After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 124 Shen Mengqi's "Bridal Anniversary" Night

Chapter 124 Shen Mengqi's "Bridal Anniversary" Night
Luo Jiuqing forced a laugh and shouted, "Daddy Mu."

Father Mu walked up to Luo Jiuqing, and he patted Luo Jiuqing's head lovingly.

"You did the right thing just now. If you didn't stand by his side just now, you would have pushed him further away. Such a good girl, with that blind boy, is indeed blind."

"Daddy Shepherd~"

Looking at the loving shepherd father, the smile on Luo Jiuqing's face could no longer be held back.

"Actually, Mu Qiancheng has his difficulties, I know it all, but when I see him being so nice to other women, I still can't help being jealous, angry, and sad."

"Because I saw his attitude towards Peony, I know that it's not that he can't be gentle, but he can't be gentle with me."

Luo Jiuqing, who has always been as warm, dazzling and flamboyant as the sun, asked a little lonely and sincerely: "The twisted melon is really not sweet, should I give up?"

Looking at Luo Jiuqing whose light in his eyes faded little by little, Father Mu's eyes flashed a trace of unbearable.

"From the perspective of the Mu family, I should advise you that a woman should have a heart. A man will have three wives and four concubines sooner or later. You can't think about how to catch his heart, but how to do it A real lady of style."

"But from your father's point of view, I want to say that this world is unfair to women. Once you get married, even if you have a wealth of thousands of dollars, without the favor of your husband, you will not be happy in the mansion. It's wishful thinking. It can only be brought on by oneself.”

Tears welled up in Luo Jiuqing's eyes, it was not easy for Father Mu to tell her these things.

"The marriage between the Luomu and Mu families was decided by the older generation, but if you don't want to, no one will force you, girl Luo, life is a long way to go, you have to figure it out yourself."

How could she not know this, but the love she met at first sight after living for more than ten years, she said she could let go of it?

She is just a woman who has just passed the Jiji ceremony, no matter how smart and wise she is, she can't escape the shackles of love.

"Papa Mu, I"

Looking at Luo Jiuqing with a sad face, Father Mu waved his hand and said, "Don't be so anxious to think about how to choose, your trial marriage stage is still half a year away, let's go, Father Mu will take you to relax for that bastard today .”

"But Peony"

"Don't worry, since the old man has allowed her to enter the Mufu mansion, he won't make things difficult for her anymore. Instead, you should breathe a sigh of relief."

Seeing this, Luo Jiuqing no longer struggled, took Nan Nan and followed Mu Fu.

On the other side, after dinner at night, Shen Mengqi originally wanted to go back to her room to rest, but was dragged by Lin Jihan to take a walk in the garden of the palace with the excuse of taking a walk after dinner and living to 99 years old.

It's a stroll, but it's just Lin Jihan strolling.Due to Shen Mengqi's knee injury, Lin Jihan kept holding her in his arms like a child, not letting her feet touch the ground at all.

Shen Mengqi said: "In this way, only you can live to 99, can you let me go back to rest?"

Lin Jihan said: "Wait a little longer."

Shen Mengqi didn't know what he was waiting for.Seeing that winter is about to enter, the leaves will be covered with frost after it gets dark for a while, and white mist will appear when one breathes out.

Fortunately, covered by Lin Jihan's overcoat, Shen Mengqi didn't feel cold in his warm embrace, or this year was not as cold as last year.

Just when Shen Mengqi was dozing off and about to fall asleep, there was only the sound of a violent explosion, and a huge wave of fire instantly appeared in the sky, forming a sharp contrast with the pitch-black night.

Everyone in the capital was awakened by the loud noise, and the originally dark houses lit up instantly, and many people ran out holding torches.

Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone in Kyoto thought it was an enemy attack or a coup d'état, and everyone was terrified.

Shen Mengqi also woke up in an instant, "Is this a cannon explosion? Something happened!"

Shen Mengqi was so anxious that she was about to jump off Lin Jihan's body and rush out to check, but Lin Jihan held her tightly in her arms.

"Let go of me, something happened in Kyoto, I have to go and see."

"The capital is fine, I will send you the prosperous fireworks at this time."


Shen Mengqi thought she had heard it wrong, seeing Lin Jihan nodding, a wave of anger welled up in her heart.

"Are you sick? Use cannons as fireworks. This skyrocketing battle will frighten the people in the capital. The emperor will be held accountable tomorrow. Do you really want to be confined in the palace with me?"

"The prosperity of the capital is protected by the artillery. For the people of the capital, they will bring him panic, but for the people of Jiuyou and Thirteen Counties, the sound of the artillery bombardment and the flames all over the sky are theirs. Good medicine for sleeping."

The cannons are still firing continuously, and the waves of fire are getting bigger and bigger, reflecting the whole capital like daytime, the palace is already brightly lit, and Shen Mengqi, who is hugged by Lin Jihan, can even be seen gathering under the city gate through the walls of the palace. , the Royal Forest Army who was going to find out.

Lin Jihan stood in front of Shen Mengqi against the light of the fire, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, but there was a strong tenderness towards Shen Mengqi.

"This is my world. I want to show it to you, and I want to tell you that with me, you can always be a child, cry when you want, laugh when you want, and don't pretend to be strong."

Shen Mengqi's eyes turned red involuntarily, looking at Lin Jihan standing against the flames, she seemed to have really seen him on the battlefield.

"Before, I was a bit of a bastard, and I ignored you for three months. After that, let's live a good life, shall we? I will give you all the red makeup for the wedding night and ten miles of red makeup."

Shen Mengqi, who had lived a normal life for more than ten years, looked at Lin Jihan in front of her, and her heart, like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly came alive.

She had an urge to want her to rebel for a while, regardless of the impact of the artillery, but to follow her heart.

Shen Mengqi held Lin Jihan's face, smiled slightly and said, "Okay."

After receiving Shen Mengqi's response, Lin Jihan laughed, and that flamboyant smile made Shen Mengqi laugh too.

He hugged Shen Mengqi and ran all the way towards Juxing Pavilion, which made Shen Mengqi feel like running away together after getting into trouble.

The first time she broke the rules, she looked like a child who had finally rebelled once, and she smiled very happily.

After arriving in Juxing Pavilion, the sound of artillery outside the house gradually subsided, and the fire wave also slowly faded away.Lin Jihan carefully placed Shen Mengqi on the bed.

The flat and soft bed used to be, but today it seems that a gravel road has been laid on the ground, making Shen Mengqi feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, Lin Jihan took out a fire pocket and lit up all the candles on both sides, and Shen Mengqi could see clearly the layout of the house.

She widened her eyes in surprise, "You"

(End of this chapter)

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