Chapter 214 The Third Prince Knows
After coming out of the imperial study room, Shen Mengqi did not leave the palace in a hurry, but returned to the place where she used to live - Jingtai Palace.

Although, she has never been back since she got married.But no one has ever lived here, and the emperor even sent a court lady and eunuch Shi Chang to clean and wash.

So when I came back, the Jingtai Palace was the same as when she left, clean and quiet.

She silently sat down on the bed she used to sleep on. She didn't know if it was because of the approaching Chinese New Year, but the nightmare that hadn't appeared since she was with Lin Jihan was haunting her again.

Through the flat bed, she seemed to see the weak and helpless self back then. At that time, she was covered under the quilt by her mother, the eldest princess. The embroiderers use the long and thin needles to pierce themselves.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from her mother's shackles. Every night when she was young was her nightmare.

The hall is as warm as spring, but Shen Mengqi's heart is full of cold winds. She is destined to have a hard time this year.

After sitting in Jingtai Palace for a while, Shen Mengqi got up and left. Before leaving the palace, she happened to run into the third prince who was in charge of assisting the government these days.

The third prince immediately grabbed Shen Mengqi when he saw her, "Sister Mengqi, let's talk."

What should come, will come after all.

Shen Mengqi followed the third prince to the gate tower. Standing on the gate of the gate, she had a panoramic view of half of the imperial city.

Looking at Shen Mengqi with her hands behind her back, her eyes clear, and calmly looking at Shen Mengqi, who is looking at the world with a kingly posture, the third prince asked: "My mother and concubine are already dead, right? She died in the Punishment Department."

Seeing the third prince's cross-examination, Shen Mengqi said directly: "Yes, third brother, who told you these things?"

Hearing Shen Mengqi's candid confession, the third prince seemed to have been severely injured, and fell backwards. He supported the fence and forced himself to say: "It doesn't matter who told me, I just want to ask you , Is your handwriting in the death of my mother and concubine?"

Shen Mengqi said: "Yes."

Although she was not the one who killed the imperial concubine, she was indeed the one who prompted the imperial concubine to be killed.Moreover, even if that person did not kill the imperial concubine, she would not let the imperial concubine live.

"Why did you do this?" The third prince cried out with tears in his eyes, "My mother and concubine will not die no matter what, why did you do this!"

"She killed the empress, she deserves to die."

Seeing the third prince who was already slumped on the ground, covering his face and crying, Shen Mengqi's eyes flashed with unbearable, but she still said: "The imperial concubine is never clean, she entered the palace because of Xihuang's handwriting."

"The day she became a palace maid, the people behind her were already planning. Third brother, the way you are now is what they want." Shen Mengqi bent down and whispered in the third prince's ear: "The puppet emperor. "

When he heard the last four words, the third prince's eyes widened in an instant. He looked at Shen Mengqi with amazement and said, "Impossible, you must have lied to me! Shen Mengqi, you are just jealous that I have someone who treats me well." Queen Mother, but you don't have one, so you want to destroy my Queen Mother!"

"Qing Ning is right. You are a ghost who escaped from the palace of Hades. You came to seek revenge on us. You have no heart at all, and you don't care about brotherhood."

"You! You don't deserve to live in this world at all!"

This was probably the most ruthless thing the third prince had said since he was born. After he finished speaking, he regretted it a little, but when he thought that Shen Mengqi was his mother-killing enemy, he straightened his neck and pretended to be tough.

Shen Mengqi sneered and lowered her head, "You're wrong, third brother."

The third prince raised his head, only to see the murderous intent in Shen Mengqi's eyes, he was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he slumped on the ground. If it wasn't for the guardrail behind him protecting him, he might have fallen from the gate by now. down.

"Since you say that what I said is wrong, then you can do it for me, third brother. Now that the emperor's uncle is ill, you will assist in the government. As long as you can manage the court in a decent manner, it will be considered I was wrong, otherwise."

Shen Mengqi's eyes turned hostile, and she said word by word: "You, just, only, can, yes, waste!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi didn't go to see the third prince at all, and left on her own.

It wasn't until Shen Mengqi left the gatehouse that the third prince came to his senses. He raised his fists and slammed against the railing beside him. There was endless hatred and murderous intent in his eyes. Prove it?
At the same time, Shen Mengqi turned around and looked back, and met the murderous eyes of the third prince upstairs for a second.

Looking at the sharp eyes of the third prince, Shen Mengqi revealed a little satisfaction in her eyes.

When she came out of the palace and returned to the mansion, it was already completely dark. When Shen Mengqi rushed to the palace, Shiqi, who had separated from her from Jinzhou, also just rushed back.

Seeing Shi Qi came back, Shen Mengqi lifted her spirits, and went back to Nanyuan without even eating dinner, calling Shi Qi.

When they arrived at the main house in Nanyuan, Shen Mengqi screened Ye Wei and the others away, leaving Seventeen alone.

"How are things going?"

Shi Qi took out a small jade pendant from his bosom and handed it to Shen Mengqi, "Your Highness, everything has been settled, and the family of Minister of the Ministry of Punishment has been buried. This is something found on Wang Yanzhi's body."

Shen Mengqi put the crystal dripping thing on the candle flame and roasted it. After a while, the object was roasted by the candle flame, revealing a circle of silver thread inside.

After Shen Mengqi fiddled with the silver thread against the candlelight, she saw a few words - the third trial.

She took out a purse from her bosom, and put all the silver thread into the purse, "You did a good job, go down and rest."

Shi Qi didn't move, he stared at the candlelight in a daze and asked Shen Mengqi, "Ma'am, do you want to eat?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, "This princess has no appetite, go down."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi didn't even turn her head, and was looking intently at the candle, Shi Qi couldn't say anything, so she said: "The subordinate will leave."

After Shiqi retreated, Ye Wei immediately greeted him, "Madam, do you want to eat?"

Shi Qi shook his head, "Madam said she has no appetite."

"The Imperial Physician Wang and the prince have already explained that the wife must eat dinner on time, what should I do!"

Looking at the maid who was carrying plates of delicacies behind him, Ye Wei shook his head with a headache, today's meal has added nourishing things.

If it can't be delivered to Shen Mengqi's mouth, I'm afraid he will eat the beheaded meal given by the prince!
Left and right are dead, can only fight!
Thinking of this, Ye Wei gritted his teeth and knocked on the door of the main house in Nanyuan, "Ma'am."

(End of this chapter)

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