Chapter 176
"Didn't this princess say it earlier, this princess is going to marry into the wife of the regent's mansion."

Shen Mengqi lowered her eyebrows and thought deeply. After thinking for a while, she raised her head with difficulty. She was just about to speak.

At this moment, Lin Jihan, who did not know when he came to her side, hugged Shen Mengqi, he looked at Shen Qingning coldly and said: "This king does not agree with your entry into the Regent's Palace, you should give up your heart. "

Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi by the waist and said, "Go, I'll take you home. If this road doesn't work, we'll think of another."

Shen Qingning didn't even try to stop her, she looked at Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi in his arms and said, "Don't worry, this Princess can afford to wait, you guys should think about it."

The two of them turned over without saying a word and went back to the Juxing Pavilion of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

After entering the room, Shen Mengqi couldn't help but said: "My lord, it's just that I have one more person to eat, otherwise I agree."

Lin Jihan twisted Shen Mengqi's nose, "It's not a matter of opening more mouths. My wife has a big heart, but mine is still very small. I can't handle anyone except my wife."

Shen Mengqi said: "I know, but."

"Okay, I've been chattering all night, lie down and rest, we can discuss tomorrow if we have anything to do."

Knowing what Shen Mengqi wanted to say, Lin Jihan directly brought Shen Mengqi into his arms, and Shen Mengqi calmed down after a while.

Not long after, Shen Mengqi fell into a dream.

On the second day, Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi went to court as scheduled.

Above the court, the Hubu Shangshu did not attend Shen Mengqi, and Shen Qingning kept staring at Shen Mengqi, but she had no intention of complaining to the emperor.

I thought today's court meeting had passed safely, but I didn't expect that at the end, the emperor announced something, and a layer of stones stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment formed a clique for private interests, slandered the former queen's reputation, trampled on the noble concubine, confiscated all her property, and will be executed at noon tomorrow.

The emperor seemed to be afraid that Shen Mengqi would find her, after announcing the matter, he didn't even wait for Wang Peng to announce his resignation, he got up and hurried towards the harem.

The courtiers looked at me and I looked at you, no one dared to say anything, and they all retreated silently.

And Shen Mengqi seemed to have lost her soul, and it was Lin Jihan who hugged her and left the Xuanzheng Hall together.

Shen Qingning deliberately passed by Shen Mengqi's side and said, "Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment will ask to be executed tomorrow, so there is not much time left for my sister, you should think about it quickly."

Shen Mengqi became sober in an instant, she turned her head to look at Lin Jihan who was protecting her tightly, with tears in her eyes.

"My lord, we're running out of time. The Minister of the Ministry of Punishment will be beheaded tomorrow."

Lin Jihan nodded, for such a hasty conviction, the emperor must be afraid of complications.

Now this matter seems to be in a deadlock.

Just when Lin Jihan frowned and thought deeply, he felt a hot gaze fall on him, and when he turned his head, he saw Shen Mengqi staring at him with a thoughtful expression.

"My lord."

Lin Jihan frowned, "You want to betray me again?"

"Where will it be sold? I just want to tell you about another room." Shen Mengqi raised her small hand and gently massaged Lin Jihan.

"My lord, otherwise we will accept Shen Qingning."

Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi who was calmly analyzing calmly and said, "You really want me to accept Shen Qingning?"

Shen Mengqi said, "Isn't there no other way?"

Shen Mengqi's words were full of helplessness, but her expression was unusually steady, without any sadness or other emotions, as if she didn't take Lin Jihan seriously at all.

Lin Jihan's heart ached, "If I accept Shen Qingning, will you be sad?"

"No, I'm not a jealous woman."

He really hoped she was a jealous woman.

Even if she's not a jealous woman, at least she can be jealous for him, and it's okay to show concern for him a little bit, instead of every time she encounters something, she wants to push herself out.

She clearly didn't take herself as her own.

Lin Jihan couldn't help thinking, if Luo Bufan was standing in front of Shen Mengqi at this moment, would she not care so much?
Some things can still deceive oneself and others if you don't want to, but once you think about it, it's like a scourge that has opened the gate, and people can't restrain it anymore.

Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi with a cold expression and asked, "Do you really have a heart?"

"I have it, my lord."

Lin Jihan had a bitter look on his face, even if he had a heart, it was probably a heart made of iron lumps, which made him unable to understand and heat up.

"If the person in this marriage is the Luo family uncle, would you be so calm?"

Shen Mengqi was a little puzzled, what does this have to do with the Luo family uncle?

Looking at Shen Mengqi who has been silent for a long time, Lin Ji smiled coldly, "I see."

"My lord, what do you know?"

Looking at Lin Jihan, who was covered in frost and seemed to be repelling others, Shen Mengqi couldn't help feeling a little flustered. She raised her hand to hold Lin Jihan, as if she was gradually losing something.

Lin Jihan withdrew his hand from Shen Mengqi's grasp lightly, he looked at Shen Mengqi coldly and said: "If you want to, then ask Shen Qingning to marry in, ten miles of red makeup, and Jiaofang's special favor on me will not be missing. her."

Hearing what Lin Jihan said, Shen Mengqi's heart ached for no reason.

I don't know why, but Lin Jihan obviously let go, giving Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice a glimmer of life, but her own heart seemed to be ruthlessly dug out, and it was painful and astringent, causing her to suffer unspeakably.

Shen Mengqi subconsciously trotted forward to grab Lin Jihan, she had a hunch that if she told him to just leave this time, she would regret it in the future.

At this moment, Wang Peng came out with the imperial decree. Judging from the appearance, he should be going to the prison to proclaim the decree.

Shen Mengqi woke up immediately, but she was still holding on to Lin Jihan's clothes.

Lin Jihan looked back at Shen Mengqi with a hint of hope, his voice was still a little cold, "What are you doing?"

Hearing that icy voice, Shen Mengqi felt suffocated in her heart. She resisted the pain in her heart and loosened Lin Jihan's sleeves. She looked at Lin Jihan carefully and said.

"My lord, it's only this time. When this matter is over, I will..."

Lin Jihan's eyes were filled with unconcealable disappointment, he grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand, pulled out the corner of his clothes, and his voice became colder, "Your Highness, the king has agreed, you can do whatever you want Come with you."

Shen Mengqi's eyes turned red involuntarily when she heard the voice of Your Highness the Princess.But seeing Wang Peng driving the carriage towards the prison, she had to let go.

Right now, she has more important things to do.

Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi who rushed towards Shen Qingning without looking back, his eyes were full of sadness, he didn't wait for Shen Mengqi any longer, but got on the carriage.

He said to Ye Wei, "Go to the green brothel."

(End of this chapter)

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