Chapter 104 Once Friends

Looking at Shen Mengqi's cold eyes, Chunni trembled with fright.

"If you don't say it, you hit both hands."

Shen Mengqi hooked her hands at Eleven, and Eleven immediately lifted Chunni forward knowingly, and her hands were placed in front of Shen Mengqi.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi had already stretched out her hand, Shen Qingning gritted her teeth and shouted: "The left hand, the princess asked her to hit it with her left hand!"

Then, a scream resounded throughout the palace.


Since then, Chunni's left hand has never been raised again.

All the pigeons and crows in the palace were startled and flew up, and their feathers slowly fell from the air like snowflakes. Through the feathers, Shen Mengqi calmly looked at the hostile Shen Qingning.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate. Women are not ruthless, and their status is unstable. This is what Princess Qingning once taught this princess. How do you think the princess has learned?"

This look made Shen Qingning seem to have returned to her childhood, when Shen Mengqi was still her little follower, and the eldest princess hadn't told her about that.

That day, the sun in the imperial garden was just right. She took Shen Mengqi, who had just learned to walk, to play in the imperial garden. When she was picking a bright red rose for Shen Mengqi, a wild cat came out of nowhere and scratched her. arm.

At that time, she grabbed the wild cat's paw that scratched her and smashed it with a stone. Looking at Shen Mengqi who was stunned in place, she said such a sentence.

"Sister Mengqi, remember, the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again. In this world, women are not ruthless, and their status is unstable. I broke its hand, and it will never be able to use this hand to catch me again in this life." Yes, do you understand?"

"Ha ha."

Shen Qingning laughed and looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "You still remember everything from when you were so young, you have a really good memory! You're really good at learning!"

Looking at Shen Qingning whose eyes were slightly bloodshot, Shen Mengqi was in a trance for a moment. She looked away and looked at Wang Yan knowing: "If you are injured, don't stand here, go back and rest. Seventeen, arrange a doctor for them."


Shen Mengqi turned her sore wrist and looked at Shen Qingning and said, "Princess Qingning, did you pay attention to the strength of this princess just now?"

Looking at Chunni's crippled left hand, Shen Qingning gritted her teeth and said, "I see."

"Then you can go back and tell Uncle Huang that the princess is recovering very well."

Looking at Lin Jihan who had been carrying Shen Mengqi with all his heart and keeping silent, she asked unwillingly: "My lord, do you not care about my sister being so domineering? You were not like this before. You said it in the military camp, absolutely Do not encourage domineering wind!"

Shen Qingning's words made Shen Mengqi straighten her body, and Lin Jihan immediately patted her calf lightly, "Relax, you will be hurt if the wound bursts open."

After Shen Mengqi let go of the strings, Lin Jihan said to Shen Qingning: "Those rules are for restraining subordinates, no matter how domineering my wife is, she is my favorite."

Looking at Shen Qingning with a disheveled face, Shen Mengqi asked: "You were not so reckless before. You clearly knew his attitude towards this princess, but you kept grinding this princess' temper and testing the prince over and over again. You What is the purpose, what do you want to do?"

"This county mainly stays in the Prince Regent's Mansion as the Princess Regent."

Shen Qingning said unabashedly: "This princess has lived and died with the prince in Jiuyou Thirteen Counties for several years, and the position of regent princess should belong to this princess."

Lin Jihan said mercilessly: "You are dreaming."

"Is it a dream, you will know soon."

Now that Shen Qingning didn't pretend to apply anymore, she looked at Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi with certainty and said, "Chunni's account book is written down by the princess, let's meet Princess Anshun at the family banquet."

Shen Qingning's poisoned, hateful eyes seemed to have pierced Shen Mengqi, burning her back with piercing pain.

Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Qingning firmly and said, "Princess Qingning, I won't give it away."

Just as Shen Qingning stepped out of the main courtyard of Juxing Pavilion, Shen Mengqi piled up on Lin Jihan's body like a puddle of mud, and beads of sweat slipped from Shen Mengqi's forehead.

"You, what a fool."

Shen Mengqi closed her eyes and was carried back to the dormitory by Lin Jihan. She said with difficulty: "Shen Qingning is here this time to use the guise of the emperor's uncle to find out what I am. If I don't come out, the Prince Regent's Mansion will not be quiet."

"If you don't come out, she won't be able to turn the sky with your husband here."

"I find it noisy."

Shen Mengqi lay on the bed and looked at Lin Jihan who was sitting beside the bed. She asked, "When you were in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, was Shen Qingning always with you? Did you eat and live together?"

Lin Jihan instantly regained his energy, "Ma'am, are you jealous?"

"Vinegar what?"

I don't know if it hurts, but Shen Mengqi's face turned pink, she said: "I'm afraid of my concubine's love, I don't want to beat a mandarin duck here, I don't want to be a sinner."

Looking at Shen Mengqi with an awkward expression, Lin Jihan was in a good mood, "You're just jealous, little fox, you really care about me."

Shen Mengqi turned her head to the other side, "Why am I jealous? Do you like to talk or not."

"She and I eat and live together."

Shen Mengqi turned around instantly.

Lin Jihan smiled and said: "But I am a general, and she is just a vanguard, and she is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from my tent."

Shen Mengqi gritted her teeth, "Are you kidding me?"

"you guess."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was gnashing his teeth, Lin Jihan burst out laughing, Eleven and Seventeen who were standing outside the courtyard couldn't help but also smiled at each other, the prince who was with His Royal Highness became more and more humane.

In Lanyue Pavilion, Xiu'er was sitting in her yard basking in the sun, she said with a half-smile, "It's quiet in the palace."

Although Lin Jihan asked Shen Mengqi for injury leave, and the emperor approved it for half a month, but Shen Mengqi ran to the study of the palace after lying on the ground for two days. The injury on her back made her unable to sit still, so she stood and copied the law.When I was tired from standing, I lay down on the small bed in the study to rest.

Without the company of Lin Jihan and Taifu, she was much faster, and finished copying the entire law in two days.

"I really didn't expect that Tianyuan Kingdom has added so many laws in these few years."

"Then what do you think after watching it?"

Lin Jihan and the Taifu opened the door and came in, looking at Shen Mengqi who was standing in front of the study holding a copy of the law, Lin Jihan stepped forward to hug her and put her on the small bed.

"I finished copying one book in two days. You didn't listen to a word I told you at night."

Lin Jihan lay beside Shen Mengqi's ear and said, "When you recover from your injury, I will take good care of you."

And the Taifu, who hadn't appeared since Shen Mengqi was tortured, approached cautiously, knelt down in front of Shen Mengqi with a plop and said: "Your Highness, the old minister is guilty, please punish me, Your Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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