Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 455 Surgery

The roar of the car carried the third child, Xiao Yu, Xiao Qi, Lin Shuang, and Bing Cheng. Xiao Qi drove the sports car and quickly sped past on the ground. .|

I didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and the possible obstacles that I imagined didn't appear, and I went to the largest hospital in the whole city smoothly.

The doctors in the hospital may be a little bit black-hearted, but they are still quite responsible, and seeing the third child's injuries, good guy, there are four bullet holes in his body, fuck, this is a gang fight, I can't afford to mess with it, This kind of person is the kind of person that the hospital is most worried about, and at the same time the most annoying, and the kind of person that can't be offended.

***, if it’s cured, then everything will be fine, if it’s not cured, it’s the doctors in charge like me who are unlucky. If you are robbed, you will be hacked to death.

"Okay, Xiaoyu, don't worry. I believe that the doctors in this hospital are still very responsible and will definitely use the best technology. The third child will be fine." Seeing Xiaoyu's face full of worry, Lin Shuang He hurriedly comforted him, and inadvertently glanced at the attending physician next to him who was about to enter the operating room.

The attending physician immediately trembled, and immediately smiled: "Yes, yes, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to save the patients, save the dying and heal the wounded, that is our bounden duty."

"Then trouble this doctor!" Lin Shuang smiled and came to the side of the attending physician.

Just in a corner that no one else can see, a cold and hard thing has been pressed against the doctor's waist and eyes. That doctor is not an idiot, so it's a fucking muzzle. .|

"Hehe, this doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you about my brother's matter. If something happens to my brother, we brothers will definitely be very sad, and maybe we will do something crazy, so I hope you go to the hospital." Dim sum, by the way, this is a trifle, you must accept it!" At some point, a red envelope appeared in Lin's hands and stuffed into the doctor's pocket: "By the way, doctor, where to pay?"

"Just down there, right down there!"

God grandma, this is the standard way to hit a stick and give a red date... It shows that if you can cure it yourself, the weight of the red envelope is not light, but if you can't cure it, the black gun Tube, bullets may be sprayed out at any time.

The chief surgeon already understood that this was a serious test for him.

Smiling coldly, looking at the doctor, Lin Shuang let out a sigh of relief when he got into the operating room. Now, if you go to the hospital for an operation without giving a red envelope, it is simply impossible for anyone to perform a serious operation on you.Even if it is a red envelope, some people still think it is too little!

So Lin Shuang directly pressed the double guarantee. If you treat it well, the red envelope will be yours. If you dare to think carefully, the bullet will be yours. You can choose it yourself.

Nodding to Xiaoqi and the others, Lin Shuangdao went downstairs to pay the fee.

When I just arrived at the door of another operating room, I suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the front, and a slightly familiar figure appeared in front of Lin Shuang.

His face changed slightly, and Lin Shuang's head suddenly lowered, relying on the bodies of doctors and nurses to block his sight, the figure that appeared in front of him was the head of the bodyguard!Next to the head of the bodyguard, there were several other subordinates, all of whom were talking loudly.The doctors who passed by all dodged far away, for fear of offending these guys who dare not offend.

"***, that doctor, dare to tell us that we can't get on, **** doesn't want to mess around anymore, doesn't he just want money? I have plenty of money, so why don't I give it to you? Damn it, I will get it Kill his whole family." A bodyguard said arrogantly.

"Okay, don't talk about it, Huzi is recuperating here now, we go back to protect the second young master, that's our duty, just hire a few nurses here, after Huzi's arm recovers, we will raise some money each, Let Huzi leave, his arm has seriously affected his strength, and if he continues in this line of work, he may be killed one day." The head of the bodyguard said coldly, whenever he thought of that miraculous His marksmanship made him shudder for a while.

In this line of work, you have to face all kinds of dangers at any time, and things that lack arms and legs often happen.This time, Hu Zi is useless, even if he can get his arm back, it will be worse than before, and it will be over for the rest of his life.

This is the tragedy of the bodyguard industry. Once the body is seriously injured, it will be over immediately. Moreover, there is no compensation. If the boss is kind, he can give a little consolation money, otherwise, he can only rely on his brother We pooled some money so that this brother could barely make ends meet in the future.

This has almost become an unwritten rule in the bodyguard industry. Once a brother is seriously injured and cannot continue working, other brothers will raise some money so that this brother can continue to survive, because no one knows, when , will become like this.

I didn't expect this group of people to come here. It seems that the mastermind did not show up. If the third child is here, then the mastermind must be bloody. Come on, I live so close in reality, it's a good thing I didn't find out earlier, otherwise, it might be another fight.

He quietly followed behind until these people left, but Lin Shuang was never found. After making sure that these people left, Lin Shuang breathed a sigh of relief and went down to pay the fee. If these people found out, the third child might be killed at any time to assassination.

The third child betrayed him with blood splashing three feet, and with his blood-splattered temperament, he would definitely not let the third child go, and tried every means to kill the third child.

Fortunately, he was not discovered, and the third child is not in any danger for the time being.

After paying a fee of 10 yuan, Lin Shuang came to the front of the operating room again and patrolled the surrounding area. Although those people had already left, no one could guarantee that there would be no one staying here. If the whereabouts of Xiaoyu and the others are discovered, they can respond in time.

In the operating room, there was a constant chilly atmosphere, which made people shudder, and a layer of fine bumps appeared all over his body.

Xiaoyu's eyes were still blurred with tears, looking at the cold door, recalling the previous scenes, she couldn't help feeling sad, tears streaming down her face.

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