After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 149 Preserving the Law of Heaven and Destroying Human Desires

Chapter 149 Preserving the Law of Heaven and Destroying Human Desires

"I'm here." Looking at Shen Mengqi who was turning into anger from embarrassment, Lin Jihan smiled in her ear: "This time you remember your husband."


Lin Jihan's words instantly made Shen Mengqi, who was still angry from embarrassment, turn off her fire.

Shen Mengqi lifted the quilt and buried herself, as if fleeing.


Lin Jihan was not in a hurry, but just looked at Shen Mengqi quietly, she couldn't hide for a lifetime.

Sure enough, Shen Mengqi quietly lifted the quilt after a while, exposing her eyes.She stared at Lin Jihan with teary eyes, as if she was saying, if you make fun of me one more time, I will suffocate myself to death.

Lin Jihan smiled, he fished Shen Mengqi out of the bed and asked, "What did that person tell you last night that you drank so much that you didn't even recognize your husband?"

Mentioning the words of Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, Shen Mengqi's eyes became erratic, she said: "It's nothing, it's just a car wheel talk, telling me to avenge the empress or something."

Shen Mengqi didn't want to speak, and Lin Jihan didn't force her, but directly stuffed her back into the bed, and pressed her down too.

"My lord?"

"Since you don't want to tell your husband, let's do something that you didn't finish last night."

Shen Mengqi was a little confused, "What's the matter?"

Lin Jihan blew into her ear: "About the thing that made you unable to get out of bed."

Shen Mengqi's ears turned red in an instant, she supported Lin Jihan's chest with both hands, but she didn't resist extremely, instead she was a little coquettish, "It's daytime now!"

The implication is, my lord, you should show some face.

"It's okay, you can see better during the day."


Seeing that Lin Jihan's hand had already been stretched in, at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Doctor Wang's voice came in from outside.

Counseling and resolute, "Your Highness, my lord, no matter how violent the disturbance was last night, it's about time to get up, and it's time to practice the score!"

Hearing this, Shen Mengqi hurriedly pushed Lin Jihan aside, and began to get dressed in a hurry.How did you forget about this?Fortunately, Imperial Physician Wang spoke up in time, otherwise this 'Bai Rixuan' and they found out, then her face would be lost.

Unwillingly, Lin Jihan stretched out his hand to seduce Shen Mengqi, but Shen Mengqi dodged it, "My lord, I have made an agreement with Imperial Physician Wang, and we will fully cooperate with Imperial Physician Wang's treatment. Are you going to break my promise or not take my body?" Seriously?"


Looking at Shen Mengqi, who was obviously using the words of Imperial Physician Wang to gag her, Lin Jihan always had the feeling of picking up a stone and throwing herself in the foot.

Even though he was unwilling, Lin Jihan let Shen Mengqi go and got up with her, he didn't dare to make fun of Shen Mengqi's body.

Doctor Wang waited left and right and finally got Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi out.

After seeing them coming out, Imperial Physician Wang immediately stepped forward to feel Shen Mengqi's pulse. After making sure that the pulse condition did not fluctuate too much, he was relieved.

Doctor Wang said earnestly: "Your Highness, the old minister knows that you young people are very angry, and you don't understand the true meaning of keeping the law of nature and destroying human desires. Greed for pleasure is not a disadvantage, but you can't give it too much."


Seeing that Shen Mengqi was silent, Imperial Physician Wang continued: "I heard that the beds in the main house of the Juxing Pavilion collapsed last night, and you and the prince changed rooms to continue?"

Seeing that Imperial Physician Wang's words were getting more and more outrageous, Shen Mengqi hurriedly explained: "Physician Wang misunderstood, the princess and the prince just had a fight on the bed."

"What the old minister said was that you were fighting on the bed!"

Your fight is different from the fight I mentioned.

Seeing Shen Mengqi with a bitter face, Imperial Physician Wang felt a little distressed. Her Royal Highness the princess has always had nothing to desire, and she must have been coerced by the regent last night.

He suggested, "Did the prince make trouble with you last night?"

Looking at Lin Jihan, who was bored at the side because he didn't eat meat, and now became more and more irritable, Shen Mengqi hurriedly said: "Doctor Wang, you misunderstood, I was the first to strike."

Doctor Wang stared wide-eyed, with a look of disbelief, "You made the first move?"

Could it be that Her Royal Highness is the one who is 'dissatisfied with desire'?
This idea only appeared in Wang Taiyi's mind for a second, and he was thrown away by him. Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Their Highness Princess is as cold as a fairy in the moon, how could she take the initiative to ask for love?

"His Royal Highness, the old minister knows that you are protecting the prince. The old minister also knows that you and the prince are in love, but your mind is damaged now and you need to rest. You."

After holding back for a long time, Imperial Physician Wang moved a little further away from Shen Mengqi, and said to Shen Mengqi in a soft voice that he thought: "You can't get too used to the Prince Regent!"


A loud noise exploded in the ears of Doctor Wang and Shen Mengqi, and when they turned their heads, they saw several cracks in the pillars beside Lin Jihan's punch, and they were about to break.

Lin Jihan looked at Imperial Physician Wang with a hidden knife in his smile and said, "Doctor Wang, what do you think Her Royal Highness can do?"

Doctor Wang's spine softened, and he hurriedly bowed to Lin Jihan and said: "The old minister said that Her Royal Highness must pay attention to this exercise spectrum, let's hurry up and practice today's exercise spectrum."

After finishing speaking, Imperial Physician Wang rushed out for a long distance, and after drawing a certain distance from Lin Jihan, he breathed a sigh of relief, and began to make gestures slowly.

The person who got in the way finally withdrew, Lin Jihan raised his hand and rubbed Shen Mengqi's forehead and said: "There is something wrong with the school today, I will deal with it, if Doctor Wang tells you something, I will send someone to tell you I."

Lin Jihan picked up a stone and held it in his hand. In an instant, the stone turned into ashes and scattered from Lin Jihan's fingers, "When the time comes, I will personally teach the master the art of speaking."

Looking at the doctor Wang who was so frightened that he was shaking like a sieve, Shen Mengqi thought that he probably didn't even dare to speak.

After seeing Shen Mengqi nodding obediently, Lin Jihan said dotingly: "Be good~"

Luo Jiuqing has been lying on the bed for more than a month, and the injury on her back has been getting better day by day under the care of Doctor Wang, and she will be able to stand up soon.

Mu Qiancheng would quietly stand at the door to visit her every day these few days. Luo Jiuqing knew that she sent Yuan Bao to drive him away a few times at first. After all, since she decided to let go, she didn't want to have any entanglements with him anymore. .

But this time he drove away, and he will come again next time.Luo Jiuqing didn't know what he was going to do, and seeing that he was just watching from a distance, and didn't come in to talk to him, she let him go.

On this day, Luo Jiuqing was lying on the bed basking in the sun as usual, it was Caicai who came in and said, "Miss, Miss Peony, please see me."

Luo Jiuqing couldn't help feeling a little dignified after thinking of the family letter from Luo's elder brother, she frowned and said, "Miss Ben is still ill, see you later."

(End of this chapter)

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