Chapter 133 She owes the queen two lives

Does Princess Anshun still have such a side?How did they never know?

wrong!Seeing Princess Anshun's soft and coquettish side, they will not be silenced!

Everyone who was still immersed in Shen Mengqi's lovely and pitiful appearance woke up instantly, looking at Lin Jihan's murderous eyes, everyone shrank their necks.

Shi Qi rarely had some insight, "Well, if the lord has nothing else to do, we'll go outside and wait."

Lin Jihan nodded.

Seventeen immediately greeted everyone to go out, but Wang Taiyi turned his head three times at a step, and he couldn't hold back after all when he reached the door, he said to Lin Jihan: "My lord, you must not be fooled by Your Highness the Princess!" , be careful of Her Royal Highness's body!"


There is nothing wrong with saying this, but I always feel that he has a yellow accent.But unfortunately, this person who speaks yellow accent has a serious appearance.

Seeing Lin Jihan's faintly angry appearance, Shi Qi immediately pulled Imperial Physician Wang out of the room first, and then closed the door with a bang.

The Buddha said that saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Seeing that everyone had left and only Lin Jihan and herself were left in the room, Shen Mengqi breathed a sigh of relief. She buried her head in Lin Jihan's arms and rubbed and rubbed, like a little beast marking its territory.

Lin Jihan said with a sullen face: "Doctor Wang said that you need to rest and rest, and there is no need to act like a baby. Your body is the most important thing."

Shen Mengqi heard that she was 'tangle' with Lin Jihan, her voice softened several times, "Husband~"

Lin Jihan's body was stretched straight, and his face was even more ugly.


Shen Mengqi was taken aback when she heard the words, then she continued to look at him with those foggy eyes and said, "Didn't you say before that as long as I call you husband, you will promise me something?"

The implication is, why are you attacking me!
After looking at each other for three seconds, Lin Jihan was finally defeated by Shen Mengqi's eyes. He sighed and hugged Shen Mengqi back, "It's not that I won't let you do it, but you need to rest now."

"I won't stop you when you've recovered."

"But there is one thing I must do now."

Looking at the stubborn Shen Mengqi, Lin Jihan said, "I'll do it for you, so you can take good care of your illness."

"No, I have to solve this matter by myself, otherwise I won't feel at ease in my life."

Lin Jihan smiled, and he pulled out one hand and flicked Shen Mengqi's forehead lightly, "Little friend, where did you get so many things to solve by yourself, huh?"

If it were normal, Shen Mengqi would definitely argue with Lin Jihan for several rounds angrily calling Lin Jihan's fine print.

But now, like an eggplant beaten by frost, she shrank back to the side, her decadent appearance seemed to have returned to those days when she first married into the palace.

On the eve of her birthday, she also looked like this, withdrawn, cold, repelling people thousands of miles away, but making people feel distressed, wanting to get closer and understand.

"I killed one, no, two."

Shen Mengqi stared at her little pale hands, but her eyes were full of blood, "I owe the empress two lives and one confession. If I don't understand it myself, I will never be able to forgive myself."

Looking at Shen Mengqi's decadent state, I'm afraid that even if she understands it personally, she won't be able to truly let go.

Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi into his arms with some distress, "Don't think about it, the Sri Lankan is dead and cannot be chased back, and the living still have to look forward."


Obviously, she didn't listen much.

Lin Jihan sighed: "Physician Wang said, you can't work too hard, or your body will be hurt."

Shen Mengqi didn't answer.

"Did you let you finish this matter so that you can rest in peace for a while?"

Seeing Lin Jihan let go, Shen Mengqi nodded and said: "Well, after finishing this matter, I will stay at the mansion, obediently, not going anywhere, and rest in peace."

"I see."

Lin Jihan put Shen Mengqi back on the couch.

Seeing him raising his legs to leave, Shen Mengqi grabbed the corner of his clothes a little uneasy, "Where are you going?"

"Go and ask Doctor Wang, if he asks you to work hard for a while, is there any way he can keep your body from being damaged?"

Shen Mengqi was a little worried and asked cautiously: "What if he has nothing to do?"

"Does he dare to do anything?"

That domineering tone made Shen Mengqi chuckle twice, yes, with Lin Jihan around, he dare not try.

Not long after, there was the sound of Dr. Wang jumping around outside the house, but Shen Mengqi was not worried at all because Lin Jihan was outside.

He said that with him here, Imperial Physician Wang dared not be helpless.

In the end, Imperial Physician Wang compromised. He walked in with a messy silver hair carrying a medicine box. His staggered steps were like that of an old man in his dying years. He had no trace of the high-spirited look he had when he was just sent by the emperor to the Regent's Palace.

Doctor Wang gritted his teeth and muttered, he must have made eight lifetimes of bad luck in his previous life, so God sent him to Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi when half of his body was about to be buried in the soil.

Is Shen Mengqi sick?She was clearly walking a tightrope in his medical blind spot, and she was following this big devil behind her. He had no other way except to overcome his lack of medical skills by himself!

"Your Highness, the old minister is going to give you an injection, it may hurt a little, please be patient."

Although the words were addressed to Shen Mengqi, it was Lin Jihan who Wang Taiyi was looking at.

He was really afraid of this ancestor.

Sure enough, Lin Jihan frowned, "It hurts? This king's little ancestor would cry for a long time if he touched it. Are you trying to stab this king's little ancestor to death?"


Physician Wang suppressed his breakdown and said, "There's no reason why the needle doesn't hurt."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Seeing Doctor Wang's aggrieved appearance about to come out, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but feel sympathetic to him, it was indeed a bit embarrassing for him.

Shen Mengqi stretched out her arms and said, "Doctor Wang, don't worry, this princess is not afraid of pain."

"Hey! Hey! Good!"

Seeing Shen Mengqi's cooperation so much, Imperial Physician Wang was moved to tears.

Sitting behind Shen Mengqi and asking Shen Mengqi to lean against her, Lin Ji coldly snorted: "Yeah, it's not you who coaxed her to let her cry." Doctor Wang's originally steady hand trembled instantly, and the hand holding the silver needle Stalemate in mid-air, he looked at Lin Jihan and said with a little cry: "The old minister, is this stabbing or not?"

"You still use me to teach you how to practice medicine?"

Seeing Lin Jihan's contemptuous look, Imperial Physician Wang felt very wronged, he really wanted to shout loudly, useful, very useful!

(End of this chapter)

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