Chapter 210

After staying up for half the night, Shen Mengqi finally felt a little drowsy. As soon as she closed her eyes, she felt that the curtain of the camp tent was lifted from the outside, and the cold wind blew in from outside the tent. Instantly woke up.

Hearing the familiar footsteps, Shen Mengqi turned around and turned her back to the door.It seems to be escaping, and it seems to be refusing.

The person who came took off his cloak but didn't go directly to the bed, but climbed up after the cold air on his body was sucked clean by the charcoal brazier in the house.

He gently lifted a corner of the quilt and squeezed in directly, his whole body clinging tightly to Shen Mengqi in the quilt.

Along with the warm and dry chest, there was also a refreshing lotus fragrance. She had smelled this fragrance from Shen Qingning before, and it was her usual spice.

Such a heavy and strong fragrance, how close is it, and how long does it take to be contaminated?
Just thinking about it for a moment, Shen Mengqi's heart ached as if it had been pierced countless holes by thousands of needles, it was cold and empty.

Shen Mengqi moved forward with some resistance, wanting to put some distance away from Lin Jihan.But Lin Jihan posted it reluctantly.

Just when Shen Mengqi lifted a corner of the quilt and was about to go out, the next second, Lin Jihan directly hugged her waist and gently pushed her back, then hugged her back into his arms, sticking tightly to each other.

"The Nine Nether Thirteen Counties are no better than the capital. If you let the cold wind pour over you, you might burn yourself to death tomorrow." Lin Jihan rubbed Shen Mengqi's neck, "Be good, I won't trouble you."

When she thought that he had just gotten off other women's bed, and turned around and got into her own bed, Shen Mengqi felt sick in her heart, and the insult made her feel cold from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

Although the people behind her were as hot as a stove, she felt as if she was in a world of ice and snow, and her teeth chattered from the cold.

Sensing Shen Mengqi's trembling, Lin Jihan worriedly raised his hand and touched Shen Mengqi's forehead, "Madam, what's wrong, why are you shaking so much?"

Shen Mengqi bit her lower lip tightly, and said through the gap between her teeth: "It's okay, I'm asleep."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi's forehead was not hot, and she obediently did not move, Lin Jihan didn't ask any more questions, and hugged Shen Mengqi contentedly, and fell into a dream after a while.

This was the most solid sleep he had ever had since he separated from Shen Mengqi.

A tear fell down Shen Mengqi's cheek, she told herself over and over again that the current situation is too dangerous, there is the Western Wilderness outside, Saibei is eyeing, and there is the household secretary Shen Qingning and the others undercurrents.

She can't disregard the safety of Tianyuan Kingdom for her own personal feelings. As the princess of Tianyuan Kingdom, she must bear the most important.

The lingering lotus fragrance behind her made Shen Mengqi sleepless for a long time. The result of opening her eyes until dawn was that her eyes were as red as blood jade, and a rare black-blue color appeared in front of her eyes. Her face was haggard, and she looked extremely tired. .

I don't know, I thought that Lin Jihan made trouble with her all night last night.

When Doctor Wang came to ask for his pulse in the morning, he was also taken aback. He rushed over in three steps at a time, and knelt down in front of Shen Mengqi with a plop.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you!"

Shen Mengqi said: "My princess feels insomnia when I come in, please prescribe some sleeping prescriptions for this princess."

Looking at Lin Jihan who was playing with a long spear outside the camp tent, Doctor Wang frowned and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, is it because the prince has troubled you?"

Recalling the events of last night, the light in Shen Mengqi's eyes dimmed, and it was a long time before she said: "No."

"No wonder!"

Looking at Shen Mengqi with a grievance and forbearance, Doctor Wang got up and walked out, "Isn't this a joke? I'm going to tell the prince not to have sex with you for a few days. Where are you now? Can withstand his tossing like this."

Shen Mengqi knew that Doctor Wang had misunderstood, but she didn't raise her hand to stop him.She thought to herself, it would be good if she could use Doctor Wang's hand to tell him not to come again.

It's just that when she thought that he would not come again, she didn't feel happy in her heart.

She couldn't help laughing at herself, "Bitch."

Shen Mengqi didn't know what the doctor Wang told Lin Jihan, but in the next few days, she didn't see Lin Jihan again, nor did Lin Jihan come to her camp to rest with her.

Shen Mengqi's heart was relieved, but it felt empty, as if something had been forcibly dug out.

She thought she might be sick, but she didn't know how to cure this disease.

It wasn't until the day of Xiaonian that Lin Jihan appeared.

Early in the morning, he came over to inform Shen Mengqi that they were going back to Beijing today, and they would come out after packing up.

He never has any more.

They seemed to default back to the days when they respected each other as guests in Cong Nian, and they didn't have much to say, and they basically didn't meet each other.The difference is that this time, Shen Mengqi felt heartache.

When Shen Mengqi packed herself up and came out, Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning were already waiting by the side.

Shen Qingning greeted Shen Mengqi like a hostess and said: "Princess, pack up, then let's go. The prince and I sent a message to the capital early in the morning, and my mother is waiting for us at home."

Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning who were riding side by side in a daze. She didn't know when it started, but she felt that the appearance of Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning together was so dazzling.

Seeing Shen Mengqi staring at her, Shen Qingning said with a smile: "I know that the princess is not in good health yet, we have a car, please get in the car, princess."

Xu was afraid that Shen Mengqi's insistence on riding a horse would ruin the time they spent together, so the one pulling the carriage was the bloody BMW that Shen Mengqi rode over.

Looking at Shen Mengqi who was in a trance, Ye Wei stepped forward and added: "The lord was afraid of delaying the progress, so he set up madam's bloody BMW, but madam, don't worry, the carriage is still covered with a thick layer of cushions, and it won't be called." Madame is not well."

Shen Mengqi nodded, said nothing, and sat in the carriage alone.

Ye Wei was afraid that Shen Mengqi would be suspicious, so he deliberately added, "This is what the lord ordered, and the lord said it. Madam is weak, so she can't be left out."

This sentence once made Shen Mengqi feel so sweet, but now it is so chilling.

After Shen Mengqi gave a cold hum, she stopped replying.

From the beginning to the end, she never looked at Lin Jihan.

Lin Jihan said with a sullen face, "Let's go."

Afterwards, he flicked the whip fiercely, and the horse jumped ten meters in an instant. Shen Qingning glanced at Shen Mengqi's carriage, and then said delicately: "My lord, don't ride so fast, wait for me."

(End of this chapter)

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