Chapter 152 Witnesses
After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi sat with the hostages in Macheng and headed towards the imperial palace. Lin Jihan was worried and wanted to go with them, but there was an urgent report from Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies and he needed to deal with it urgently.

He had no choice but to ask Shen Mengqi to go first, and he followed after he finished handling military affairs.

In the carriage, Huanhuan looked at Shen Mengqi with some restraint, as if he was a little afraid of Shen Mengqi.But Wang Wenpo was much more generous. She ignored Shen Mengqi in the carriage and lifted the curtain on the window of the carriage on her own.

Looking at the busy capital outside the carriage, Wang Wenpo said with a tusk: "After so many years, Kyoto is still the same, hehe."

Seeing this, Huanhuan quickly gave Wang Wenpo a hand, "Aunt Wang, Her Royal Highness is still here."

Wang Wenpo still didn't let go of the hand holding the curtain, she looked at Shen Mengqi who was sitting on a pile of cushions in Macheng with her eyes closed and meditating, and said, "Your Highness, this old slave hasn't been to Beijing for some years, don't you mind my old lady?" Nuo, should you take a look at this capital?"

Shen Mengqi opened her eyes when she heard the words, and looked at her with a cold expression.

Wang Wenpo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "I didn't expect Her Royal Highness to be so imposing now. I think you were an old slave to deliver the baby back then. Oh, not only you, but also the eldest prince, the third prince, and the fourth prince." Prince, those were delivered by old slaves."

Speaking of the fourth prince who died before he was born, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but clenched her hands, and then slowly closed her eyes.

If you don't speak, it means acquiescing.

Wang Wenpo snorted proudly, and she twisted her fat body triumphantly, like a cock fighting for victory.

Huanhuan on the side couldn't help pulling Wang Wenpo's clothes, and she warned in a low voice: "Aunt Wang, why are you talking to the princess? You don't want your head anymore!"

Wang Wenpo looked at Shen Mengqi with her eyes closed and said to Huanhuan, "Now, you and I are both witnesses, and we are the meat and potatoes in the eyes of these big shots. Her Royal Highness will not kill us. She still wants to kill us." I'm afraid we will be silenced."

She leaned into Huanhuan's ear and whispered: "Those of us who are slaves and handmaids have been serving others all our lives, it's rare that you don't enjoy yourself when you are so stubborn?"

Huanhuan waved her hand, she glanced at Shen Mengqi, and after making sure she hadn't looked over, she said in a low voice, "Who is what? I was born to be inferior, so naturally I have to serve others."

Wang Wenpo gave Huanhuan a resentment, "How else can your good sister be a noble concubine, but you have been a slave for the rest of your life!"

Huanhuan's forehead hurt a little from being poked, but he was afraid of disturbing Shen Mengqi, so he kept holding back and didn't cry out.

She did not give up and persuaded Wang Wenpo: "Aunt Wang, the status of the princess is not suitable for holding the curtain all the time. It is not good for others to see. You should let it go."

Wang Wenpo looked at Huanhuan and hinted: "Then you can sit here and block the curtain so that people can't see the car?"

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, although the carriage was moving slowly, the wind blowing in from the opening of the curtain was also bitingly cold.

Huanhuan, on the other hand, listened to Wang Wenpo's words without hesitation, and did not back away even though her face was hurt by the cold wind.

Looking at Huanhuan, who was stubbornly admitting to death, Wang Wenpo sighed helplessly, "We have been living in the dark all these years to avoid chasing and killing the imperial concubine and the others, don't you hate it?"

Huanhuan shook his head, "The empress once said that everything has its destiny. Look, after so many years, hasn't the noble concubine killed us?"

"That's because of the secret help of the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, and now Her Royal Highness is going to push you and me into the endless abyss, don't you want to escape?"

"If you can avenge the empress, even death is worth it. Moreover, if the master lets the slave die, the slave will have to die too."

Looking at Huanhuan, who was full of thoughts of burying the Lord, Wang Wenpo shook her head, she was really hopeless.

Wang Wenpo looked at Huanhuan who insisted on standing at the curtain to block Shen Mengqi, she couldn't help but said: "Look more at this capital, this palace, I'm afraid you won't be able to see these things again once you enter." gone."

Shen Mengqi's carriage stopped at the gate of the palace, Eleven said respectfully outside: "Madam, we are here."

Only then did Shen Mengqi open her eyes, she turned to look at Wang Wenpo and Huanhuan and said, "The promotion ceremony for the imperial concubine is about to begin, do you want to go and see it?"

Before Huanhuan could reply, Wang Wenpo shook her head one step ahead of her, "Forget it, we've kowtowed to people for a lifetime, let's cut down a few kowtows."

Shen Mengqi glanced at Wang Wenpo who had something to say, and then said: "Okay, then you all wait in Ma Chengli for my princess' call."

After getting off the carriage, Shen Mengqi told Eleven and Seventeen: "Eleven, take care of them. Seventeen, follow me to the promotion ceremony."

"Yes, ma'am."

When Shen Mengqi brought Seventeen in, all the civil and military officials in the court hall, except for Lin Jihan, had basically arrived.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's arrival, they were silent for a long time. It was Mu Qiancheng who broke the silence first. He walked in front of Shen Mengqi and said in a strange tone: "Your Highness, why are you here? You don't know what the emperor has arranged for you. finished?"

Shen Mengqi was as stable as Mount Tai, she looked at Mu Qiancheng and said, "It's not up to the prime minister to intervene in this princess' matter, the emperor's uncle restrains Shen Mengqi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, not Princess Anshun."

"Heh, Your Royal Highness is really good at deceiving yourself and others, so let's see who the emperor is restraining."

After speaking, Mu Qiancheng shook his sleeves and left.

Now, the Prince Regent's Mansion is under suspicion, the emperor favors the prime minister alone, and the second prince, Shen Nanchen, is promoted to share the power of the Prince Regent. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the first princess of Tianyuan Kingdom has entered into decline.

After they saw Shen Mengqi being ridiculed by Mu Qiancheng, instead of stepping forward to help, they all moved away spontaneously.

The official position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials is very delicate. When the emperor protects him, he is the food and clothing of all civil and military officials.

If the emperor doesn't protect him, then he is a famous paper tiger, not as good as a slave in the slave bureau.

All the courtiers didn't step forward, it was all because Shen Mengqi was supported by the two identities of Princess Anshun and Princess Regent.

After all, no matter how unfavored a princess is, she is also a princess of the royal family.The regent who was suppressed again was also a regent who held hundreds of thousands of cavalry, had military power, and had power over the government and the opposition.

No matter what Shen Mengqi's identity is, they are not something they can offend.Therefore, they could only isolate her, but they did not dare to insult her at all.

Not long after, the emperor came out holding the hand of the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine was wearing the queen's attire, waiting for the start of the promotion ceremony.

Shen Mengqi looked at the familiar clothes and jewelry, she couldn't bear it anymore, in front of all the courtiers, she snorted coldly: "Oh, clothes really depend on people."

(End of this chapter)

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