Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 481 Crazy for Love

Lin Shuang has gone completely crazy. For the sake of love, Lin Shuang has gone all out, and can't care about anything. He leads practice again and again, and replaces batches of players. Each round is five players. practice. .|

Later, even the newcomers in the base knew that there was a master who specially trained at the entrance of the job transfer center, free power leveling, and the efficiency was extremely high, but this master would only train five members at a time.For free, and the super high efficiency of level [-] a day, I don't know how many players gathered at the door, hoping that the next lucky one would be me.

But no matter how amazing the howling below is, Lin Shuang only trains with five members each time, which can ensure the highest efficiency. Although the more members you join, the higher the team experience bonus, but compared to Lin Shuang In other words, if there are too many players in the team, it is inevitable that there will be poor care. If a member dies, it will inevitably be another trouble.

Crazy for love... no, crazy for love.

Lin Shuang has gone completely crazy, and the words in his mouth are the value of love.Lin Shuang must obtain those two powerful skills, moreover, within the shortest possible time.

Crazy training, batches of players were replaced quickly, and at the same time, the number of love points on Lin Shuang's body was also increasing, increasing.

While Lin Shuang was crazy in the game, Bingcheng was busy in reality. The appearance of the third child made Bingcheng doomed to be extremely busy during this holiday. He had to check the signs of life of the third child at a fixed time every day. Avoid things that cannot be saved.

The third child is still relatively strong, and with Xiaoyu's careful care, there were no serious accidents.

Looking at the thin girl in front of her with dark circles around her eyes, Bing Cheng felt distressed for no reason. During this period of time, this girl must have been exhausted physically and mentally. .|But there is no way, no matter how much Lin Shuang, Xiaoqi and herself persuade, Xiaoyu is unwilling to leave the side of the third child, and has been quietly guarding and waiting for the third child.

If you are really tired and can't bear it, at most you can lie on the hospital bed and take a rest. Once the third child makes any movements, Xiaoyu will wake up immediately.

It's just a pity that about a day has passed, and the third child has not yet woken up. He looked at the hanging blood bag. This is already the fourth bag of blood. The third child's bleeding is too serious, and the blood transfusion cannot be interrupted, otherwise If so, life may be in danger at any time.

With a soft sigh, Bingcheng went to prepare today's dinner.One day in real time, six days in game time, one to six time, calculated, almost they are going offline soon.

On the other side, in this city, two men got together, and they both looked quite handsome. Putting it in a youth idol drama, he would definitely make countless girls scream.

It's just that these two handsome guys don't have the slightest sunshine on their faces now, but rather gloomy.

One is blood spattered three feet, and the other is Yun Ling.

"Damn, according to what you said, now you don't have a loyal subordinate by your side?" Yun Ling curled her lips and said harshly.

Xueshui Sanzhang shook his head: "There isn't a single one. I thought that the third child was the last loyal guy, but I didn't expect that kid to elope with my woman. The bodyguards around me are all sent by my elder brother , A large part of their task is to monitor my actions, they are not reliable at all, and now it is quite difficult for me to even come out to meet you."

"This can't be done. Under the watchful eye of so many bodyguards, it is impossible for you to make a comeback in the game. If there is any sign, your brother will immediately smash you to the ground. You have to leave the sight of these bodyguards, Only then can we have a chance to make a comeback." Yun Ling said in a deep voice.

"Otherwise, why would I ask you? You have to help me with this matter. I have nothing but [-] million yuan in funds now." Xueshui Sanzhang's voice was hoarse, and that anger could not be concealed at all.

"Don't worry, you still have my good brother, don't you?"



The two big hands were tightly held together...

"Jiyou walked together for a lifetime, those days are no longer there, a chrysanthemum, a lifetime, a liter of essence, a glass of wine... Jiyou has never been alone..." At this time, on the street far away, suddenly came a few The resonant singing voice of the gangster boy.

Hearing this voice, the two of them felt like they were getting an electric shock. Their palms were released instantly, their faces full of embarrassment. Damn it, it would be terrible if they were misunderstood as gay friends, fuck, these two are real opposite sex Love, I have no interest in same-sex asses.

"Well, I'll find an opportunity to transfer your bodyguards over there, and then I will arrange a place for you. We have to lurk for a while. Recently, your brother has been quite active. He has newly formed a blood alliance. In the game, deliberately Befriending gangs one by one, coupled with the previous background of the Blood Fiend League, the power that was previously defeated by the bewitching face is quickly returning, and now we are no match for your brother in terms of financial resources or power. After a while, you must calm down... By the way, have you found the third guy? Do you want me to help kill him?" Yunling said in a gloomy voice.

"Forget it, third child, I will definitely kill him, but not now, besides, that kid should be under my elder brother's command now, so I don't have a chance to do it for the time being."

huh... huh!

Panting violently, going back and forth several times, the love value on Lin Shuang's body has reached the level of [-] points, [-] points, is already a big number, as long as he does it again, he can successfully redeem it Two super skills, ***, I didn't expect this training to be so tiring. Those guys, how did they persevere?

It’s just that Lin Shuang doesn’t know that his appearance has greatly affected the business of this base. He is a free booster, and his speed is fast, which naturally arouses the envy of many players. , but the number of players who are willing to go there to practice is still rapidly decreasing. Everyone wants to try the feeling of rapid leveling, and, most importantly, it's free, isn't it?

The originally lively trading market is now deserted. I don't know how many players are waiting for Lin Shuang to appear.

With the sound of panting violently, Lin Shuang's figure finally appeared.

"I... I, I've been waiting here for a long time..."

"Fart, you can come earlier than me, I have been waiting here for a week..."

"Fuck you, it's been less than three days since free power leveling appeared..."

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