Chapter 115 There Is Nothing to Lose
Seeing that Ye Wei was dragging himself to leave, the people in Xihuang went completely crazy. They broke free from their shackles and climbed in front of Shen Mengqi, shouting at the top of their lungs: "Your Highness, what we are telling is really the truth, Your Highness!" !"

Shen Mengqi roared angrily, "Drag on!"

After feeling the shaking of Shen Mengqi's body, Lin Jihan held Shen Mengqi's hand, "What are you afraid of?"

Looking at Lin Jihan's bottomless black eyes, she couldn't help but wanted to dodge, but Lin Jihan forcibly fixed her in place.

Lin Jihan said affirmatively: "You are just afraid."

"I do not have!"

Lin Jihan said mercilessly: "You know that these people are not lying, you are just afraid of hearing names that you don't want to hear from their mouths."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was silently resisting her with her head down, Lin Jihan sighed and said, "I found out that there was a problem with the transportation of grain and grass long before I returned to Kyoto."

"Based on your relationship with the Luo family, I think you should also know that when Luo Jiuqing entered the city, I found Luo Lingxiao, the second master of the Luo family, to personally transport the military supplies, and the water transportation of the Luo family has always been in charge of him. , if you are not sure who the person who brought them in is, then you can imagine the consequences."

Shen Mengqi didn't understand what Lin Jihan said, and she was even more aware of the pros and cons of it.But she was also really afraid. After all these years, besides the emperor's uncle and emperor's grandmother, only the Luo family treated her best. Along the way, she has almost nothing to lose.

Shen Mengqi didn't speak, and Lin Jihan didn't rush her, but just quietly accompanied her, waiting for her choice.

After a long time, Shen Mengqi finally spoke, "Ye Wei, bring him back."

"Yes, ma'am."

When Ye Wei brought back the spies from Xihuang, the spies whispered in despair, "I didn't lie, I really didn't lie!"

"My lord, it is clear that everything I said is true!"

Looking at the crowd screaming in despair, Shen Mengqi said: "This princess will give you another chance, and I will answer after you think it through. How did you enter Tianyuan Kingdom, who brought you in, and why did you assassinate this princess? You are in Tianyuan Kingdom Who is the head of?"

"We were transported here by the water from the Luo family. The third master of the Luo family, Luo Ping'an, brought us here. We followed him all the way to the Minister's Mansion of the Household Department. We only came out when the scientific examination began."

Shen Mengqi thought she was hallucinating, "Luo family, third master?"

Lin Jihan obviously didn't think about it either, "So the three-watch fire and five-watch chicken is Luo Ping'an, the third master of the Luo family when the man was studying?"


The Western Wilderness agent looked at the astonished Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan and asked, "If I explain more, can you give us a way out."

"What do you think."

The Western Wilderness agent gritted his teeth and said, "You promise us first."

Ye Wei, who had been standing by the side all the time, couldn't help but said: "You are at this time, and you are still talking about conditions. Don't wait for Her Royal Highness to get impatient, and then lock you back."

miss you

Covered by wooden barrels, he couldn't distinguish between night and day, and was accompanied by the sound of water droplets all day long. The agent of Xihuang couldn't help shrinking his neck. He even felt that there was a big hole in his head.

"I said, I said!"

The secret agent of Xihuang said in horror: "When we first came to Tianyuan Kingdom, we investigated the Luo family and knew that the real power of the Luo family is the uncle of the Luo family. He is an influential figure who makes friends with the knights of the rivers and lakes, and is in charge of businesses such as the Luo family's water transportation and bodyguard bureaus.

Although what he said sounds uncomfortable, but the summary is indeed in place.

"Four years ago we tried to get in touch with Uncle Luo."

Hearing the secret agent from West Wilderness mentioned the uncle of the Luo family, Shen Mengqi obviously sat upright. Although her expression didn't change, Lin Jihan felt her nervousness.

He whispered in Shen Mengqi's ear with some taste, "Master Luo, why are you nervous?"

"It's strange that I'm not nervous." Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan and asked, "Aren't you nervous?"

".I'm nervous too."

"Isn't that enough?"

But my nervousness is different from your nervousness.

Seeing the two whispering, the agent of Xihuang was trembling with fright, not knowing which sentence he said was wrong.

He broke down and cried, "I, what I said is true, true!"

"No one said what you said was false, why are you excited?"

Lin Jihan said with some dissatisfaction: "Go on and tell me, what happened to Master Luo."

Ye Wei also muttered to the side, "This mentality is bad enough. Is there no one in Xihuang, and they even caught this kind of person as a spy. Are they too confident, overestimating themselves, or underestimating us? The Tianyuan Kingdom is over."

Ye Wei was right about one thing. Although Lin Jihan had guarded Jiuyou Thirteen Counties like a rock these years, Xihuang had penetrated into all parts of Tianyuan Kingdom with the help of Hubu Shangshu and other courtiers.

The easy infiltration over the years made them feel that apart from Lin Jihan and the upstart Mu Qiancheng, Tianyuan Kingdom had no difficult roles to deal with, so the training of secret agents was not strict, basically they were sent to Tianyuan Kingdom with a few orders. .

If it weren't for this, these spies would definitely not do such a stupid thing like carrying their unique things in the Western Wilderness in the scientific research examination room.

From this, it can be seen how far Tianyuan Kingdom has been infiltrated by Xihuang.

If it weren't for Lin Jihan intimidating Xihuang in Nine Nether Thirteen Counties, and the royal family had never doubted Lin Jihan.Telling Xihuang not to dare to go to war, I am afraid that the territory of the current Tianyuan Kingdom has already been controlled by Xihuang.

Seeing that the Western Wilderness spy didn't open his mouth, he collapsed on the ground, his lips were tightly pressed, and his whole body was covered in cold sweat.

Ye Wei raised his leg and kicked him and said, "Can you still talk? You don't want to talk, and some people can speak."

As soon as Ye Wei's words fell to the ground, all the spies from the Western Wilderness not far away immediately scrambled and shouted: "I would like to say, ask me, please!"

"I am willing too, give us a chance!"

Shen Mengqi looked at the Western Wilderness spies who were scrambling to confess, and she said to Ye Wei: "Suppress him, and ask someone who can speak."

"No! Your Royal Highness, what I can say, I can say! They are all my subordinates, and I don't know them clearly!"

Shen Mengqi tilted her head, tapped the back of the chair with her index finger, and didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until the Western Wilderness agent was about to faint from nervousness that she said, "Ye Wei, put the others down first."


After seeing Ye Wei dragging the other Western Wilderness agents back to the dungeon, the one left behind was a little relieved.

"Tell me, what happened after you went to find Master Luo."

(End of this chapter)

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