Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 420 A War That Can't Be Lost

Hundreds of sports cars roared directly in the Gobi desert, with yellow sand flying all over the sky, the wheels spinning rapidly in the desert, and a large cloud of smoke and dust behind them. .

Under Yunling's command, hundreds of sports cars, in a fan shape, quickly chased in the surrounding area, forming a perfect encirclement circle, and would not miss any traces or targets.

"Hey, Yunling, I might not be able to catch up with those two guys like this. Don't forget, that kid Wushuang has a top-notch sports car, and his speed is much faster than Daben." Don't worry, with a gloomy voice, he said to Yun Ling beside him.

"Don't worry, I've thought about this issue a long time ago. That's why I asked my subordinates to search in a fan shape. It's impossible for them to pass by later. There are a large number of our players there. They will definitely die if they pass by from both sides. , will definitely slow down, and it is very likely to be discovered by our troops. As for moving forward? Hehe, that would be the best, don’t you know the power of that active volcano? It will erupt once from time to time, When it erupts, there will be no man's land within a thousand miles, and a large number of magma monsters will appear. Those are all elite-level monsters, tens of thousands. Do you think the two of them can block the attack of the magma monster? Just kidding. They're all level [-] stuff, this time, I'm afraid they won't run to the front." Yun Ling sneered.

Blood Splattered Sanzhang was completely relieved, he laughed, his voice was full of joy, he seemed to have seen the scene where Wushuang and Liuli, a pair of dogs and men, were buried in the sea of ​​fire, and he patted Yunling's shoulder, Blood Splattered Sanzhang was full of smiles : "Brother, I have to say, you are much more mature than me when you think about things. I really don't know how your brain grows."

"If, if you live in the same environment as me, your brain is definitely more flexible than mine." Suddenly, Yun Ling's voice became a little hoarse.There was a strange taste in his eyes.

The blood spattered three feet and fell silent. Of course he knew what Yun Ling meant. What kind of environment was that? Since he was a child, he had to live under the coercion and lure of relatives around him. The greed of the inheritance that Ling can inherit, and the kindness on the surface cannot conceal the desire in his heart.

Even when Yunling kicked all these relatives out, he was often threatened, and blood was spattered. It is even conceivable that in a lonely night, in a gorgeous but empty villa, a little boy A crying figure curled up in a corner.

Even after Yunling grew up, even now, she still often receives summons from the court, without exception, all of which are inheritance disputes.Living in such an environment, even an honest person would be nurtured into a gloomy pervert.

Perversion, that's how it's done!Blood splattered three feet sometimes even thinking, if this guy writes a novel "How to Become a Metamorphosis", it will definitely become a hit, and it must be a personal experience.Conspiracies and tricks are full of it, and it is simply shocking every step of the way. It is more tense and exciting than those so-called court dramas.

"Hey, brother, if one day I'm no longer in the game, or if I hang up or fall down, you must avenge me, don't you know? I'm afraid the only real good friend is you!" Splash Sanzhang didn't know what was going on, as if he suddenly thought of something, his face became a little gloomy, and he whispered with a cigarette in his mouth.

Yunling was slightly taken aback, then patted the blood-spattered shoulder and laughed loudly: "Brother, what the hell are you talking about, haha, don't worry, with me here, I will never let you down, even if you are finished Yes, I will definitely avenge you, who made us two good brothers?"

Seeing Yun Ling's appearance, he smiled wryly with blood splattered all over his face, feeling both excited and helpless in his heart.

This is already the last blood-spattered fight. If you can't make a name for yourself in the game, the assistance you can receive from your family will be greatly reduced. Your family has already taken a fancy to the game The wealth and interests contained in this piece.

It is true that the family is in business, but now due to a large number of players, they have entered the online game, so that the real business has declined sharply because of the appearance of this game. On the contrary, some other companies have done quite well in the game. Advertising and publicity, sales are rising.

In the end, he finally let his father and elder brother see the game.

That's a good thing, if it was before.You will definitely be very excited to be splashed with blood, which means that you can get more assets and assistance from the family.But now, things have become more subtle. Due to his failure in the game, the company's entry into the online game industry has been delayed again and again, which has already caused dissatisfaction with his father and elder brother.

Now the company has 60.00% of the shares, in the hands of my father, and 30.00% in the hands of my elder brother.The eldest brother has shown quite a good business talent since he was a child, and he has become his father's right-hand man. He is quite favored, but he is different, because he does not have much talent in business. , and doesn't have any actual power.

Moreover, he has been doing nothing but obsessed with games, and this time he threw all of his old friends in at once. If he also fails this time, he can imagine his own ending with blood spattering.

Moreover, Dad and Big Brother have already issued an ultimatum to themselves. This time, if they can't take down the demon face and confuse the crowd, rebuild the prestige of the Blood Fiend League, and let the Blood Fiend League become a springboard for the company to enter the online game world, then I will His status in the online game will be completely deprived, and all the glory will be inherited by his elder brother.

In other words, if I fail this time, I will have nothing. In reality and in the game, all the glory that once belonged to me will completely leave me.

If the time could be restarted, the blood spattered three feet and even wanted to swear that he would never provoke that Wushuang.

Everything was caused by that guy. Since I met that guy, I have been unlucky step by step, so that I am so embarrassed now.

But who can blame this?Now, I can only concentrate all my strength to win this victory, maybe I still have a chance to stand up and be the master.If I can establish my own status in the online game industry, then because the big brother whose business has been hit hard in reality will definitely be greatly weakened, maybe I still have a chance to come back, so I can only win this battle , I can't afford to lose!

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