Even the strength of the same kind of mutant beast may vary greatly. When it is strong, it is more rampant than a hero-level boss. When it is weak, it is not even as good as an elite-level monster. .|Obviously, the boss I encountered before is absolutely powerful. Even if it is not as good as a hero, it is not far behind. It belongs to that kind of extremely powerful force.

I don't know how long it took to advance, and the monsters harassed me endlessly along the way. After half a day of trekking, I finally came to the top of the mountain.

This mountain is not too tall, but standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, there are many mountains and mountains, and there is a feeling of seeing all the small mountains at a glance.Moreover, this Cyanwood Ridge is quite strange, the top of the mountain is not pointed, but flat like a square!

There is even fertile soil on it, large green weeds are scattered on it, there are no particularly tall trees, the sun in the sky is shining down, dispelling the haze that has always been, and even, on the top of the mountain, there are unusually bright flowers. huge flowers.

The petals are the size of a human head, and the flower bone is like a shy beauty, tightly closed together without revealing the slightest gap. The huge emerald green leaves are shaking constantly with the breeze beside the flower branches. There are also slender and soft branches growing, covered with hideous barbs.

Looking around, there were no monsters. He raised his palm and the team stopped immediately: "Everyone, let's take a rest here. After three or ten minutes, move on."

Although the surrounding area does not seem to be dangerous, there is no carelessness in the non-stop fighting. A few snipers and a few submachine gunners are responsible for patrolling, carefully patrolling, and reporting immediately if there is any change in the surrounding area.

Resting, climbing the mountains for half a day, although this is just a game, everyone can still feel the pain in the body, the whole body is extremely tired, the muscles are almost completely entangled, and the body seems to fall apart at any time .

Among the more than 1000 elite members, there are also hundreds of female players, most of whom are medical soldiers. For these women, climbing for such a long time is a severe test.But even in this situation, women's nature of beauty has not changed.

Although the huge flower looks quite weird, it still attracts the attention of many women, especially the bright petals, which are like bright red blood, revealing a kind of eerie and strange beauty. , more and more tempting.

Several nympho sisters involuntarily leaned up and surrounded the petals, as if they wanted to pluck this flower bud, maybe it could have beauty benefits.God knows what these women are thinking?In this case, if you don't take the time to rest, what you think of is beauty treatment.

Eyes full of fascination, even a bit of cutting, a mm stretched out a small hand, trying to break off the petals, although such a beautiful flower is a pity, but...

At this time, an accident suddenly appeared. The moment mm's little hand just touched the petals, the surrounding branches instantly entangled, as if they had their own life, each branch completely entangled mm's delicate body.The sharp barbs on it directly pierced the snow-white nurse's uniform on mm's body.

In an instant, clusters of bright red splashed out from the snow-white nurse's uniform.Blood slowly flowed down mm's body.


A shrill scream attracted everyone's attention, and they all turned around quickly, and a more terrifying scene than before appeared.

Right in front of everyone, little mm's body was covered in bright red, and she almost completely turned into a blood man. That's not counting, when the little mm screamed, the originally shrunken flower bone suddenly exploded, The petals spread out, and there were hideous barbs everywhere inside, which looked like dense teeth, which made people tremble and shudder.

When seeing this scene, even with Lin Shuang's nerves, he couldn't help but feel hairy all over his body.

Right in front of everyone, the petals opened and swallowed the little MM in one gulp.With a groan, with a shrill scream, the little girl's entire body was completely swallowed up by the petals, and as the flower bone struggled violently, there was no more movement.

A living player was devoured alive in front of everyone in less than a second, especially the devouring monster was a bright flower. That kind of scene looked amazing.

Horror emotions spread in everyone's hearts. Who could have imagined that the strength of this monster was so shocking, so perverted, that a living life could disappear without a trace in such an instant?

Jungle piranha: lord-level boss (special life, jungle hunter, charming appearance, confuses the target, the beautiful appearance becomes the best camouflage, don't underestimate her beauty, once you are addicted to it, then What awaits you will be death.)

Level: Level [-]

HP: 360000/360000

Attack: Kill

Skills: none

No skills, not even attack value.

But no one dared to underestimate this guy, he must be killed, those two bright red numbers are enough to make people despair.

Must kill, that is to say, once you are targeted by this guy, you will definitely die.


"Kill it!" Zhan Bianchang's chest rose and fell rapidly, and with a roar, the battle began instantly. The intensive attack descended from the sky, covering the piranha completely.This is an extremely special monster. Once you are targeted by this guy, no matter how high your level is or how good your equipment is, you will definitely die.

Must kill!

However, this guy also has a fatal flaw, that is... unable to move!The body stayed on the ground, without the right to move at all, and could only bear the attacks of the crowd one after another.

After a round of attack, thousands of astonishing numbers emerged from the body of this monster. The defense of this piranha is also extremely fragile. Each attack can cause at least three-digit damage, and four-digit damage. The damage is even more numerous.

After one round of attack, the boss' blood volume was directly reduced by half, and after the second round of attack, he was completely dead.

A rest time that was finally obtained was broken like this, especially the death of a mm, which made people feel sad and indignant.In the Berserker Legion, there are few female members. Every beauty has many suitors and belongs to the key protection object in the team.

Even the other innocent piranhas around them were completely wiped out. After killing this piranha, the guns turned around, and the surrounding area was blazing hot.

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