Chapter 140
Seeing the person coming, Shen Mengqi smiled and squinted her eyes. She looked at Lin Jihan and smiled slightly: "My lord, you are back."

The prince didn't like Shen Mengqi at all, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "What are you hiding?"

"What can I hide?" Shen Mengqi's eyes dodged a little, "I just can't lie down, so I came to the study to read a book."

Lin Jihan lifted Shen Mengqi up directly, then sat on the chair and put Shen Mengqi on his lap.

He frowned and said, "Ye Wei, from now on, the chairs in the study will be padded with soft cushions. Madam's body is too weak to be cold, don't you know? You don't even have the slightest sense of sight. What use does this king want you for?"

Hearing Lin Jihan's accusation, Ye Wei was really wronged. At the beginning, he obviously put the cushion on. Obviously, the prince himself said that the cushion girl chirped, which didn't fit his temperament, so he insisted on calling him Withdrew, and now it's his fault.

Moreover, whose frail wife can directly smash people on the ground in a circle. To be honest, he estimated that there are not many people in the entire Tianyuan Kingdom who can have the fighting power of his wife.

Unexpectedly, such a sturdy wife nestled in Lin Jihan's arms obediently like a little white rabbit, her eyes were full of flattery and begging for mercy.

Seeing that Lin Jihan had reached out his hand into Shen Mengqi's arms, Shen Mengqi firmly grabbed Lin Jihan's hand, not letting him take away the student booklet in his arms, "My lord~"

"What is hidden in the bosom?"

"What can I hide? It's just the candied candies that the prince prepares for me every day and some things that girls play with."

"Really?" Looking at Shen Mengqi who was dodging her eyes, Lin Jihan smiled even wider, "But why do I feel that what I'm holding is a booklet?"

Shen Mengqi's eyes widened, and her voice couldn't help but raise, "My lord, you feel wrong."

"To cover up?"

"Frank and frank!"

"Why don't you dare to show it to me?"

Shen Mengqi puffed her face and said, "What's so good about a girl's house?"

Lin Jihan directly and skillfully released Shen Mengqi's strength, and pulled out the booklet that Shen Mengqi hid in her bosom with a light tug.

Seeing the student booklet being taken by Lin Jihan, Shen Mengqi was taken aback for a moment, then pursed her lips and remained silent.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's pitiful appearance, Lin Jihan threw the booklet on the desk and said, "I'll give you another chance to explain, let's talk about it."

"If I said that I just took it out, I didn't even read all the names, would you believe me?"

"Do you think I believe it? Ye Wei said that you have been in the study for half an hour."

Shen Mengqi turned her head slowly to look at Ye Wei, Ye Wei immediately turned his gaze away, he lowered his head and stared at his toes and said, "My lord, I'm going to get some cushions."

After finishing speaking, Ye Wei slipped away without looking back.

Shen Mengqi had no choice but to turn around and continue to look at Lin Jihan beside her. She sighed and said, "I've been in for half an hour, but I've been reading military books just now, and I just flipped through the student booklet because I found it boring."

Seeing Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi looking at him with eyes that continued to make up, "."

She pinched her forehead annoyed.

"I just thought that the imperial court is short of people, and the admission of the students who passed the examination can no longer be delayed, but"

"But you can't find out which one of them is from Xihuang, and you can't arrest the Minister of the Household Department and torture them, and you don't dare to assign their official positions easily, right?"

Shen Mengqi nodded silently.

Lin Jihan said: "The Grand Tutor said, you are weak now, you can't waste your time and energy like this."

Originally thinking that Lin Jihan's next words were a lesson to herself, Shen Mengqi nodded sullenly, with a listless look, "I'll go back now."

"So, don't use your brain today, leave everything to your husband, listen to your analysis, and then choose based on your intuition. With your husband in charge, even if they are spies from the Western Wilderness, they won't be able to jump around."

Shen Mengqi raised her head to look at Lin Jihan, and happened to meet those gentle eagle eyes.

"I said before that my wife can do whatever she wants, and your husband will carry you and protect you."

"My lord."

"Okay, let's start from the top of the list first, and we have to hurry up, otherwise the doctor Wang will come and talk about it again, and I will be talked about to death by him these days."

Shen Mengqi's thoughts were distracted, "Why is he still talking about you?"

Lin Jihan rubbed Shen Mengqi's shoulders, with a slight sigh in his voice, "Because my wife doesn't listen to advice and doesn't pay attention to her body, so Doctor Wang always urges those who care about her most to restrain her."

Shen Mengqi quietly clenched the hand on her heart, hammered her heart with a little force, then turned around, and said with a trembling voice: "I read the brochure."

Lin Jihan played tricks and whispered in Shen Mengqi's ear: "All listen to Madam."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi's ears were turning red, he pulled the brochure and continued: "The name of this leader is Yi Bai, who was born in a prominent family in Jiangzhou. I heard that he has learned a lot since he was a child. In other words, it has not been found that he has anything to do with Xihuang."

Lin Jihan explained: "Born from a prominent family, his personality does not form cliques, and his opinions on this test question are quite unique. I remember that this is the only person you have awarded the first grade. If he is not from Xihuang, it is true. It can be a powerful aid to the court."

Shen Mengqi nodded, "He has sharp writing and sharp words. Although he is a civil servant, he does have the courage of a general. I think he is suitable to take over the post of Minister of Rites."

Lin Jihan picked up a small sand table that was just made at the side and handed it to Shen Mengqi, saying, "Shouldn't the two Western Wilderness spies who were placed in the Ministry of Rites by the Secretary of the Household Department also move?"

Looking at the Minister of Rites on both sides of the Minister of Rites in the sand table, Shen Mengqi said: "Not now, if he is not a secret agent of the Western Wilderness, then use these two people to train him, if he is."

Shen Mengqi's eyes showed a little cruelty, she directly tore Yi Bai's name from the student booklet and pasted it directly on the small flag of the Minister of Rites, "Then we will take them all together!"

Seeing Shen Mengqi's vicious little expression, Lin Jihan couldn't help laughing, "I listen to Madam."

Looking at the sand table, Shen Mengqi said with certainty: "Sooner or later, this sand table will be filled with loyal and patriotic ministers."

"I'll accompany you."


Unknowingly, Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi chatted about the personnel assignment in the student book until evening, the Taifu and Wang Taiyi waited for a long time, but after the two of them came out for dinner, they came to look for them together.

Ye Wei, who was guarding the door, immediately stood up straight when he saw Imperial Physician Wang coming. He greeted him with a smile and said loudly, "Physician Wang, why are you here?"

That high-pitched person almost deafened the ears of Wang Taiyi and Taifu.

The people in the room naturally also heard Ye Wei's shout.

(End of this chapter)

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