Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 439 There are wolves in front and tigers in the back

Han Yingxue, a powerful woman called the Goddess of Ice and Snow. Yunling, the top thunder master who controls a super powerful army like Wanli Wuyun, both of them are powerful, and the attacks of both of them are deadly enough.

Yun Ling disappeared in an instant. If it was before, Han Yingxue might still have some doubts, but now, after receiving the news before and having a good understanding of Yun Ling, Han Yingxue's reaction was abnormally fast, and she didn't even turn her body. , A streak of ice appeared behind him in an instant, completely covering the sky behind him. At the same time, his body retreated quickly, and the power of the ice was rapidly condensing on the palm of his hand.

Ice Wall!

This is just an intermediate-level ice-type energy spell, and its defense is average, so it can't resist Yun Ling's super lightning.

A lightning strike exploded on the ice wall in an instant, and immediately there was a chirping sound. The entire ice wall shattered instantly, and the sky was filled with dazzling ice flowers. Although the ice was broken, all the thunder and lightning , and was completely led underground by the ice, unable to cause the slightest damage to Han Yingxue.


Han Yingxue's reaction was extremely quick. Just as her body turned around, the sky was full of ice flowers, and before they disappeared, a large swath of frost directly covered it from the sky.It was freezing cold all around, and even a fine layer of goosebumps could not help but appear on the body.

Encountered an opponent!

Han Yingxue's attack, Han Yingxue's reaction, each one was enough for Yun Ling not to underestimate, the opponent was very strong, and he had to pay a heavy price if he wanted to defeat this woman. He didn't dare to stay where he was. Once he was covered by frost, even if his speed was slow for a second, he would be greeted by overwhelming attacks.

Lei Dun appeared again, although quite aggrieved, but Yun Ling did not have the opportunity to continue to expand the results of the battle, his body disappeared without a trace under a thunderbolt, and returned to his battle group again.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, it took only three seconds, but these three seconds were enough to be thrilling, and every second, there should be no slack in the slightest, otherwise, what was waiting for him would be the end of death. It is a battle between masters, there is no room for relaxation, and no one dares to make fun of his own life.

After a short battle of a few seconds, everything seemed to be back to the original point.

After a brief period of calm, the berserk attack erupted again. The sky was icy, thunder and lightning flickered back and forth, and the berserk power continued to explode. The master harmed the fish in the pond and died in the early killing.

The battle between real masters is not as imagined, one hit kills.It was a battle of snipers, a battle between energy controllers. The test was the positioning, the speed of singing and the power of skills. Of course, the equipment on the body was inevitable.

Among the station masters, the frantic killings are still going on, the sound of the main battlefield has gradually disappeared, those minions have almost been cleaned up, the battlefield has moved from the main battlefield to the flanks on both sides, and the two sides are engaged in a fierce melee , The people on each side are absolute elites, and the fighting is even crazier.


A bullet was ejected directly from the barrel of the gun. In the distance, among the cloudless players, a top sniper, the sixth son who was constantly sniping and killing the opponent's master, was suddenly destroyed. His whole head exploded instantly. Master, just fell away.

Lao Liu is definitely the number one expert under Yunling, with extremely strong strength. There are no less than ten members of Yaoyan Huozhong who died under Lao Liu's hands before, and each of them is a top-notch expert, but each of them was killed by Lao Liu. The life was taken away, but now, the life of the sixth child has also come to an end.

With a click, a shell casing fell to the ground immediately, and the scope flashed quickly among the crowd. Lin Shuang, soon found the next target, the fifth...

Although his own lethality is limited, Lin Shuang is concentrating all his strength and doing his best to eliminate the masters among the enemies who can cause strong damage to the Yaoyan Confused crowd. pressure.

Beside them, Naiye and Weta have the ability to attack from a long distance. One shot of energy shells keeps exploding in the crowd, and every time they are turned on their backs. What's more unfortunate is that these players only pay attention to the enemies in front of them. He didn't realize that there was a shameless guy behind him, who kept launching sneak attacks.

On the other side, Liu Li and Bloody Romance didn't stop, and the Soul Breaker Knight in his hand kept taking away fresh souls. Among the members of the Blood Fiend Alliance, there were countless masters who could be named, and they couldn't To escape from the sniping of two people, each of them will die directly.

On the other side, at some point, Xiaojie, Xiaoqi, and Qifeng got together. This time, two heavy machine guns fired wildly. It was like a light curtain, directly covering the enemies in front of them completely, each and every player, under the frantic strafing of bullets, kept shaking their bodies, and their bodies even became fragments.Even though the blood was spattering, he also discovered the sneak attack behind him, knowing that these people were not dead, he felt even more angry.

But, unfortunately, almost all of the subordinates around him are rubbish. Although hundreds of players were sent out to find trouble with Xiaoqi and the others, under the frenzied fire of two heavy machine guns, they had just left halfway. Son, he was smashed into pieces immediately, making the blood splatter all the more angry and unhappy in his heart.

Crazy World is not idle, around, strong wind, flame, thunder and lightning, all kinds of powerful attack energy emerge in endlessly, coupled with the summon of the dark gold weapon Satan in his hand, the attack power is extremely terrifying, plus the attack power of the energy controller itself It's quite abnormal. With the addition of the two, there is no player who can resist this kind of crazy attack.

There are wolves in the front, tigers in the back, and wolves in the front. Although there are not many tigers in the back, each of them is deadly. Under the leadership of love with your legs crossed, a large number of players have surrounded them. The little seven in the rear even made dumplings for the remaining [-] members who spattered three feet of blood.

Blood splattered three feet, his face was gloomy, and his heart was full of anxiety. Damn it, Yunling, and Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah San, why haven't there been news yet? The troops in the rear have been wiped out, why hasn't there been any movement until now?

A bad feeling grew in Blood Splattered Sanzhang's heart.


There was a clear sound of thunder and lightning, and there was a horrible scream immediately behind him. Blood Spattered Sanzhang's body suddenly turned around, and a familiar face appeared in Blood Spattered Sanzhang's eyes.

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