Broken heart!

Blood splashed three feet only thought that his plan was quite strict, but he never thought that all his plans were under the eyes of the other party, and there was no way to escape the other party's eyes. Every piece of information was reported in time. .

Seeing the large number of medical soldiers in front of him, Yun Ling was even a little puzzled, shit, isn't it just a scuffle, is it necessary to send so many medical soldiers?

That's right, there are countless medical soldiers in front of them, and they are arranged in a long row.The number is quite astonishing, I'm afraid it can account for half of the entire team.

Putting down the binoculars in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of Yunling's mouth: No wonder, these girls are usually the most afraid of pain, and it is normal to choose the profession of medical soldier. The profession of medical soldier in the game has the largest number of female players. No exception.

It seems that your beloved subordinates with their legs crossed, really don't have much combat power to use, and they sent out such a large number of medical soldiers.To be honest, with such a large group of women, Yun Ling was really reluctant to deal with it, and felt a little ashamed, but there was no way, who would let the girl over there be her good friend?

For a friend, let's go both ways.

With a big wave of his hand, the [-] masters under his command immediately swarmed up, stepping in order, but none of them made the slightest sound. Although the entire army was advancing at an unusually fast speed, the noise it caused was quite Slight, under the suppression of the chaotic battlefield, it cannot be felt at all.

"It's time to come, it's finally here... Sister Yingxue... Now, I have an important task for you. Sister Shanwu, I also have an important task for you!" Among the legions, two legs crossed you The voice of love rang softly.


I don't know when, two earth-shattering roars suddenly came from the left and right sides. There was no cloud in the sky, and the power of the Blood Fiend Alliance finally appeared. A large number of players, like a tiger descending a mountain, suddenly surrounded from both sides , directly covering the medical team, this attack must completely destroy the bewitching legion.

This sudden change suddenly made the faces of the super guild masters who were watching the battle change wildly. This time, I am afraid that the women with seductive faces will be in trouble.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the sound is getting more and more violent, like a stormy sea. The violent power fluctuates crazily around, and the amazing aura is completely pervasive. Players are all around, countless masters, in the blink of an eye. , directly covering the entire army of bewildered faces, and launched the most bloody, brutal and crazy attack directly from the rear of the army.


With roars, earth-shattering, berserk power permeated the entire battlefield.

Affected by this force, the faces of the bewitching girls all changed wildly. Who would have thought that there were so many masters lurking in the dark, and the situation suddenly became dangerous.

However, the medical corps in the rear didn't panic at all, as if they didn't see a large number of people coming from all around.

The distance is getting closer and closer, 300 meters, 200 meters... At this moment, with an order, one by one, the medical soldiers who were originally dressed in white, suddenly took off their white board medical soldier uniforms, and wore excellent armor. It appeared instantly, and under the twilight, one could feel that dazzling power.

Tens of thousands of snipers raised their sniper rifles almost at the same time, and started shooting crazily on the spot. Suddenly, the bright light in midair exploded like fireworks, and a large number of bullets swept across the whole world. Wherever he went, there were crazy screams immediately, and bullets exploded directly in the crowd. On the chest, on the head, and between the chest and abdomen, clusters of dazzling blood flowers appeared continuously. .

Counterattack, cross your legs with your love has been preparing for a long time, although she doesn't know where the enemy will attack from, but your love with your legs crossed knows that the first target of the enemy's sneak attack must be yourself Coupled with the broken heart and Lin Shuang's intelligence, he has absolute control over the enemy's movements.

"Sisters, charge for me..." Han Yingxue suddenly shouted coquettishly, and charged forward directly. The Blue Witch's Oath in her hand shone with dazzling light, and powerful energy was in the palm of her hand. Spreading, the aura like a turbulent wave, filled with madness, just in front of Han Yingxue, a large number of armored warriors charged forward, these are the women of the Berserker Legion, each of them is extremely sturdy, in a weak body , Contains a powerful force that makes the enemy tremble with fear, death will not have the slightest impact on these women.

Although Wanli Wuyun is powerful, it is still not enough to see in front of the Berserker Legion. Countless players charge up directly, and the submachine gunners behind him have already started shooting frantically. Like sand flying all over the sky, they quickly drifted towards the front, completely covering the enemy in a blink of an eye.

The dense attacks immediately caused countless casualties, and the truly powerful decisive battle finally unfolded.

On the other side, Shan Wu also led the sisters around him to launch a charge. The number is not inferior to the enemy, the equipment is even more superior, and the level is not lower than the opponent. The only difference is the difference between men and women. The difference, at present, cannot cause the slightest impact.

The counterattack has begun!

Your love with two legs crossed has been prepared for a long time. Seeing the sisters fighting in front of them, these women's hearts are burning with fighting spirit. They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and this eruption is even more terrifying, like a tsunami. It surged in an instant, and wherever it went, it was immediately a stormy sea.


Fighting hand to hand, the melee professions finally launched a hand-to-hand combat. At this moment, these women's soldiers showed their own strength, and did not care about the laser knives cut by the enemy on their bodies. Blood flowed horizontally on their chests and arms. The pain, but also to block the opponent's desperate charge.

Ruthless, in terms of strength, they are not as good as the opponent's man, but in terms of toughness, these women are even better.

The fireworks were gorgeous, and the energy spell exploded crazily. Among the crowd on both sides, there were a large number of casualties immediately, and graceful figures fell like cherry blossoms, dying.

This is the battle between real masters, the previous killings were just child's play.The real battle officially kicked off.

The 20 masters of the Berserker Legion, the [-] masters of single aristocrats, and the [-] strongest combat members who are bewildered by their bewitching faces will eventually form a scale of [-]. This is the foreshadowing of your love with two legs crossed.

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