Chapter 130 The Abnormal Shen Mengqi
Both Lin Jihan and Mu Qiancheng turned their heads to look at Shen Mengqi, and Shen Mengqi said, "Master Mu didn't come here today to discuss your relationship with Miss Luo with this princess, did he? Let's talk about the business."

Lin Jihan knew that Shen Mengqi was angry, so he said, "Today, the case of the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials was ordered to investigate thoroughly. The Grand Tutor is in charge, and the Secretary of the Dali Temple and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment are the assistants."

Shen Mengqi was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses and said: "I don't need you or Master Mu, this clearly kicks us out of the game. If the Taifu is that person, they won't care about killing the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Who is the person."

Mu Qiancheng adjusted his mood, and then said: "Yes, it doesn't matter to them who killed the person, what is important is how to drag you or the prince into trouble. Fortunately, the Minister of Criminal Affairs has the responsibility of coordinating. We're not completely uninformed."

Lin Jihan said, "Do you think that if the Tai Tuo is really that person, he will let the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment know what they really want to do?"

There was another silence in the room.

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help frowning, "Then we can only stand in a passive position with soldiers to block, cover with water and earth?"


Lin Jihan poured out the black chess set aside.

Mu Qiancheng raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Look for an opportunity to find out all these mice hiding in the ground."

Shen Mengqi scattered the chess pieces that Lin Jihan had spilled onto the table, and she said: "Only by making them feel that they are in an absolutely superior position, will they be fully exposed. I think it won't be long before the imperial concubine should be released. Bar."

Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan looked at each other and smiled, and Mu Qiancheng couldn't help shivering. Judging by the appearance of these two people, someone must be in trouble.

"Then what do we do now?"

Shen Mengqi scratched all those chess pieces to the ground, she looked at the scattered obsidian chess pieces, her voice became more and more cold, "If you want to make people die, you must first make them crazy."

Mu Qiancheng nodded in agreement, "That's the reason, it's a pity that this chess piece made of obsidian is a pity."

Lin Jihan immediately said: "The palace has plenty, my wife can throw it however she wants."

Mu Qiancheng couldn't help clicking his tongue, as if he didn't see it.

He looked at the obsidian that was pulled to the ground by Shen Mengqi and was thrown a little cracked, and he couldn't help but secretly prodigal, thinking, if it was Luo Jiuqing, he would definitely put it away carefully.

According to her words, this is all white money, and it must not be ruined because of emotional problems.

When he thought of Mu Qiancheng, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, so good, why did he think of Luo Jiuqing again? Could it be that he has been dazed recently?

Just at this moment, Seventeen came in and said, "Your Highness, King Ping'an, please see me."

Shen Mengqi's brows and eyes softened a little, "Second brother is here? Please come in."

Looking at Shen Nanchen in python robe, Shen Mengqi was really happy for him, "Second brother."

Shen Nanchen nodded with a smile, he greeted Lin Jihan and Mu Qiancheng: "My lord, Lord Mu."

"Second brother, what's the matter here today?"

"Just to bring you some news, as for whether you can use it, I don't know."

Shen Nanchen looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "I went to the treasury with the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, and there were still mountains of gold and silver treasures, famous paintings and ink treasures on the treasury, but I found that the foundation of the treasury had been moved, and it looked like it had been tampered with by someone. Made a compartment, which looks normal on the surface, but it’s not clear what’s underneath.”

Although she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, but after listening to Shen Nanchen's description and thinking about the treasures that the Western Wilderness Secret Agent and Cheng Yili had told her over the years, the Minister of the Household Department used them to transfer the treasury money to the Western Wilderness, Shen Mengqi had a feeling in her heart. Approximate number.

"Ants transport food, and a little makes a lot."

Seeing this, she had to find an opportunity to explore the reality of the state treasury.

Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Nanchen and asked, "Have you seen the granary?"

Shen Nanchen shook his head, he said: "Just glanced at the national treasury hastily, he sent me back to the palace on the grounds that it was getting late, and after that he asked me to look at various accounts, and never mentioned these again thing."

"Second Brother, Uncle Huang intends to reuse you recently, so don't run to the Prince Regent's Mansion in the future, lest you offend Uncle Huang."

Shen Nanchen frowned slightly, "What do you mean, what do you want to do?"

"I want you to make Uncle Huang happy, and then invite him and all civil and military officials to visit our treasury granary." Shen Mengqi smiled and said, "Didn't these courtiers say they don't feel safe? Then let them see our granary with their own eyes." State treasury reserves, to give them a sense of security."

"Also," Shen Mengqi looked at Mu Qiancheng and asked, "Go back and tell Ah Jiu to tell her to quietly buy all the rice grains in and around Kyoto for the princess."

Seeing Shen Mengqi's attitude of being determined but also a little bad, Lin Jihan couldn't help but think to himself, what a little fox.

Shen Nanchen and Mu Qiancheng also instantly understood Shen Mengqi's intentions, "Okay."

Shen Nanchen said again: "By the way, there is one more thing. After you go down to the court today, the emperor summoned the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment to the palace to have an audience."

Shen Mengqi rubbed her fingers, lowered her eyebrows, and said after a long time: "Got it."

Shen Nanchen said with some concern: "Do you want to make preparations?"

"Second brother, it's okay, I know it in my heart, you can go back quickly, and we don't need to contact each other until this matter is completed."

"Then take care of yourself."

Shen Mengqi nodded.

After Shen Nanchen left, Mu Qiancheng went back after not sitting for long, and only Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi were left in the bustling study room.

At this time, Lanyue Pavilion came and said: "Your Highness, Xiuer Tongfang would like to ask you to condescend to go."

Lin Jihan pinched the soft flesh on Shen Mengqi's waist and said, "What does she need you for?"

Shen Mengqi didn't intend to hide it either, she said: "I'm cooperating with Xiu'er, I help her rectify the imperial concubine, she gives me the same value of information. I hope today's news is not what I thought."

Looking at Shen Mengqi's trembling hands, Lin Jihan smiled and pulled her into his arms. He comforted him, "There are people behind you who will help you with big things. Don't be afraid."

Uncharacteristically, Shen Mengqi hugged Lin Jihan tightly, as if she wanted to rub him into her body.

However, before Lin Jihan could enjoy Shen Mengqi's dependence on him any more, Shen Mengqi pushed him away vigorously.

She said to Lin Jihan with a heroic appearance: "I'm going, you wait for me to come back!"

Lin Jihan was taken aback by her startled look, he nodded stiffly, and wanted to reach out to touch Shen Mengqi's head, but Shen Mengqi mistook it for a high five.

I saw Shen Mengqi raised her hand to give him a high five and said, "We must win!"

"." It took Lin Jihan a long time to react. He looked at the back of Shen Mengqi who had already walked out and murmured, "If you must win, what must you win? Do you think you are going to the battlefield? This capricious little fox."

(End of this chapter)

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