The blood spattered three feet and hummed twice, and stopped talking. Anyway, Yunling and the others have already come over, so there is no need to worry about any problems. .

The time passed by every minute and every second, three or ten minutes was not long, and soon, the final battle was approaching.Although the number of people has an absolute advantage, but the subordinates who are seductive and confused have rarely participated in such fierce and chaotic battlefields, and there is a trace of cowardly expression on their faces, and even their delicate bodies tremble a little .

"Sisters, don't worry, we have 31 people, and they only have 20. We have an absolute advantage in numbers, and the equipment on them is all low-level goods. Don't forget, the high-end equipment they were wearing is now It's all on you, you can't compare in level, equipment, and quantity. In such a situation, what else do you have to worry about? Today, we are seductive, and we have to prove to the players of the entire game that women can also stand up Upper half of the sky, don't let those stinky men underestimate us... Everyone, get ready!"

The words of your love with your legs crossed obviously played some role. The bodies of all the delicate little girls no longer trembled, and there was even a look of determination on their faces, and the weapons in their hands were tightly grasped. As he watched, his eyes gradually became fierce.

"Armor warriors, guard the front, and the sisters behind, rely on you to guard, those who are afraid of pain, minimize the pain, your sacrifice will be the chance for the companions behind to survive!" Cross your legs and your love has already begun to form an army.

One by one, guards with shiny and shiny armor came to the front of the battle formation. They were all silver-white battle armor, and even the amount of black iron level equipment was quite scarce.In order to prepare for this battle, Yaoyan confuses 40 players, of which 20 members, all the good equipment on their bodies are given to the participating members for use.

Coupled with the top-quality equipment snatched from the Blood Fiend League earlier, it is enough to arm a super powerful army. .Among the entire legion, the worst equipment is the black iron level set. As for the players with the silver level set, the number is quite astonishing.Moreover, the level of the equipment is also extremely astonishing, far from being comparable to the miscellaneous low-level equipment of the opponent.

If it weren't for a pure women's army, with this level of equipment, it would definitely be able to gain an overwhelming advantage, but the fighting power of this child's women's army is really not worth mentioning. Can be completely washed away.

Armored fighters lined up one by one.The delicate body, coupled with the shiny armor, does not have a surprising temptation.

"The assaulter is in the rear, responsible for close range, charges and shoots quickly, and destroys the energy controller behind the enemy. The magic gunman, together with the assaulter, uses full flame bombs and freezing bombs to control the enemy's armored warriors. The energy controller is in the middle and long-range Assist attack, group attack energy spell, smash at the enemy's armored warrior army, after destroying the enemy's guards, attack the rear submachine gunner, the sniper, and finally, the advanced energy controller who is responsible for killing the opponent, and the medical soldier. The division, the machine gunner, is responsible for assisting the attack, the medical soldier, and the full-time resurrection..."

Orders were issued one after another, and the formation quickly changed. Since the mecha division profession has just appeared, machine guns and mobile guns are hard to find. These two professions have not yet formed a strong combat effectiveness and can only be reduced to auxiliary attacks. Otherwise, this The two professions can definitely display extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the battle was about to start, and the opponent's formation had also been determined, almost exactly the same configuration.

At some point, the blood-spattered palm was raised high: "Attack!"

With an order, the battle broke out instantly.

"Roar... kill!"

The terrifying roar appeared in an instant, thousands of players roared in unison, that kind of formation, how terrifying, crazy roar, chilling, amazing sound waves, spreading crazily around.

It was almost like a burst of sound waves, spreading towards the surroundings.This is a bloody plan, a vain attempt to suppress the opponent's morale by relying on this momentum.The next moment, the armored warrior rushed over quickly, and the companions behind him also began to prepare for a powerful attack.

Although in the eyes of the real super guild, this kind of sound is not much deterrent, but for the members who are obviously newbies, this kind of sound is obviously full of murderous intent. Ai's subordinates couldn't help showing a trace of fear on their faces.

Seeing this situation, Ai with your legs crossed could not help but sigh slightly. It seems that in the future, you can’t continue to spoil your sisters like this. In the future, you should also strengthen training for your sisters, otherwise, this situation will It is difficult to maintain the status of one's own super guild.

"Snipers, long-range point kills, target energy controllers, medical soldiers, don't worry, they are just paper tigers, in the game, whoever is stronger will not be able to win, you can kill them with one shot..." Two legs crossed Say your love in a deep voice.

One by one, the snipers raised the sniper rifles in their hands, and under the scope, the ferocious faces of the energy controllers became clearer and clearer. Originally, these girls were a little afraid of killing people, but when they saw these ferocious faces , The fear in my heart disappeared immediately, and I pulled the trigger subconsciously.

Bang bang bang!

Intensive sounds appeared instantly, and a large number of armor-piercing bullets whizzed past in mid-air, drawing long, pale traces in the sky.

These girls have no combat experience, and their combat skills are extremely sparse. A large number of bullets were shot in the past, and a small part of them had already been shot, hitting the armored soldiers.

However, a strange scene appeared, the bullets were lasing on the armored warriors, causing an astonishing amount of damage immediately, a large part of them, the number of damages, soared to more than [-], and many of them were unlucky guards. He was directly hit by several bullets and died directly.

The equipment on these poor guards is really bad. A few rounds of armor-piercing bullets hit them, and they died immediately.That's not to mention, the rest of the bullets that flew towards the energy controller directly caused a large number of casualties, and each bullet could take away a fresh life.

It was this first counterattack that immediately caused quite astonishing results. At least a thousand players died directly under such an attack.

One by one, the girls involuntarily widened their eyes, looked at the weapons in their hands, and then at the players in front of them, and suddenly found that those men who looked terrifying and hideous were really like what the eldest sister said , is a flimsy paper tiger, as long as it is lightly tapped, it will break!

"Yeah, they're really so fragile..."

"Yeah, it's actually vulnerable. Is this still a man?"

There was a murmuring sound behind you, and your legs were crossed, and your love immediately filled your forehead with black lines. This is a battlefield, this is a battlefield, not a place for you to gossip!But obviously, it was this effect that made the fear in the entire team disappear without a trace in an instant.

"Everyone, pay attention to me, attack!"

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