If I want to overthrow that sister Yu and the two little lolitas, I am afraid that I still have a difficult journey to go. In order to overthrow, it seems that I have to work harder. .|

This redoubled effort immediately made Alice climax, her face flushed with excitement, her body twisted crazily on Lin Shuang like a snake.

After the sky gradually darkened, Lin Shuang finally went offline. Bingcheng had already prepared dinner and was already waiting quietly. This gentle and virtuous little wife entered her role more and more. Bingcheng has known about the relationship between them for a long time, but apart from scolding Lin Shuang lightly, Bingcheng did not entangle too much. Anyway, Alice and the others are just virtual characters and cannot enter reality. Bingcheng is not worried They will take their place.

"How is the third child?" Lin Shuang asked softly while eating delicious food.

Bingcheng shook her head: "Still unconscious, too much blood loss, although blood transfusions have been ongoing, but the damage is too great, long-term blood loss has caused some brain cells to die, and I haven't woken up yet."

Nodding her head, Lin Shuang felt a little helpless in her heart. In order to save her beloved woman, the third child gave everything, even almost surrendered his own life, but now there is only one woman with tears on her face, I have to say that it was a kind of helpless sadness. God seems to like to joke very much. There are lovers but no relatives.

"Where's Xiaoyu?"

"That girl, shed tears all day long, and stayed by Lao San's side every day. Except for helping me with cooking and washing dishes every day, she stayed by Lao San's side for the rest of the time. If this continues, I'm really worried that one day she will I can't bear it." Bingcheng was also a little helpless, I don't know how many times she persuaded her, but Xiaoyu never changed at all.

"Ah... third brother, are you awake?" Suddenly, a scream full of surprise came from the next room, and Xiaoyu's original soft voice seemed to be a little dry, and it seemed to be full of unbelievable feelings Same.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Shuang and Xiao Qi, who were eating, shook their palms together, and their rice bowls almost hit the ground. They put down their chopsticks one by one, and swallowed the food without even caring about the food in their mouths. , one by one quickly came to the next room, and saw Xiaoyu's face full of surprises, slender hands grasping the rough big hands of the third child, his face was full of uncontrollable surprises.

I don't know when, the eyes of the third child have been opened, still revealing a weak appearance, but there is already a gleam of luster in the eyes. Hearing the voice from the door, the third child turned his head with difficulty and saw Lin Shuang , Xiao Qi, Bing Cheng's figure, with a smile showing from the corner of his eyes: "You guys... are here!"

A sentence must be divided into two halves. The third child no longer has the arrogance and wildness of the past. At this time, the third child looks abnormally weak.

"Don't move, your body is still recovering, and it's still quite fragile, don't move casually, so as not to touch the wound." Bing Cheng next to him warned.

"I know!" The third child said with difficulty: "This time, thank you, if it weren't for you, I would be dead. It doesn't matter if I die, but Xiaoyu is suffering!"

"No, in the game, you also helped us a lot. No matter what your reason is, you can use us, but you really helped us a lot! Therefore, we are just reciprocating retaliation, and you don't need to thank us." Lin Shuang nodded and said: "Recover well, this place is very safe, the boy's claws can't reach here. Hehe, I didn't expect that he lived so close to the grandson of Blood Spattered, and he was actually a neighbor If I had known, I would have shot that guy's head off."

Thinking of this, the third child couldn't help showing a smile on his face, as if he was quite helpless about this coincidence, but if it wasn't for this coincidence, he might have died by now.It doesn't matter if you die by yourself, but if Xiaoyu continues to fall into the hands of those people, I'm afraid that Xiaoyu's end will be extremely miserable. With the blood spattered so fiercely, Xiaoyu's life will be worse than death.

"Hey, I can come back alive... No, it's good to be able to wake up, at least I don't need to let someone worry about you becoming a vegetable. To be honest, I am a little envious of you, Seventh Lord. Damn, when you are unconscious, there are still people around you." There is a beautiful woman who cares, fuck, when I was in a coma before, there was nothing beside me except a wild dog that wanted to eat me, you can be content." Seems to have remembered something, Xiao Qi's eyes Slightly reddened.

"Are you hungry? If you want something to eat, I'll make it for you..." Xiaoyu seemed to be in a panic. The surprise of the youngest waking up made Xiaoyu forget all her common sense.

"If you want to kill him, you can do whatever you want." Bing Cheng couldn't help but rolled her eyes: "He can't eat anything now, he can't even drink water, his intestines are broken, this kind of injury can't be recovered in a day and a half , For this week, he can only hang on drips and inject nutritional medicines. Huh, it’s good to wake up. I can rest assured in the future. Pay attention to the medicine in the drip, and replace it in time."

Xiaoyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Well, you can continue to rest. If there is anything, just let Xiaoyu inform us." Let the third child continue to rest at ease, Lin Shuang and the others left here, leaving two people here whispering.Looking at the happy expression on the third child's face, everyone knows that even if the pain on the body is ten times worse, the third child's heart will always be occupied by warmth.

For the third child, this should be considered a kind of happiness, right?

The recovery of the third child made the heart that had been tightly hanging in the room finally relax.

After dinner, Lin Shuang, Xiao Qi, and Bing Cheng got into the game again after a short rest. Their bodies were still on the mysterious plateau, and the tentacle monsters in the distance were still dancing their tentacles. , these monsters seemed more and more excited.It looks like a ghostly ghost, which makes people feel hairy.

Shaking his head, Lin Shuang left the area and returned to the base.

The experience value has reached the level of 37% seven of level 80.00.It seems that during the time when I fell asleep, what I gained was not only as simple as a sexual dream, but even the experience value skyrocketed crazily.The monsters here have quite a lot of experience points.

That being the case, being idle is idle anyway, Lin Shuang started to spawn monsters crazily here, and at the same time chatted randomly with his companions in the mercenary team channel.

The experience value is slowly increasing. Four hours later, with a loud reminder from the system, Lin Shuang's level has finally reached level 38. It is too difficult to upgrade now.

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