Chapter 102 Whipping
Shen Qingning was taken aback, she looked at the furious Lin Jihan and said, "My lord, the emperor asked me to come and see you."

"My king said go away!"

Lin Jihan's voice shook so loudly that his own body trembled, and even Shen Mengqi's hand holding her trembled.

"Oh, it hurts."

Hearing these two words, Lin Jihan suppressed the anger in his heart and gritted his teeth at Eleven and Seventeen who had just chased in: "Are you all dead? Don't you even know that such a big living person slipped in?"

"It's the subordinate's dereliction of duty, and I ask the prince to forgive me."

"Take her and get out! If you let outsiders in again, this king will kill you!"


Eleven and Seventeen immediately supported Shen Qingning one by one from the left and the other from the right, and dragged her out after saying something that offended her.

Shen Qingning instantly felt ashamed, she yelled at Eleven and Seventeen: "This princess came here at the emperor's order, how dare you be rude to me?"

Eleventh and Seventeenth were not as tactful as Ye Wei, they looked at Shen Qingning like a clown and said, "We are under the orders of the prince."

After finishing speaking, they threw Shen Qingning out of the door mercilessly, and then guarded the door of Juxing Pavilion like two door gods.

Looking at Shen Qingning who was kicked out, Wang Yanzhi smiled contemptuously.

This smile happened to be printed in Shen Qingning's eyes.

Being humiliated, the embarrassing anger surged up in an instant, Shen Qingning pulled out a whip from her waist and waved it at Wang Yanzhi without hesitation, "You are a Tongfang who was abandoned by the family, what right do you have to laugh at the princess! "

With just one whip, Wang Yanzhi was drawn out with a streak of bright red blood.Nuomi was so frightened that tears dripped down her face, she turned over and protected Wang Yanzhi under her body.

She looked at Eleven and Seventeen who were guarding the door and said, "I beg you, please save our master!"

Eleven and Seventeen looked at the bloody two who were beaten and took a step forward with some reluctance.

At this time, Shen Qingning raised her eyes to look at them, "Eleventh and Seventeenth, the prince didn't say he wanted to protect the two of them, did he?"

"The princess came to visit at the emperor's order, but you threw it out like a rag. I don't blame you, but I must let the princess get angry. "

Seeing Eleven and Seventeen who silently retracted their steps forward, Nuomi knew that they were retreating.

Nuomi looked at them desperately, Eleven and Shiqi could only turn around to avoid them.

She broke down and shouted in despair, "Your Highness, help me, Your Highness! Our master is going to be killed!"

Shen Qingning looked at the crumbling glutinous rice, and she flicked her whip more vigorously, "You can call whatever you want, Shen Mengqi is still shutting the door of hell, how could she care about you!"

Shen Qingning pumped hard for more than ten times, the glutinous rice had already been sucked in more air and less air out, but she insisted on hugging Wang Yanzhi who had fainted and did not let go.

Seeing that someone was about to die, Chang Le, who was beside Lin, came over.

"Princess Qingning, the old lady has learned that you are here, and specially invites you to go over to catch up on the old days."

Shen Qingning was also tired from the beating, she panted heavily and retracted the whip to her waist, she was determined to win and said to the master and servant who was already unconscious: "You are lucky today, after the princess enters the palace, the princess will come again Educate you well for Mengqi."

As soon as Shen Qingning took Chunni and followed Chang Le, Eleven and Seventeen hurriedly called Langzhong Wang Yanzhi and Nuomi to help them to the side room for treatment.

This night, the palace is destined to be restless.In the first half of the night, the imperial physicians finished treating Shen Mengqi's wound, and in the second half of the night, Shen Mengqi started to have a high fever, talking nonsense.

Lin Ji was so anxious that he almost tore down the house, and the imperial physicians even knelt down.

"When will Madam Wang wake up?"

Doctor Wang took out the handkerchief in his arms and wiped the sweat on his forehead, then said tremblingly, "Probably in an hour or two."

Lin Jihan's brows and eyes were like knives, making people flustered.


"Maybe for a while."

"How long is a session?"

Lin Jihan slammed down the table so hard that everyone in the hospital trembled three times in fright.

"Are you playing with me? Don't you want to taste what it's like to lie on the bed?"

The imperial physicians, who had lived in the capital all their lives and had never experienced any troubles, were trembling with fright, "We are incompetent, please calm down, my lord."

"What this king wants is not that you are incompetent, but that my wife wakes up!"

Seeing that Lin Jihan's anger was becoming more and more uncontrollable, a coquettish voice rang out, "Be quiet, your ears hurt."

Hearing the coquettish call behind him, Lin Jihan's body shook, he quickly raised his head, and looked at Shen Mengqi who was frowning, the hostility around Lin Jihan instantly dissipated without a trace.

The imperial physicians who were kneeling together also breathed a sigh of relief, and half of the imperial physicians collapsed on the ground.Fortunately, Her Royal Highness woke up, otherwise they would have died.

Lin Jihan put his head on Shen Mengqi's forehead, "Wake up, you little fox, you really scared me, is there any discomfort?"


As soon as Lin Jihan heard this, he immediately turned around and was about to call the imperial physician, but Shen Mengqi pulled his arm, "You make me uncomfortable."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who still had the strength to 'live' herself, Lin Jihan laughed and scolded: "Little bastard!"

Even so, Lin Jihan was still a little worried, and he called for Doctor Wang to come up and check.

After Lin Jihan stepped aside, Shen Mengqi saw the imperial physician kneeling, she thought to herself, those who didn't know about this battle thought she was going to die.

Looking at Imperial Physician Wang who was sweating profusely and with slightly trembling hands, Shen Mengqi said, "Doctor Wang, what's wrong with you?"

"Master is fine."

Doctor Wang looked at Shen Mengqi tearfully and said, "Your Highness, it's really great that you're fine."


I still remember that Imperial Physician Wang was as calm as Mount Tai when cutting hemorrhoids for the emperor, but today she just suffered a little skin trauma, why did he look like he was in a catastrophe after a near death.

Before Shen Mengqi could speak, Imperial Physician Wang let go of Shen Mengqi's wrist.

I saw Doctor Wang knelt down and returned to the original place, "If you go back to the prince, Her Royal Highness's fever has subsided, and the rest are skin trauma, as long as you take care of it carefully."

"I'm sorry, you are all great doctors."

All the imperial physicians shook their heads again and again, "Don't bother, it's our duty, as long as Her Royal Highness is fine."

Seeing the terrified look of the imperial physicians towards Lin Jihan, Shen Mengqi guessed about seven or eight points.

She raised her hand to grab Lin Jihan and said, "The imperial physicians have been busy for so long, let them go back and rest."

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, all the imperial physicians looked at her with gratitude in an instant. It would be better for Her Royal Highness to know that they love them.

"Your illness has not stabilized."

Lin Jihan shouted to the door: "Eleven."

"My lord."

"Arrange a few rooms for the imperial physicians to stay in."

Seeing that Lin Jihan was so persistent, Shen Mengqi didn't insist.

After the imperial physicians had left, she looked at Lin Jihan and said, "I seem to have heard screams for help."

(End of this chapter)

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