After the powerful divorced their wives, they welcome the crematorium

Chapter 174 This princess came to see you, do you like it?

Chapter 174 This princess came to see you, do you like it?

Seeing Lin Jihan standing in front of her and not letting her move, Shen Mengqi frowned, as if thinking about how to fool Lin Jihan.

At this moment, Lin Jihan changed into an identical night suit from behind and said, "I'll accompany you."

Looking at Shen Mengqi who opened her small cherry mouth in surprise, Lin Jihan gently tapped her on the head, and he said with eyes full of doting: "In the current situation, when they find you, they will only use their tricks to find a way out." Silence you."

"If I'm with you, they will have evil intentions and no courage."

"But the dignified regent is jumping up and down in the capital like a snitch, and it's not good to say it."

Lin Jihan flicked Shen Mengqi's forehead lightly, and said to Shen Mengqi who was teasing herself: "Princess Anshun is doing this kind of thing, who would think of me."


Seeing that she couldn't beat Lin Jihan, Shen Mengqi didn't wait for Lin Jihan, she jumped onto the osmanthus tree outside the courtyard, stepped on the weak branches of the osmanthus tree and jumped out of the palace.

The movements of the whole person are extremely light, like a cat, without even making a sound.

Lin Jihan followed closely behind. Although he looked very hard and his figure was two or three times bigger than Shen Mengqi, he didn't make the slightest sound.

The two of them seemed to be one with the night, although they were chasing each other and fighting, no one noticed.

Shen Mengqi came to Mu's Mansion first, and she lay on the roof of Luo Jiuqing's courtyard and whispered: "I don't know if I don't fly here, but the Prince Regent's Mansion is so close to Mu's Mansion, only two streets away. For a carriage, it will take an hour."

"After all, it's a short cut."

Lin Jihan was lying beside Shen Mengqi. He looked at Mu Qiancheng who was standing next to Luo Jiuqing and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile and said, "I didn't know why when I first heard about it, but now I have stepped into the world of mortals."

"It's not terrible to fall in love with someone, the terrible thing is to like someone without knowing it."

Lin Jihan's appearance now is exactly the same as when Mu Qiancheng commented on himself back then.

Shen Mengqi tilted her head and looked at Luo Jiuqing, who was hugging the black cat and looking at the moon, and said, "You mean that Mu Qiancheng fell in love with Ah Jiu?"

Lin Jihan nodded, seeing Shen Mengqi's curious face, he sold Mu Qiancheng straight away.

"Mu Qiancheng has a quirk. Whenever the moon is full, he will put a row of wine in his yard and get himself drunk, saying that he pays tribute to a literary master who looked up at the moon and looked down at his hometown. "

"This is an unshakeable habit he has had for more than ten years. The moon is so round today, and he didn't drink alcohol but stayed with Luo Jiuqing. What is it not like?"

Shen Mengqi rubbed her earlobe and thought, "Maybe it's the responsibility? If I'm not wrong, the eldest brother of the Luo family is going to attack Luo Ping'an today. Ah Jiu's heart is unstable, so he took the black cat to watch the moon."

"Mu Qiancheng accompanying her should be out of responsibility. After all, the trial marriage period between Ah Jiu and him is not over yet, even if it's just a show, he still has to accompany Ah Jiu."

Looking at Shen Mengqi, who analyzed clearly and calmly, with a determined face.Lin Jihan couldn't help but sighed, her mind was probably focused on Tianyuan Kingdom, and she didn't have the slightest thought about love affairs.

Getting her to open up is harder than a drunkard hitting a bell, but what can be done, who would make him like it?
"With Mu Qiancheng accompanying Luo Jiuqing, you don't need to worry about the situation here, let's go and look elsewhere."

Shen Mengqi also knew that the current relationship between Prince Regent's Mansion and Mu Mansion was not something she could stay for long, so she nodded obediently, and followed Lin Jihan to withdraw silently.

During this period, except for Xuanmao who subconsciously looked up at the place where Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan disappeared, no one noticed that they were here today.

Before Lin Jihan could follow up and say a few words, Shen Mengqi turned around and jumped into the Hubu Shangshu's mansion, hitting the ground with a muffled bang, as if the people in the Hubu Shangshu's mansion didn't notice her coming.

But even so, no one came out to check at the House of the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, which made Shen Mengqi a little puzzled, just when she didn't want to understand whether it was a trap deliberately set by the Minister of the Household Department or if he was so confident that he would not be defensive in his own mansion when.

There were screams from the house not far away.

Shen Mengqi approached cautiously, and just as she was about to reach out for the bucket of window paper, a big hand wrapped around Shen Mengqi's waist, and flew directly to the roof with Shen Mengqi.

Turning around, I saw Lin Jihan was looking at her with a smile and said, "It's so hard for you to poke your eyes. My husband will teach you how to do it."

As he spoke, Lin Jihan grabbed the two tiles and broke them apart vigorously.

I saw a beautiful scene in the house, Hubu Shangshu was hanging out with several of his beautiful concubines.

He seemed to be fond of abuse, there were a bunch of candles, whips and other things in the room, and those concubines were all bruised and purple except for their faces.

Before Shen Mengqi could take a closer look, Lin Jihan covered her eyes, "When you see someone else's place, you will have a needle's eye."

Shen Mengqi let Lin Jihan's big hand cover her eyes, she smiled and said: "Then I won't watch it, you watch it for me, and call me again when it's the critical moment of reproduction, I have a big gift for him."

Looking at Shen Mengqi with a bad face, Lin Jihan also became happy, and he said, "Okay~"

As the household secretary's expression became more and more ferocious, Lin Jihan whispered in Shen Mengqi's ear, "It's the critical moment."

I saw Shen Mengqi shielding Lin Jihan in front of her eyes with both hands, then she stood up straight, raised her right leg and kicked fiercely at the roof of Hubu Shangshu.

Accompanied by a loud noise, Shen Mengqi kicked most of the roof into pieces. The roof that was only missing two tiles instantly turned into a huge hole. Yes, wilted.

As the tiles fell, Hubu Shangshu screamed like a pig being slaughtered, "Ahhh!"

He randomly tore off the clothes on the side to cover his vitals, then raised his head and shouted at the leaking roof: "Who! Who is it!"

Lin Jihan put down the hand that was blocking Shen Mengqi, and Shen Mengqi walked slowly to the periphery of the hole in the roof, and leisurely stood on the tiles that would collapse at any time, looking at Hubu Shangshudao.

"It's the princess, Minister Hubu, the princess is here to see you, do you like it?"

It was the first time seeing the dignified, cold and indifferent Shen Mengqi climbing up her own roof and threatening her with a smile, Hubu Shangshu couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He was a little unclear whether the person in front of him was Shen Mengqi, or someone pretending to be Shen Mengqi.

Shen Mengqi said again: "Master of the Household Department, tomorrow you can participate in this princess' book, and say that this princess breaks into your mansion in the middle of the night to watch your 'multiplayer sports'."

(End of this chapter)

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