"Damn, this mission can only be terminated temporarily..|Damn, I can't get used to Mad God's hypocritical appearance, it almost made me spit it out. God's men." After getting on the spaceship, Xiao Qi cursed.

"F*ck, it's up to you to say that? An idiot can tell that even if Xue Wuqing didn't turn to the Mad God, the news about us must have been passed through by the Mad God." Li Shang curled his lips in disdain.

"Then why did that kid come out in the end? If he didn't come out, he might be able to separate himself from this matter." Xiao Qi was a little puzzled.

"He's targeting me! The appearance of Xue Wuqing and the appearance of Mad God at the end are all aimed at me." Xiaojie suddenly said: "I will definitely attract the attention of Mad God when I appear in this base. He knows that I The popularity in this gang is worried that his rule will be affected, so he sent Bloodless to chase us down. If we die and kill us directly at the resurrection point, then he will have no worries. But Bloodless The appearance of the Mad God not only failed to complete the mission of the Mad God, but also blocked the sharp knife for us. Therefore, the Mad God must appear, and he must act in a manner that makes the old members of his subordinates feel that it is not that he will not let me return, but that I do not want to return. Returning, otherwise, if the old members of Mythology leave, it would be a disaster that Mad God cannot bear, so in the end, even if it is to risk being suspected by us, Mad God must appear."

Although the mission failed, and Desperate also died once, the team was not too gloomy. This incident taught everyone a lesson. The game is definitely not as simple as they imagined.The experience that was too easy before does not mean that this game is so easy. There are countless dangers in the corners that I can't see.

After arriving at the 5173 base, the team temporarily dispersed. The equipment released by the snakes and scorpions, as well as the equipment released by the primitive beasts before, were all bought and taken away by your love with two legs crossed. As for the money, it was divided equally by the team Well, this dispatch is probably the one with the least harvest among the several operations.

As for the members of the team, they also temporarily separated. Li Shang returned to the Berserker Legion, and put your love on his legs. Han Yingxue also has things that need to be busy. Bingcheng is offline, and Bingcheng has to pay attention to it at a fixed time every day Check the fluctuation of the third child's illness to avoid too dangerous situation, otherwise, relying on Xiaoyu alone will definitely not be able to guarantee the safety of the third child.

There is no success without smoke and fire, and the two dragons and the world took their companions to practice leveling. By the way, they also brought Xiao Qi and Crazy World together. After all, these two guys are powerful attackers , with these two masters, the speed of leveling will definitely increase exponentially.

As for the blood-stained rose, milk tea, and jelly, they are playing around in the game. In the words of these three girls, playing the game is just enjoyment. Fighting monsters and upgrading every day to do tasks to brush equipment, are you tired?Shopping is their favorite.

As for Liuli, she left without saying a word. This woman is lonely and mysterious. No one knows her origin, but this woman's strength is beyond doubt. There are very few players in the game who can surpass Liuli in strength. .

Lao Mao, Qifeng, and Xiaojie also left. These three guys are simply a couple and a half of good friends. No matter what they do, they like to act together.

As for the bloody romance and broken heart, they also leave for the time being.

Suddenly, there was no one around, only Lin Shuang was left wandering in the base.

***, have you become a loner?

Looking at the tasks in the task list, almost all of them are cleared. I have cleaned all the tasks before, and now there are no tasks that must be completed.There is no news about the non-stop battle. It is estimated that the electronic token of the guild was stuck at that time. After all, it is a hero-level boss. Thinking about Kuaidao, you know how difficult it is to fight against a boss of that level.

The duel with Chenlong and his gang is still seven days away.

For a while, Lin Shuang couldn't find anything to do.

soooo boring!

Now it is very appropriate to use this sentence to describe Lin Shuang. The boredom and leisure for a while made it difficult for Lin Shuang to adapt.

"Bring newcomers, super energy controllers, attack monsters in groups, lead newcomers to level up, level 1000 in three days, as long as [-] RMB, in three days, your level will be able to jump to level [-], or There is a vacancy, please report quickly..."

"Armor warriors lead a team and lead newcomers to level up. Safety performance is absolutely guaranteed. One person costs 800 yuan, and it takes two days to reach level [-]."

"Mecha master leads the training, you don't need to do anything, the most leisurely, the most leisurely training..."

At this moment, Lin Shuang's ears got into the voices of training one by one. Turning around to look, he didn't know when he had already run to the door of the job transfer center. Here, a large number of senior players were shouting Shouting and practicing.Now, the level of advanced players has basically reached around level [-].The trend of training has also begun to prevail in the game.

This is a shortcut for some unsatisfactory players to make money. Although they can't make a lot of money, it is more than enough to cover their living expenses. Many players don't care about the little money. Spend money and find a quick upgrade. Fazi, that is definitely a good choice.Therefore, the practice business is quite prosperous in the game.

There is also a training system in the game. Old players sign an agreement with new players. After bringing the player to a certain level, the old player can get rewards of love value, and the love value can be exchanged for various equipment, materials, skills in the game, It belongs to a kind of universal article.

It's just that the system's training is free, but these old players are naturally unwilling to bring newcomers to leveling for free, so outside the agreement, new players generally have to pay some fees to obtain the training.After all, the number of old players is small, and many of them are members of super guilds, so they don't bother to come to lead training, but most of the old players do not have the qualifications to lead training. Complete the task within the time, but also bear some punishment.

Therefore, although the practice business is booming, there have always been too many monks and too little food.As a result, the cost of training is now getting higher and higher.

For this system, Lin Shuang only has some understanding, and doesn't care too much, and Lin Shuang doesn't need to use training to make money.

"I don't know, what benefits can the love value get?" Such a thought suddenly came to my mind, anyway, I am idle, Lin Shuang opened the love system panel, and immediately a large densely packed thing appeared in front of Lin Shuang.

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