Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 498 Making Money Crazy

"Yayi? Are you here? Tell your people not to buy the advanced storage capsules that appear in the auction house. Those are all sold by me. They are deceptive things. If you need them, I will help you buy one." I will mail it to you." Just as Lin Shuang was about to start the auction, he suddenly thought of your love with his legs crossed, and quickly sent a message.

"Where did you get the advanced storage capsule?"

"Intermediate base. I don't have time to say more. If the guy who keeps fighting finds this business opportunity, it will be over. I want to make a good profit before he finds out." Lin Shuang smiled and hung up the contact quickly.

Immediately, a storage capsule was placed on it, and the price was [-]!

The moment the advanced storage capsule was placed, it disappeared immediately in less than a second.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Wushuang for successfully selling the advanced storage capsule and getting 20.00 yuan. After deducting the system auction fee of [-]%, please collect it by yourself..."

The sound of the system prompting sounded immediately, the tax of this system is really cheating, 2, 5000 tax will be deducted, and the remaining [-] will be deducted from the original [-] yuan, an advanced storage capsule I can earn [-] yuan.

Make a lot of money, definitely make a lot of money.This is the advantage of resources, only you have it, and the things that countless other players need are absolutely sky-high.

The high-level storage capsules in the Moonsea Blue Ring were quickly placed one by one, and each one was quickly snapped. They would not stay on them for too long, and would disappear without a trace.The sound of system prompts continued one after another.

In the same way, countless players who were about to pick up leaks in front of the auction house began to concentrate and struggle to snatch high-level treasures.However, at the same time, there were also many women who, with a slight smile, withdrew from the ranks of this competition.

The Moonsea Blue Ring can only increase the storage space by [-] grids. In addition, Lin Shuang already has a lot of sundries, bullets and the like, occupying nearly [-] grids of space. A capsule with [-] grids can only hold [-] grids of items on the body.This was the most annoying thing for Lin Shuang.

The [-]-block storage capsule in the Moon Sea Blue Ring sold out quickly. This kind of thing just appeared, and it was immediately snapped up by players. I don’t know how many players in the game are full of desire for this kind of item. The life of a grid backpack is really too painful. It is impossible to store much supplies, let alone much loot, which greatly slows down the duration of the battle.

The original good leveling time was wasted on the way back and forth.

Therefore, this kind of item is naturally very popular, so there will be no unsold situations at all. Every high-level storage capsule will be instantly killed by players the moment it appears.Although there is some doubt about the sudden appearance of such high-level props, no one has time to think about this situation now. I am afraid that this kind of item will be sold out by accident, and my backpack will not be enough.

There are still one hundred storage capsules, which will continue to be sold on sale.

"Ding, announcement in the whole district, I am a mad god, the leader of the Berserker Legion, the brother who sells high-grade storage capsules, I wonder if I can discuss it, I buy a large number of high-grade storage capsules, and the price is negotiable."

"Ding, the announcement in the whole district, I have passed down, the leader of the legendary headquarters, the brother who sells high-end storage capsules, I also want to buy high-end storage capsules in large quantities, the price can be purchased according to the market price, or higher, if you want, You can chat with me privately."

"Ding, the announcement in the whole district, I am the prodigal son of the wolf clan, the leader of the wolf clan, and the gang will sell a large number of high-end storage capsules. You can add an extra [-]% to the market price. If you want, you can discuss it in detail."


At this moment, the whole district's announcement suddenly rang crazily, and all the bosses jumped out suddenly, for only one purpose, that is the advanced storage capsule, that kind of thing is definitely a high-end Guild necessities.

Lin Shuang chuckled, since someone is willing to be taken advantage of, what else can I say?That can't be blamed on myself.

All one hundred storage capsules were smashed up, and the price was 12!Since you are willing to pay [-]% higher, then I can't refuse, can I?

200 million!

This time, many players stopped playing. ***, the price of 200 million is no longer acceptable to ordinary players.

However, this scene did not last for too long. Three seconds later, one hundred storage capsules had been bought, and it was unknown which super guild did it.For those super guilds, more than 1000 million is simply a drizzle, not worth mentioning.

At this time, the two corrupt guys, Li Shang and Zhan BuBuan, who were also wandering around in the game, but wandering into the tavern, drinking heavily and eating meat, were also stunned.

Sluggish face, advanced storage capsule?Those low-level bases are not sold at all, only mid-level and above bases will be sold.Damn, that brat Wushuang actually discovered such a good opportunity to make money, and what's even more damned, this guy didn't inform himself two, fuck, it's so embarrassing on Si.

On the other side, in the clothing store, Liuli, who was observing the clothes, was also stunned. She reacted instantly and ran towards the grocery store one by one.

Although this amount of money seems worthless in those super guilds, it is definitely not a small sum, and it is almost tantamount to earning for nothing. No one thinks they have too much money, unless they are fools.

"My day, Wushuang, you are so mean, you didn't notify us of such a good opportunity?" In the team chat channel, there was a chance that the boss was not happy with the non-stop battle.

"You didn't ask, besides, how do you know it's me, maybe it's Liuli?"

"Nonsense, we saw Liuli girl go to the clothing store with our own eyes..."

"Well, as an apology, let me tell you a piece of news. The original price of the high-end storage capsules in the grocery store is 2 yuan. But if you buy a large amount at one time, you can negotiate with the boss. You can get it for only [-] yuan. Boss, come two more." Hundreds of advanced storage capsules..."

"Day, you boy, don't buy them all..."

Like crazy, one by one guys quickly gathered towards the grocery store.This time, the owner of the grocery store was very happy, he couldn't close his mouth, making a lot of money, this time he definitely made a lot of money, there was no business at first, but this time, the business was unprecedentedly prosperous, in this grocery store , there is only a reserve of [-] advanced storage capsules, but they are completely sold out in such a short period of time, can he be unhappy?

A thousand storage capsules were sold out quickly, and there was not a single one left. Until a long time after the end, those players who had been waiting there finally left helplessly.

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