Chapter 226 The end of the mysterious cat (two chapters and one chapter)

Hearing the sound of Lin Jihan pushing the door and going out, Shen Mengqi was still in a daze when she heard another bang.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Lin Jihan and Ye Wei turning back, "Ma'am, I have something to tell you!"

That battle seemed to send troops to Xihuang immediately to sweep the Three Kingdoms.

Shen Mengqi thought that something important happened, so she suppressed the discomfort and said, "What's wrong? What happened in the palace?"

Lin Jihan stepped forward and supported Shen Mengqi, he hugged Shen Mengqi and said: "Don't panic, what I want to talk about is only a big matter between us."

Shen Mengqi was confused, "Our big deal?"

Lin Jihan nodded solemnly, "Meng Qi, whether you want to know or not, I want to tell you, in fact, I have never slept with Shen Qingning, I only have you, Ye Wei can prove this."

After Lin Jihan finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Wei, and Ye Wei immediately stepped forward and explained: "Yes ma'am, I was in Juxing Pavilion with the prince that night, and the prince knocked Princess Qingning unconscious when he entered the room, and even the bed They didn't let her sleep, and threw her on the couch to stay overnight."

"By the way." Ye Wei added: "Even though the lord lives in the same room with Princess Qingning every day, I guarantee that they have never shared the same bed. tent, but the prince didn't stay long, let alone did anything!"

Lin Jihan carefully looked at Shen Mengqi and observed Shen Mengqi's expression, but unfortunately he didn't see any clues.

Just as Lin Jihan was about to say something, he heard screams coming from outside the house.

"Her Royal Highness, something happened!"

Shen Mengqi recognized that the voice was from Luo Jiuqing's side, and she had no time to reply to Lin Jihan's words, so she rushed towards the door in a hurry.

But the medicinal properties of cartilage powder still remained in Shen Mengqi's body, she stood up abruptly, and was about to fall to the ground in the next second.

Lin Jihan hastily reached out his hand to fish Shen Mengqi back, "Ma'am, be careful."

Shen Mengqi squeezed Lin Jihan's hand imprisoned on her waist, her voice was a little anxious, "Fafa is so anxious, I'm afraid something happened to Ah Jiu."

He naturally knew Luo Jiuqing's position in Shen Mengqi's heart, he got up and hugged Shen Mengqi and said, "Don't worry, you are not in good health, so I will carry you over for my husband."

Lin Jihan knew that it was really inappropriate to talk about those romantic nights with Shen Mengqi at this time, but he was afraid that after this time, he would never have a chance to have a proper talk with her.

While walking out with Shen Mengqi in his arms, he said in a low voice: "Ma'am, what I just said is the truth, I really do."

Before Lin Jihan finished speaking, Shen Mengqi raised her hand to block her mouth. Shen Mengqi let go and said, "I know, we can talk about this later, okay?"

She let go.

Lin Jihan's eyes lit up, and he raised Shen Mengqi a little higher in a fawning manner, "Okay, I will listen to Madam."

Shen Mengqi didn't have much strength at this time, she was lazily leaning on Lin Jihan's arms, apparently not resisting him as much as before.

Lin Jihan couldn't help but feel happy, this is a good sign.

After Lin Jihan carried Shen Mengqi out, Fafa was already crying.

"What happened to Fafa?"

After seeing Shen Mengqi, he cried even more fiercely, his voice was choked with sobs, "Your Highness, we were going back to Jiangnan today, but before we left, our lady's black cat disappeared!"


Shen Mengqi's hands couldn't help shaking, she looked at Fafa and said, "Ah Jiu never let Xuanmao leave her too far, why did it disappear!"

"We didn't know that the black cat was still there before we got into the carriage. Later, when we were leaving the mansion, Mudan suddenly brought a group of people over and ran into our lady. When they left, the black cat disappeared. The lady is going Chasing, Master Mu still stopped me."

"Miss is so anxious that she is about to kill someone now, you should think of a way."

Shen Mengqi frowned, "Where's Nan Nan?"

"Brother Yuan Bao has chased him out, but there is no news yet!"

"Where's Peony and those people?"

Fafa cried and shouted: "The group of people disappeared, Mudan returned home, Miss wanted to interrogate, but Lord Mu kept stopping her."

Shen Mengqi frowned, and she said, "Go to Mufu."

Ye Wei said hesitantly: "Today is Chinese New Year's Eve, isn't it a good time for us to go to Mu's Mansion? Besides, this is their family business after all."

"It's me who didn't think about it carefully."

Shen Mengqi pushed Lin Jihan and said, "My lord, please let me down, I will go by myself."

After finally being able to ease the relationship with Shen Mengqi, how could Lin Jihan let go so easily.Instead of letting go, he hugged Shen Mengqi even tighter.

Lin Ji looked at Ye Wei coldly and said, "Is it up to you to decide what is going on with this king now?"

When Ye Wei heard the words, sweat dripped from his forehead instantly, he knelt down and said, "Ye Wei dare not, it's Ye Wei who talked too much, please punish me!"

"Go to the criminal justice department and be punished."

Ye Wei knew very well that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he didn't dare to say too much, he just saluted and said, "Yes."

Lin Jihan looked at Shen Mengqi in his arms and said softly, "Good boy, my husband will take you to the Mufu."

Shen Mengqi's heart warmed up, she obediently leaned against Lin Jihan's chest, her voice urged, "Hurry up."


Lin Jihan hugged Shen Mengqi and got on the bloody BMW, and arrived at the Prime Minister's Mansion in a short while.

When Shen Mengqi and Lin Jihan came to the Prime Minister's Mansion, Luo Jiuqing was still standing in front of the Mu Mansion, confronting Mu Qiancheng.

"Mu Qiancheng, get out of the way! My elder brother has already sent over the divorce deed, you have no right to control me!"

"Jiuqing, I did this for you. They took the black cat you want to lure you out. If you go out, you will fall right into their arms!"

What Mu Qiancheng said was true, but Luo Jiuqing didn't listen to it.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, if you don't ask me to go out, then hand over Peony to me for interrogation!"


Mu Qiancheng shook his head without thinking, he looked at Luo Jiuqing and whispered: "Don't you know how important Mudan is to us now? Jiuqing, don't be willful."

"What if I have to be willful?"

Looking at the unreasonable Luo Jiuqing, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help frowning, "Isn't it just a cat? I'll find you another one that is exactly the same? Why be so willful!"

Luo Jiuqing's eyes turned scarlet in an instant, and tears filled her eyes, but she tried not to let them fall, "I don't want anything else, I just want my black cat!"

Mu Qiancheng also knew that what he said was serious, so he hurriedly changed the subject: "Okay, okay, I'll send all the people in Mu's mansion to look for it?"

"Seventeen, bring me the peony."

Hearing Shen Mengqi's voice, Luo Jiuqing couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes anymore, and her tears fell down, "Mengqi, my cat is gone."

Shen Mengqi's body was still a little soft and she could only lean on Lin Jihan's arms, but her aura remained undiminished, "Ah Jiu, I'm here, don't be afraid."

Seeing Seventeen dragging Peony out, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help feeling anxious, he looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Your Highness, please think again!"

Naturally, Luo Jiuqing also knew that her behavior would hinder the overall situation, but if she was asked to compromise, she would not be able to do so, but if Shen Mengqi obstructed it, Luo Jiuqing was a little lost, "Your Highness, I."

"The big things are not as important as Ah Jiu's black cat."

As soon as Shen Mengqi's words came out, Luo Jiuqing raised her head instantly. She looked at Shen Mengqi in Lin Jihan's arms, her voice trembling, "Mengqi."

Shen Mengqi gave her a reassuring look.

Because she knows what kind of existence the black cat is to her, she can't ignore the black cat.

Nan Nan has not come back so far, which means that this group of people is unusual, and the best breakthrough now is Peony.

Seeing that Shen Mengqi was determined to move Peony, Mu Qiancheng looked at Lin Jihan anxiously and said, "My lord, don't you care? What's the situation now!"

Shen Mengqi looked up at Lin Jihan, "You want to help him?"

Lin Jihan immediately shook his head and distanced himself from Mu Qiancheng, "I only help Madam."

Just kidding, he managed to ease his relationship with Shen Mengqi, how could Mu Qiancheng bring his relationship with Shen Mengqi back to freezing point.

Mu Qiancheng had an unbelievable expression on his face, and he conveyed with his eyes: "When is this, and you still have no regard for the righteousness of the country?"

Lin Jihan replied, "Dayi? This king's wife is Dayi. You don't understand, so you have nothing to do with Luo Jiuqing in this life."

day!Looking at Lin Jihan who only had Shen Mengqi in his eyes, Mu Qiancheng was angry and envious.

Mudan was dragged to the gate of the mansion by Shiqi. When she saw Lin Jihan and Shen Mengqi, her face was pale and she looked guilty.

She looked at Mu Qiancheng and cried: "Lord Mu, save my family, this man suddenly dragged my family out of the house, my family is so scared."

Before Mu Qiancheng could speak, Shen Mengqi spoke first, "Bringing you out naturally has a reason for bringing you out. Did you say it yourself, or did this princess take your life and call the person who collected your body to say it? "

Looking at Shen Mengqi's cannibalistic eyes, Mudan trembled in fright, "Your Highness, I don't even know what you're talking about, so you can't force someone into prostitution! You are familiar with the laws of Tianyuan Kingdom." , knowing the law and breaking the law, is she still worthy of being the first princess?"

This peony is quite a character, and in a few sentences, she piled all the wrongs on Shen Mengqi's head.

It's just that compared to Shen Mengqi, her morality is still a little worse.

"Prostitution?" Shen Mengqi snorted coldly, "You are already a prostitute, why force you to say so. The laws of Tianyuan Kingdom protect sons from good families, not traitors."

"I originally thought that you had turned your back on you, but you are indeed a double-faced traitor. Traitors should be sentenced to death."

Peony's eyes trembled after hearing this, "I didn't!"

Shen Mengqi obviously didn't want to hear her talk, she said to Shi Qi: "Do it."

"Yes, ma'am."

Saying that, Shi Qi directly pulled out the saber at his waist, and raised his hand to chop off Peony's head.

Peony hurriedly said in fright, "Your Highness, don't you want to know where that cat is?"

"You won't say, why does this princess need to work hard?" Shen Mengqi said: "You are dead, but this princess is more relaxed."

"And." Shen Mengqi's eyes turned violent, "I will never show mercy to traitors. Seventeen, let's do it."

Seeing that Shen Mengqi had murderous intentions, Mudan completely panicked, "Wait a minute, I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

Shen Mengqi raised her hand, and the knife that was about to fall finally stopped in mid-air.


Looking at Shen Mengqi's frost-like eyes, Mudan no longer dared to play tricks, "It's Mr. Hubu Shangshu. He ordered Luo Jiuqing not to leave the city, so he forced me to bring a group of people to arrest Luo Jiu Qing Naru has always regarded the cat as a treasure."

Shen Mengqi interrupted her and said, "Get to the point."

"I only know that the Minister of the Household Department ordered that if the cat is caught, it will be sent to the Prince Regent's Mansion. He said that he wanted to create the illusion that you killed the black cat."

Luo Jiuqing was angry, "You are despicable!"

Shen Mengqi frowned and said: "Go back to the mansion, my lord."

Just looking at each other, Lin Jihan understood Shen Mengqi's intentions.

He touched Shen Mengqi's small head and said, "Don't panic, I'm here."

Turning his head, Lin Jihan ordered to Seventeen: "Seventeen, even if you turn the palace upside down, you have to get that cat back!"

Seventeen understands!

Seeing Luo Jiuqing's hesitation to speak, Shen Mengqi said lightly: "Ah Jiu, come with us, you won't be at ease if it's not in your heart."


"It's okay, you've done everything you need to do, and it doesn't matter if you expose yourself or not. Besides, my intention from the beginning was not to hide from them the real relationship between you and me."

Shen Mengqi said very soberly: "And based on my relationship with your Luo family, no matter how awkward they are, they won't believe that we can really break up with a clean knife, after all, we are bound together."

After speaking, Shen Mengqi reached out and tugged at Lin Jihan's skirt, Lin Jihan immediately said: "Let's go together."

Seeing this, Mu Qiancheng wanted to keep up, but Luo Jiuqing stood up and stopped him, "I don't need Mr. Mu to care about my affairs, you should stay in the mansion and spend the New Year with Mudan."

"Jiuqing, I."

Luo Jiuqing didn't give Mu Qiancheng a chance to speak, she saluted Mu Qiancheng and said, "Lord Mu, I'm leaving."

This obeisance can be regarded as a thorough farewell and an explanation for the past.

Seeing the group of people drifting away, Mu Qiancheng's heart also emptied.

When Lin Jihan and the others arrived at the Prince Regent's Mansion, Shi Qi and the others had already greeted them at the door, Shen Mengqi frowned, "Did you find it?"

The Seventeenth and the others showed embarrassment and sadness on their faces.

Seeing this, Luo Jiuqing's heart was empty, she couldn't help trembling and gritted her teeth and said, "Where is the black cat, talk!"

Seventeen stepped aside, and saw Eleven walking over with the stiff black cat in his arms, "I'm sorry Miss Luo, when we found it, it was already dead."


Luo Jiuqing looked at the black cat's body in disbelief, her eyes crackling, she almost fell to the ground, but Fafa and Caicai caught her.

"Impossible, how could he die?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Jiuqing passed out directly.

Fafa and Caicai shouted in fright, "Miss!"

Shen Mengqi's heart also tugged, "Help Ah Jiu in first, Seventeen, hurry up and ask Imperial Physician Wang to come over!"

(End of this chapter)

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