped doing nothing and was going to come and kill Yun Ling as well. , so as to give my old man a good look, but I didn't expect that when I came here, I found that Yunling had already died, and Lin Shuang's hung up.

God knows how excited Xin Qi was when she saw Lin Shuang.But Lin Shuang's subsequent performance made Xin Qi's teeth itch with hatred!

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