After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 166 Is it the Luo Family I Care About, or Someone from the Luo Family?

Chapter 166 Is it the Luo Family I Care About, or Someone from the Luo Family?
Hubu Shangshu clapped his hands and said: "As expected of Princess Qingning, I know Her Royal Highness thoroughly. However, we are a cooperative relationship, and the bad guys call me to be, but Princess Qingning doesn't touch fishy at all, which is unreasonable Bar?"

"Have you ever seen the well-known stain on the monarch who inherited the great line?" Shen Qingning looked at the Hubu Shangshu and said, "Since you want to support the princess to the throne, you have to be dirty."

Shen Qingning's words were not pleasant to hear, and the Minister of the Household Department laughed instead of anger, "His Royal Highness said it well, you are suitable for sitting on the lotus that is not stained by mud."

The Secretary of the Household Department was very good at grasping that point in Shen Qingning's heart, and what he said was extremely flattering, which made Shen Qingning feel much more comfortable.

Shen Qingning snorted and said, "That's right, anyway, you are already dirty to mud, do you still care about being a little more dirty?"

Hubu Shangshu couldn't help clenching his hands hidden in his sleeves, and he still had a smile on his face, "Yes, let us let the mud nourish the lotus, Princess Qingning, our cooperation It has been achieved. After the matter is completed, I will show you our power map."

"As long as you're not stupid, then it's fine." Shen Qingning turned her head and continued to ponder over the bottle of plum on her desk, and said to the human who had been standing outside the door: "Chunni, see off."

It wasn't until he walked out of Qingning County Lord's Mansion that the household servant could not help complaining: "My lord, this Qingning County owner made it clear that he doesn't treat us as human beings. We have been in for so long, and we don't even have a sip of tea. Just give it to us."

"Obviously she has cooperated with us, but she still pretends to be high-minded and belittles us, we don't have to cooperate with her!"

"My lord said that working with Shen Qingning is the most time-saving and labor-saving. After all, she is currently someone the emperor respects more. The most important thing is that she wants to kill Shen Mengqi just like us."

"But look at her attitude, will she really cooperate with us and not disagree?"

Hubu Shangshu rubbed the plum that was still in his hand and said: "The Tianyuan royal family is so proud, even if they have fallen to Yunni and smashed their bones, they will still hold their heads up and speak."

"According to what the lord said, she is hypocritical and hypocritical. Such a person is easier to deal with. As long as she is comfortable with her, she will be the most powerful knife in our hands."

"Be patient, the most important thing right now is to use her hand to kill Shen Mengqi. As long as Shen Mengqi is gone, Tianyuan Kingdom will still be in our hands, but whoever we push to be the supreme position is what we said never mind."

On the other side, inside the Regent's Palace

After Luo Jiuqing found out all the information that the Taifu could find, she asked Yuan Bao to secretly bring the information to Shen Mengqi.

At this time, Shen Mengqi was sitting on the bed in Juxing Pavilion obediently copying the law.After seeing Nan Nan coming, Shen Mengqi put down her pen and said, "Have you found everything?"

Nan Nan nodded and said: "Xiaomeng Pavilion has already checked everything that can be checked, and the information of the Grand Tutor is basically here."


Shen Mengqi took the information and roughly flipped through a few pages, and she asked, "No one saw you when you came, did Ah Jiu get better from his injuries recently?"

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, I stepped on it several times to avoid people coming here. Miss Luo is also very good, and now I can count the silver and read the account book myself."

Shen Mengqi couldn't help but chuckled, now that she can count the money, it must be nothing serious.but.
Shen Mengqi said tactfully, "Didn't the Luo family visit Ah Jiu these days?"

Nan Nan shook her head and said, "No, the second master of the Luo family has been staring at the food and grass in Jiuyou thirteen counties and can't get away. The uncle of the Luo family seems to be discussing a big business recently. It was a big blow because I won the list, so I have been staying behind closed doors, concentrating on studying at home."

The third master of the Luo family was probably not concentrating on studying, but because all the spies in Xihuang were arrested by her, so he panicked and hid himself.

He thought he would be fine if he hid in Luo's house and didn't come out?Oh, naive, colluding with foreign thieves, even the Luo family can't protect him.

In the end, it was the lack of human heart that swallowed the elephant, which harmed the clan and also harmed himself.

Shen Mengqi thought for a moment and then said: "What is the big business that Brother Luo's family talked about recently?"

"I heard it's pawns and food."

Shen Mengqi couldn't help but pause when she turned the pages of the book. Is it such a coincidence?Is she thinking too much, or is she thinking too little?

Seeing Shen Mengqi lost in thought, Nan Nan couldn't help but asked, "His Royal Highness?"

Shen Mengqi woke up instantly from the fugue. She looked at Nan Nan and said, "Tonight, this princess has never asked you about the Luo family, do you understand?"


"It's getting late, you go back, and be careful not to let anyone find out."

After Nan Nan left, Shen Mengqi sat paralyzed as if her spine had been taken away by someone. The information about the master in front of her was like a book from the sky, and she was spinning.

At this time, Shen Mengqi suddenly felt a wall appear out of thin air behind her, directly supporting her.

Looking back at her thoughts gradually, Shen Mengqi turned around and saw Lin Jihan coming in and sitting behind her.

He hugged the limp Shen Mengqi in his arms, kissed her earlobe lightly, and said, "Why do you have dim eyesight? But you still feel uncomfortable? I'll call Doctor Wang."

Shen Mengqi grabbed Lin Jihan, who was about to turn around to find Doctor Wang, and said, "It's not uncomfortable, but the hands that copy the law hurt. Let me lean on for a while."

Feeling Shen Mengqi's dependence, Lin Jihan rubbed the top of Shen Mengqi's head, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Shen Mengqi subconsciously wanted to hide the Luo family's affairs, she pointed to the stack on the table and said: "Just now Nan Nan came and brought all the information about the Tai Tuo, and I flipped through it roughly, there are a lot, look not go down."

While Lin Jihan was enjoying Shen Mengqi's acting like a baby, he chuckled and said, "Coincidentally, Anyi and the others brought back the results of the thorough investigation of Luo's house today, do you want to hear it?"


Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan, "Have you finished investigating the Luo family?"

Lin Jihan nodded.

Sure enough, there is no way to hide what should come.

Seeing Shen Mengqi with a bad face, Lin Jihan didn't urge her, but suggested: "Which one do you want to watch first? Or don't you watch any of them today?"

Lin Jihan handed over the choice to Shen Mengqi.

After Shen Mengqi pondered for a moment, tenacity and determination flashed across her eyes, "Look at the Luo family first."

Because she cares, she must be the first to know that no matter good or bad, she accepts it.She believed in the Luo family, and hoped that the Luo family would not disappoint her expectations.

Lin Jihan smiled and rubbed Shen Mengqi into his arms, "Do you want to look like death like this on your face? What An Yi brings is not necessarily bad news."

Shen Mengqi smiled miserably, "Only by thinking about the worst, can you control yourself when you know the truth."

Seeing Shen Mengqi with pale lips and trembling hands in fear, Lin Jihan realized that this matter held such a heavy place in her heart.

She just didn't know whether it was the Luo family or someone from the Luo family that made her care and worry so much.

(End of this chapter)

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