Beauty Pet Corps

Chapter 513 Killing

No one will notice Uto's nails. .|But for professionally trained masters, nails are an absolutely deadly weapon, even more dangerous than machetes, because no one will pay attention to the extremely ordinary nails, and who can imagine , Those seemingly fragile nails are actually deadly weapons?

People have a fatal misunderstanding.That is, one's own fists, one's own feet, knees, elbows, and even the head, etc., can cause serious damage to the enemy.But people forget that these parts are not the strongest parts where people appear in front of each other.

The strongest part is the teeth... but the teeth are surrounded by lips, and the second is the nails. The nails are the surface of the human body. Apart from the teeth, they are the strongest and sharpest thing, a clever killer, Even just a fingernail can easily take the life of the target.

Sharp nails, perfectly maintained, look delicate, luxurious, and flawless.It's amazing. For those who have a special preference for beautiful nails, those five nails are simply a gift from heaven, and there is no flaw in them.But now, these five nails have become the deadliest weapon.


Sharp as a knife.

Under the moonlight, there was a gloomy and cold light reflected on the nails.

It was torn off from the chest in an instant, and with a snort, the clothes on the chest were immediately shattered into pieces. The naked chest appeared in front of Maotu, and there were even five hideous bloodstains on it. The blood penetrated the skin and gurgled out. , like a river, rushes on and on.

The next moment, the footsteps staggered one after another, and one arm blocked it, directly knocking the machete in the hands of the dead man into the air. Like a nest, it looks like two lovers who have been separated for a long time, hugging each other intimately.

But the dead man's face became stiff in an instant, and his pupils shrank instantly.

Tick ​​tock!

On Maotu's slender, beautiful and white palm, drops of blood dripped down continuously.

A few seconds later, with a plop, the lifeless body fell to the ground. At the junction between the lower jaw and the middle of the neck, there were already five hideous blood holes on the piece of soft flesh. The blood, It is the continuous gushing from the blood hole, and the life has disappeared.

Don't look at Mao Tu, although she is only a woman, she is definitely not a weak woman. The lives of people who died under Mao Tu's hands are dozens if not a hundred, and the attack is fierce, which is not inferior to other brothers.

The dead man died, and Maotu immediately jumped back to the head of the bed, and a small pocket pistol appeared under the pillow.Firearms are the most important attack power in reality. No matter how sharp your nails are, you can only fight melee. But with firearms, your attack range will immediately expand.

After having the pistol, Maotu's heart suddenly became more stable, he let out a sigh of relief, and silently sneaked towards the door.

In another quiet room, before he even had time to completely disconnect from the system, relying on his own powerful and sensitive to danger, Chenlong felt as if he was being electrocuted in a split second, his whole body was numb from the shock, Even before completely disconnecting the power supply, relying on strong willpower to forcibly manipulate his body, a leg lying flat on the bed suddenly kicked away, and with a bang, a black shadow flew upside down in front of Chenlong. out.

Chenlong's strength is far from what other brothers can compare to, and his ability to fight in close quarters is extremely abnormal. He has already reacted in an instant, and in less than two seconds, the helmet has been removed by Chenlong When he got down, his eyes had just been able to see the surrounding environment, and Chen Long's whole body was already like a cheetah, and he jumped out of the bed in an instant.

The dead man hadn't even fully got up from the ground. The next moment, Chenlong's attack had landed like a violent storm. His fists, like raindrops, exploded on the dead man's body. Every time, he could directly Bring up a deep depression.


It was the sound of ribs breaking.

Severe pain, the dead man seemed to be feeling nothing, with a dull face.Just like a walking corpse, a sharp machete landed on one arm again, trying to tear Chenlong completely apart.

Chenlong's reaction was extremely sensitive. One palm waved like lightning. The next moment, the palm appeared at the forty elbow position, holding the dead man's arm tightly. The next moment, the palm suddenly exerted force , With a click, the entire arm snapped instantly, and at the same time, the machete in his hand fell to the ground.

A broken arm, what an astonishing injury, with one move, the dead man completely lost the power to fight back.

I don't know when, the machete has appeared in Chenlong's hands, the cold light flashed away, scoff!

A bloodstain immediately appeared on the neck, and the blood spurted out, and a large piece of ferocious and warm blood immediately appeared on Chenlong's face.

Another killer died!

There are only three floors in the entire attic, and Chenlong and Maotu live on the top floor.At this moment, there was a burst of crackling and bang bang sound from the second floor and the first floor, mixed with the roar of Yinhu and Ugly Bull.

Chenlong's expression changed wildly, and he immediately walked out of the room with a bright silver pistol in his hand. Just as Chenlong walked out of the room, Maotu's figure just appeared.

"Brother Long, how are you? The blood on your face..." Seeing Chen Long's blood-stained face, Mao Tu was slightly taken aback, and asked subconsciously.

"Which dead man's blood is that, let's go down quickly!" Not daring to neglect, Chen Long quickly walked downstairs.

The furthest room on the second floor was indeed Hai Zhu's room, and there were constant groans coming from it.

Chenlong and Maotu's expressions changed slightly, they kicked open the door in an instant, and walked in, only to see Haizhu clutching his stomach and whimpering, with blood flowing between his fingers.But in the surrounding area, there was no figure of any dead man. Looking carefully, he was actually sitting under Haizhu's buttocks, his body had already started to twitch, and his face was green for a while.

Poor guy, Haizhu weighs more than [-] kilograms, let alone an ordinary person, even an elephant can't bear it...

But now, before he was thinking about it, it was obvious that Hai Zhu had been injured, with a knife mark on his stomach, and blood was flowing horizontally.But apart from humming twice in his mouth, Haizhu didn't show anything else.Each of the twelve zodiac signs has its own strengths, and what the pig is best at is patience, not to mention a single knife, even if the whole body is wounded everywhere, it is still alive and well.

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