Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 492 Life and Death Haste

Dead Grassland!

This is a grassland of death. The moment the boss just appeared, an off-road vehicle was scrapped immediately. At the same time, twenty fresh lives in the vehicle disappeared, and they also lost the breath of life in an instant. .|

One after another, sparks appeared on the abandoned off-road vehicles, the six-level energy stone was charged, and the energy storage equipment was severely damaged.

The body of the monitor lizard was still roaring crazily on the off-road vehicle, its sharp claws tore the iron sheet below, trying to find out if there were any survivors inside.At this moment, there was a violent explosion, and the whole car turned into a ball of flames, and even the body of the monitor lizard was blown away by the violent impact. There were hideous bloodstains all over the body, and there were scorched Trace, although he didn't die directly, but this explosion also made the monitor lizard suffer unbearable pain.

Escaping, just started, immediately the death of a brother in an off-road vehicle, the lives of twenty companions, the sound of system prompts kept coming from the ears, and the face of the non-stop battle became more and more gloomy. The death of each brother seemed to be a needle. Tie-like, raised in the chest.But as a gang leader and a person in charge, one must remain absolutely calm under any circumstances.

The sports car continued to roar and spread wildly on the grassland. All of them were charged with six-level energy stones. The speed was directly driven to the highest level, and the car was violently bumped.

Bosses appeared one after another, and there were also figures of mutated beasts, constantly shuttling among the densely packed monsters. Their speed, size, and strength were beyond the reach of ordinary monsters. Soon, those ordinary monsters were far away. Far away.Launched a berserk attack on the running off-road vehicle.


The body of the car swayed violently, the front of the car turned its direction directly, without the slightest decrease in speed, and continued to run towards the front left. At that moment, a ferocious cheetah appeared next to the car, with golden skin all over, and copper coins General marks, densely packed.

That pair of ferocious sharp claws directly made a huge deep pit on the ground.Fortunately, I finally escaped.

The members of the car breathed a sigh of relief, but before they could react, the whole body of the car suddenly flew up, and the next moment, like riding a roller coaster, the car spun crazily in the sky, bringing out a burst of violent excitement The hurricane, through the constantly rotating glass, just below, appeared an ugly life, it was a huge earthworm... That steel-like head came out directly from the depths of the ground, and with a bang, it directly smashed into the ground. The front of the car tilted.

Under the super speed, the car directly soared into the sky.After several spins, it hit the ground with a bang, and immediately another burst of flames shot out, and another car was scrapped.

The heavy attack is unbearable. On this dead grassland, any boss is so strong that it is unbearable.


The light of energy spells suddenly appeared in the void, one after another energy spells flashed crazily in the sky, accompanied by the bullets of submachine gunners, magic gunners, and machine gunners, and intensive attacks, in a delusion to block the pursuit from behind .But these ordinary attacks may have good effects on ordinary monsters, but for those bosses, it's like scratching an itch, not worth mentioning at all.


There were successive explosions, and violent fluctuations came from behind. Fiery energy spread across the grassland. Every time, an off-road vehicle was scrapped.

Driving at the forefront, and the off-road vehicle that is constantly fighting, the gt400 is also the fastest off-road vehicle, but even so, it has to withstand attacks from monsters.

Just when Lin Shuang was fighting non-stop and Li Shang was attacking the monster behind him, blocking the monster's footsteps, the body of the car suddenly turned violently, and unexpectedly made a 180-degree turn. Throw away several members of the car.

That's not counting, the next moment, the car zigzags forward in the shape of lightning.



There was a piercing sound in my ear.

Li Shang only felt his sense of hearing, as if it had completely disappeared at that moment. At that moment, a sharp claw suddenly wiped the car window and swept it down. It was the sound of fingernails scratching the glass. It makes people tremble.The strong glass can stop the bullets of the sniper rifle, but it cannot stop the violent claws. There are five more hideous cracks on the whole glass, which burst directly.

At the same time, a huge figure appeared in front of Li Shang.

Prairie Wolf King!

A fiftieth level lord boss with extremely terrifying attack power.

"Boundless Lightning!"

With a sharp shout, a ball of dazzling lightning was thrown directly from Li Shang's hand. The next moment, it immediately exploded on the body of the Prairie Wolf King. The entire huge body trembled violently, and a state of paralysis appeared. Wang's figure stopped temporarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, GT400 roared quickly and quickly left this dangerous area.

Seven Star Lianzhu!

On the other side, Lin Shuang was also preparing for a violent attack, and a colorful tiger was chasing after the off-road vehicle crazily.Seven consecutive bullets exploded directly on the tiger's head, and one eyeball was directly exploded by the power of Qixing Lianzhu, and the blood volume lost more than [-] points.

But this attack also made the colorful tiger even more violent. Amidst the roar, the tiger's body shook, and its body flew across the air. Those huge claws descended from the sky, tearing towards the off-road vehicle.

"Concussion bomb!"

Another bullet was fired.

Although the resistance to negative states is extremely terrifying, under this attack, the colorful tiger's body also trembled involuntarily, and the body fell to the ground with a thud, creating a huge deep hole.

On the other side, the body that was constantly fighting was also trembling violently. A large number of bullets swayed out of the gun chamber. The dense attack directly covered a large area in front of it. Bullets intercepted.

Flame spurts!

Lin Shuang is on the left, Li Shang is on the right, and Zhan Nonstop is in the middle!As for Liuli, he is in charge of the front. Once any monsters appear in front of him, with Liuli's driving skills, he can make the most correct response instantly.

Crazy Battle Royale.

Dead Grassland!

On this piece of grassland, the hidden dangers far exceed everyone's expectations. There are more than ten terrifying bosses, each of which is extremely powerful, and there are even mutant beasts appearing.

Boom... A large piece of flames fell from the sky, and an off-road vehicle burned directly and exploded. Under the endless shock waves, an ugly but terrifying monster appeared in front of everyone.

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