Chapter 121
The Tai Tuo and Shen Mengqi looked at each other and then said with a smile: "The emperor's decision is beyond my little Tai Tu's control."

"Oh? This princess still thinks that the emperor obeyed the Taifu's words."

The Taifu laughed dryly, with a slightly unnatural expression, "His Royal Highness is joking, how can I have this ability."

Seeing Tai Tuo looking at her defensively, Shen Mengqi explained with her usual expression.

"Teacher, don't blame this princess. Right now, this princess has been punished to think behind closed doors. She turned around and begged the emperor to call Taifu back to the mansion and let this princess copy the law alone. The emperor might think that this princess is disobedient." Heart."

"It's because I didn't think carefully, and I hope that Your Highness Princess will not mind."

"Being away from home for such a long time, it's natural for the Tai Tuo to want to go back, and this princess understands it. This princess understands you, and I hope you can understand and understand this princess."

"Hey~ I understand."

The Tai Tuo said to Shen Mengqi with a flushed old face: "Your Highness, the old minister will go out to feed Pigeon Bao and Wu Bao first. If your injury is not healed, copy slowly and take care of yourself."

When the master came out of the study, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but smacked his tongue and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, how cruel."

Shen Mengqi put down her pen and lazily leaned against Lin Jihan's arms, closed her eyes and rested her mind. Lin Jihan asked lazily, "Did you find anything from the game with the Taifu?"

Mu Qiancheng casually picked up an apple and weighed it back and forth, "They are all thousand-year-old foxes, how could they show their tails so easily."

"However, when he was having fun playing chess today, he actually asked the princess what plans she has for the newly selected students."

The corners of Shen Mengqi's mouth curled up slightly, "It's interesting."

Shen Mengqi picked up the rice paper on the side and pulled it over, "Come and see."

Mu Qiancheng immediately put down the apple in his hand and walked over.

In the center of Shen Mengqi's paper, the name of Chen Nian'en, Minister of the Ministry of Households, was first written, and then three forks were divided under him, and the names of Cheng Yili, the former Minister of Rites, and Wang Chongming, the former Minister of Officials, were written respectively. There is Luojialuo Ping An.

"The Luo family?"

Seeing that the Luo family was listed under the name of Chen Nian'en, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Mu Qiancheng frowned slightly, "Your Highness, you made a mistake."


When mentioning the Luo family, Shen Mengqi's eyes darkened, "The gang of Western Wilderness spies were interrogated today, and they said that Luo Ping'an, the third master of the Luo family, brought them in using the Luo family's water transport."

Mu Qiancheng became silent. They knew Luo Jiuqing, the Luo family's uncle and the Luo family's second master, but the Luo family's third master had always lived in the south of the Yangtze River and was protected by the Luo family. They really didn't know him very well.

I only know that he is a nerd who is always on fire and chickens all day long. How can such a person collude with the Minister of the Household Department to do such a traitorous thing?

Or maybe he just put it out for everyone to see, and the two people who are in power in the Luo family are the ones who really cooperate with Hubu Shangshu.
Mu Qiancheng didn't dare to think about it anymore, if that's the case, then their situation is really too difficult.

Shen Mengqi seemed to have the ability to read minds and said: "I don't know yet, this matter still needs to be investigated."

As she said that, Shen Mengqi drew a circle on the top of the Minister of the Household Department, and then extended four lines beside the circle, which respectively wrote the imperial concubine, Shen Qingning, Lin Shi and Xiu'er.

"Judging from the information we have now, Chen Nianen's master should have arranged it this way."

Shen Mengqi pointed to the name on the paper and gestured.

"Externally, Chen Nian'en, Minister of the Ministry of Households, accepted the Lord's will. The former Minister of Officials and the Minister of Rites went into the water. One helped him put the people from Xihuang into the court, and the other helped him transport the wealth of Tianyuan Kingdom back to the Luo family with the help of water. Xihuang."

"Internally, they used the imperial concubine's desire to help the third elder brother inherit the throne to win her over to the emperor's uncle, and the imperial concubine took advantage of Shen Qingning's disagreement with me and wanted to marry the regent as an excuse. Made an alliance with her."

Speaking of this, Lin Jihan couldn't help but leaned over, looked at Shen Mengqi who was sitting on top of him with a serious face, and said, "Don't you have anything to say?"

"What should I say?"

"Shen Qingning, she wants to marry me, aren't you emotional?"

Shen Mengqi said rationally: "But didn't you get rejected?"

Looking at Lin Jihan who was looking unhappy and about to make a scene, Shen Mengqi squeezed his arm and said, "We'll talk about this little matter after we go back to our room. Let's take care of things first."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi still imitated Lin Jihan's appearance before, touching Lin Jihan's forehead and saying, "Good boy~"


Looking at Lin Jihan who was confused for a moment, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but click his tongue gloatingly, this living king who kills people without blinking an eye can also have today.

After Shen Mengqi saw that Lin Jihan was being honest, she continued to calm down and analyzed rationally: "In order to strengthen the bond between the royal family and the prince, I took the initiative to invite Ying to marry the prince."

Although Shen Mengqi's words were good, Lin Jihan just didn't feel comfortable listening to them.

He couldn't help pinching the soft flesh on Shen Mengqi's waist and said: "We are in love with each other, what marriage is not marriage?"

Mu Qiancheng looked at Lin Jihan who said this without blushing, and couldn't help but let out a "tsk~".

He also had the nerve to say this.

In the next second, he received Lin Jihan's murderous eyes, and he was so frightened that he immediately closed his mouth tightly.

"But at that time, the prince didn't even consummate the house, and he was still fooling around in the green brothel for three months."

Lin Jihan's expression became uneasy in an instant, but what Shen Mengqi said was the truth, and he couldn't find any reason to refute it for a while.

He just explained palely: "I didn't do anything in the Green Prostitute, I just drank a few glasses of wine with Mu Qiancheng, you know, we went to the Green Prostitute to pry open the tip of the iceberg .”


Shen Mengqi said without any fluctuation: "Let's continue talking."

Looking at the deflated Lin Jihan, Mu Qiancheng tightly covered his mouth, fearing that he might not be able to hold back his laughter in the next second.

If he dared to laugh at this moment, Lin Jihan would never let him see the sun tomorrow.Compared with watching a movie, saving your life is more important.

Lin Jihan put his arms around Shen Mengqi's waist, and forcibly shifted Shen Mengqi's gaze from the paper to himself.

"Ma'am, are you angry that your husband treated you that way before?"

"I didn't, let's sort things out first."

"You have it!"

Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi and said, "Don't worry madam, I will make up a bridal candle for you tonight for my husband, and I will never let you regret it."

Shen Mengqi's cheeks were flushed by Lin Jihan's aggressive eyes.How could this man be like this.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Suddenly, an untimely cough sounded in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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