Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 468 Desperate Death

This is also normal. Members of a team usually perform missions together, train together, and get along with each other, and it is inevitable that different feelings will develop. .|But they also all know the other companions' feelings for Moon Shadow, so no one made it clear, it was a kind of bleak tacit understanding, which maintained the peace of the team.

As for Yueying, it seemed that she didn't feel the love around her, and she didn't seem to want to cause the team to split, so she didn't express her attitude. No matter which member she was, she always had the same enthusiasm, but she also had the same enthusiasm. obvious distance.

This situation has continued until now, even if their team was expelled from the special forces for some reason, it has not changed at all. The five people still live together.They are used to each other's existence, no matter which member leaves, it is enough to make them hesitate.

"Sister Yueying, you rest for a while, I'll come!" At some point, this guy, Desperate, had already joined him.

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal.Cigarettes, dragons roaming the world, dancing solo in the night, they cursed out of frustration, and at the same time cursed inwardly, why didn't they go up earlier?Grandma is a hammer, let the guy who is desperate to take the lead.Now if I go up again, it seems a bit contrived?

"No need, I'll just come, you guys take a break, I'm all mechs fighting, I'm fine!" With a charming smile, Yueying continued to lower her head to pack the equipment on the ground.

Although Wan Minger is considered the most handsome of these members, he is usually fierce, courageous, unambiguous, and decisive, but when facing Moon Shadow, Wan Minger also stutters.Even after one sentence, I didn't know how to continue.He kept cursing himself for being an idiot in his heart, whore, risking being punished for violating the rules, he raided a few romance novels in the dormitory, but now they are useless at all? ***, so disgusting, how can I tell myself to say it?

"I will take care of you and give you happiness. I only change for you. Give me a chance, and I will give you a happy sky? No, no, it's too shy, and it doesn't match my chic temperament. ?" Touching his stubble-covered face, he felt a little narcissistic. .|

"I dare not say it, because I am timid, because if you refuse, I will not be able to see you again in the future, I would rather love you silently, and not let you know, until, until you fall into the embrace of others? This sentence How is it? Damn, I forgot which book it was in, it’s too late, it’s too sour, shit, is this a confession, isn’t it a breakup? Is there any need to be so sad?” To be honest, this sentence fits well The current situation drops!

"I only care about you, just like a bird needs wings, a fish cannot live without water, and flowers cannot bloom without the spring breeze. I cherish every day I spend with you, and I care about every day I spend with you? This sentence, damn, doesn't good?"

I'm desperate today, I must confess it, grandma is a hammer, and there are three hungry wolves staring at her next to her. If you are slow, you will cry for the rest of your life.

With that tangled expression, the companions next to him looked weird. Anyone who knew something about this knew the tangled in Desperate's heart at this moment. Unfortunately, the cigarettes knew nothing about it.Little did he know that his greatest rival in love was about to appear.

It's a scene of watching a good show, and the surrounding atmosphere is quite weird. That kind of scene, watching your love with your legs crossed, is quite uncomfortable. ***, a big man falls in love with a woman, so he should confess his love directly. It's okay to confess, the big deal is being rejected?It's not the end of the world, so there's no need to be so embarrassing?

If it doesn't work, then Bawang will go straight to the bow, get on the boat first, and then make up for the ticket. Well, just like myself and that kid Lin Shuang, just get it right and don't say anything.

Desperately hesitating, let your love with both legs crossed be anxious for him.

It's just that under the ambiguity, no one noticed that in the grass next to it, there are hidden fluctuations rising rapidly, and there seems to be some special life under the ground, which may burst out at any time. Quickly approach here.

"I would like all the cold winds to blow to me in winter, and all the rain and snow to float to me! Let me build a warm clear sky for you! My dear, I hope your winter will be free from wind, frost, rain and snow, only happiness and warmth! Dear , can you be my girlfriend? Damn, fight, that's all!"

Wan Minger made up his mind, coughed softly, straightened his body, and caught Yue Ying's attention, looking at Wan Minger with a pair of shining eyes, wondering if this guy has a sore throat?During this period of time, how many times have you coughed?

"Hey, do you have a cold?" Yueying asked casually.

Those shining eyes almost completely crushed the courage that had finally risen in Wan Ming'er's heart.His face was swollen like a pig's liver, he didn't dare to look directly at Yueying's face, his eyes involuntarily drifted to the side, fuck, Alexander, God knows how the hero and heroine in those movies and TV shows opened their mouths?Especially those playboys, damn it, when they meet someone, fall in love with someone, have sex with someone, and say those nasty things, they don't hesitate at all.

It's just that it doesn't matter if the eyes are erratic, the redness on the desperate face disappeared in an instant, and it immediately turned into endless panic.


With a roar, the agility of a Min Zhan was brought into full play at this moment. It was almost a subconscious reaction. The desperate body, like a cheetah, rushed out instantly, and suddenly pushed his hands on Yueying's shoulders. superior.

Under the tremendous force, Yueying's body flew upside down, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

In the next moment, a sharp blade appeared behind Dean Ming'er in an instant. The cold blade reflected a dazzling light under the sunlight.



There was an ear-piercing sound, the blade flickered, almost like a phantom, and the light of the blade was torn off in an instant.


It was too fast, even before there was any time to react, the blade light had already been torn off, and only a stern scream was heard, the desperate body was directly torn apart under the crazy blade light, and the whole person directly turned into a Make two pieces.

The prelude to death has already appeared.

Who would have thought that after finally killing the snake and scorpion, they thought they could finally take a break, but they never thought that they would encounter such a perverted life again?

Although the level of Desperation is not high, but his own fighting consciousness is super strong, and as a sensitive warrior, his reaction is abnormally sensitive, but under this attack, he has no ability to counterattack at all, and even has no chance to dodge. The body was directly and completely torn apart.

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