Chapter 228 Changes in the Capital City (continuing two chapters in one)
After sending Mu Qiancheng away, Shen Mengqi sighed, the fate between Ah Jiu and him was over.

"Unfortunately, there is no fate."

"It's a pity not only your good sister and Mu Qiancheng, but also you."

Hearing Shen Qingning's voice, Shen Mengqi was not surprised at all, she turned around and looked at Shen Qingning lightly, "Oh."

Shen Mengqi didn't even have the desire to talk to Shen Qingning, she just got up and wanted to pass her.

In the middle of the walk, she was grabbed by Shen Qingning, "Sister Mengqi is worthy of being a princess, she is calm and calm, she is going to be dismissed, and she is so calm."

Gradually, Shen Mengqi turned around with a bewildered expression, Shen Qingning covered her mouth, and said with a surprised look: "Sister Mengqi doesn't know yet, does she? The prince doesn't want to wrong me, so if you want to divorce, you will take me. "

"Well, I wish you happiness."

Shen Mengqi was not affected at all, she raised her leg and was about to continue walking forward.

But before she took two steps, she was grabbed by Shen Qingning again. She took out the divorce letter from her arms and handed it to Shen Mengqi, forcing her to look at it and said, "Sister Mengqi, don't believe me, the lord has given the divorce letter to you." It was written, but I didn’t take it out just because I wanted you to have a good year.”

Seeing that Shen Mengqi wasn't interested in watching, Shen Qingning tugged at Shen Mengqi's sleeve and said, "Hey, just take a look, so you can get mentally prepared, right?"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qingning didn't give Shen Mengqi a chance to leave at all, and forced the divorce letter into Shen Mengqi's hands.

After Shen Mengqi looked at Lin Jihan's signature at the bottom of the divorce letter, she felt her heart go cold.

His handwriting was as smooth and sharp as ever, but it's a pity that this time he pointed the sharp blade in his own direction.

Rao had already made up her mind, but Shen Mengqi still felt distressed and a little unsteady.Therefore, the things he told himself before, and the things Shen Qingning had never done before, were all lies about himself.

She couldn't help but think of the words that the emperor's grandmother often said to her, "Scholar's procrastination can still be escaped, but female's procrastination cannot be escaped."

Shen Mengqi felt that she was so stupid. She didn't understand when love came, she regretted it when it left, she couldn't comprehend it when her heart was still with her, and she woke up instantly when her heart was pulled away.

She always seems to be wandering in loss and confusion, her whole body seems to be trapped in a circle, unable to struggle or get rid of it.

Seeing Shen Mengqi's precarious appearance, Shen Qingning laughed, she grabbed Shen Mengqi's arm, and said with a caring look: "Sister Mengqi, are you okay?"

Shen Mengqi directly shook off Shen Qingning's hand, she returned the letter of divorce to Shen Qingning, and said neither happy nor sad: "It's nothing, the princess is here to congratulate you for getting what you want, and wish you and the prince a hundred years It’s a good match, many children are blessed.”

Looking at Shen Mengqi who had adjusted her emotions in an instant, Shen Qingning's face became a little embarrassed, she looked at Shen Mengqi and asked, "Are you not uncomfortable?"

Shen Mengqi looked at Shen Qingning with a smile and said: "Getting and losing are fate, what is there to worry about? Or do you want to make this princess uncomfortable?"

"That's right." Shen Qingning looked at Shen Mengqi unabashedly and said, "Only when you are uncomfortable and in pain, the princess is happy and happy. We were born to torture each other, aren't we?"

"Sorry to disappoint you, just keep working hard."

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengqi bypassed Shen Qingning and walked towards Nanyuan.

"Actually, the princess is very glad that you took the title of princess regent from me."

Shen Mengqi said in Shen Qingning's ear as she passed by, "As long as the regent is married to a royal woman, then Xihuang will not dare to act rashly. Fortunately, it is you, and it can only be you."

Looking at Shen Mengqi's back, Shen Qingning stomped her feet angrily.

Shen Mengqi returned to Nanyuan in dismay, Lin Jihan was still waiting for her outside the courtyard, seeing her coming, he immediately stepped forward to hug her into his arms.

Shen Mengqi walked over with the same expression, and was obediently embraced by Lin Jihan.

"Mu Qiancheng is gone?"


Lin Jihan pinched the soft flesh on Shen Mengqi's waist, and said vaguely: "Then why is my husband taking you to rest?"

"it is good."

Seeing Shen Mengqi so obedient, Lin Jihan was overjoyed, and carried Shen Mengqi into the room in Nanyuan.

Knowing that Shen Mengqi was in a bad mood today, he didn't do anything to Shen Mengqi, but simply hugged her and fell asleep.

Listening to the steady and powerful breathing behind her, a tear fell from the corner of Shen Mengqi's eyes.Shen Mengqi stayed sleepless all night, and opened her eyes until dawn.

It wasn't until the people around her woke up and left that she fell into a drowsy sleep.

When Lin Jihan got up together, he asked Eleven and Seventeen to carry Ye Wei, who was punished and unable to stand up, to the study.

Ye Wei lay on the stretcher and looked at Lin Jihan who was like a spring breeze, and his heart beat a little.

I thought to myself, the prince of their family must be bewildered because he couldn't get his wife back.

Seeing Lin Jihan who didn't say anything after calling them over, but smirked several times within a quarter of an hour, Ye Wei said with some trepidation: "My lord."

Only now did Lin Jihan come to his senses, he leaned lazily on the chair in the study and said slowly: "This king and his wife are going to have a big wedding again, do you have any suggestions?"


Ye Wei thought it was an auditory hallucination. Didn't he remember that he did it again a while ago?What's the matter, is the prince addicted to marrying his wife?Do you have to start over again after a while?
Lin Jihan nodded and said: "Yes, the kind that wants to marry her back from the palace and entertain guests again."

Ye Wei and the others fell silent for a moment, and now they have to hold a new banquet. Isn't that a second marriage?
Seeing that no one answered for a long time, Lin Jihan knocked on the desk and said, "Speak."

Eleven looked at Seventeen, and Seventeen turned to look at Ye Wei on the stretcher, making it clear that he wanted to speak.

Seeing the fiery eyes of the two, Ye Wei couldn't help but widen his eyes, isn't it, I'm already like this, you two still want me to speak first?
Eleven and Seventeen: Anyway, you are already like this, so it’s okay to bear it a little more.

Ye Wei:.
Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Lin Jihan called out his names and said, "Ye Wei, usually you can make your own decisions, why are you so quiet today?"

Ye Wei had a bitter face, "I, I."

At this moment, a horn sounded throughout the entire city of Kyoto.

Lin Jihan stood up abruptly, "It's the Fenghuo! That's too bad!"

He didn't have time to change his clothes and walked directly outside the house.Eleven and Seventeen hurriedly followed, Ye Wei lay on the stretcher and stretched out his hand to them, "Hey, take me!"

Too bad no one paid him any attention.

Shen Mengqi, who had just fallen asleep, heard the sound of the horn and jumped up from the bed, but fell back on the bed because she was dizzy from getting up too fast.

After a while, Shen Mengqi hurriedly put on her clothes and walked out of the house, shouting as she walked, "Seventeen!"

After calling a few times and getting no response, Shen Mengqi didn't have time to think about it, she went directly to the stable to harness her sweaty BMW and galloped towards the palace.

When Shen Mengqi arrived, most of the courtiers had already arrived. Looking at their unkempt appearances, it was obvious that they hadn't had time to prepare to come in a hurry.

On the dragon chair, the emperor's face was a little gloomy. He looked at Lin Jihan and said, "Regent, the people from Xihuang are coming. Nine You and Thirteen Counties have fallen, and they are approaching Jinzhou now. What do you think should be done?"

After hearing the emperor's words, all the ministers in the court immediately went into an uproar. They who were used to being at ease for many years, when they heard that Xihuang had sent troops and captured the Nine Nether Thirteen Commanderies, they were so frightened that they didn't know what to do. Caught up.

Lin Jihan said calmly: "Your Majesty, I will send troops immediately to take back the lost land."

Seeing that Lin Jihan agreed to send troops without hesitation, the emperor nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, with the regent here, I believe that this Western Wilderness cannot be turned upside down."

The emperor said with a caring look: "The person who sent the letter back said that the Lin family's army lost a lot in the desperate resistance. This time, in addition to taking the part of the Lin family's army stationed outside the capital, you should also take the Weihu army with you. Insurance .”


Shen Mengqi took the lead to stop her and said: "The Weihu Army is the army directly under your emperor, if this army leaves the capital, what if something happens to the capital."

The emperor directly raised his hand to interrupt Shen Mengqi's words: "As long as Xihuang can't pass Jinzhou, the capital will be fine. Now the important thing is Jiuyou Thirteen Counties, and I don't want my most beloved niece to lose her husband."

Looking at the emperor who was full of concern for her, and thinking of the divorce letter Shen Qingning showed her, Shen Mengqi felt a dull pain in her heart, thinking that even if she really got married, she would definitely not let the emperor know at this time.

The emperor waved his hand and said: "Okay, as long as the regent sends troops, then nothing will happen, let's go, I've been getting more and more tired recently, I need to take care of myself."

With that said, the emperor got up first and left.

Seeing this, all the ministers in the court had no choice but to leave in groups.

Lin Jihan walked to Shen Mengqi's side on his own, looked at Shen Mengqi and said, "Madam, I have to go to the battlefield today."

Shen Mengqi said: "I wish my husband will be invincible and invincible, and come home triumphant."

This set of polite words was obviously not what Lin Jihan wanted to hear. He squeezed Shen Mengqi's arm and said, "I see that when their husbands go out to war, the wives pack their bags and give him some protection and safety." s things."

"I've never been on a battlefield, I'll ask Shen Qingning to clean it up for you."

Upon hearing Shen Qingning mentioned by Shen Mengqi, Mu Qiancheng couldn't help but frowned, "It's okay, I will clean up by myself, but madam, can you grant me a wish?"

Looking at the person in front of her who is about to go to the battlefield but still doesn't forget to act with her, Shen Mengqi smiled and said, "What do you want?"

Lin Jihan grabbed Shen Mengqi's hand and said, "I originally wanted to marry you again, but now things have changed, so I wonder if you can put on a wedding dress for me and send me off to the city wall to go to war?" ?”

Is he insulting himself?
They have already married and divorced, but they still have to wear a wedding dress in front of the people to send him off.

Lin Jihan didn't notice Shen Mengqi's increasingly pale face, he said to himself: "Otherwise, I always feel uneasy, ma'am, okay?"

Shen Mengqi clenched her cheeks so that she didn't break down and cry out. She looked straight at Lin Jihan and said, "What if I don't?"

Lin Jihan half-jokingly said: "Then I won't go out."

Sure enough, he just wanted to humiliate himself.

Shen Mengqi forced back her tears, and after a long time she said hoarsely, "Okay."

Lin Jihan smiled instantly when he heard the words, he didn't care that he was in the Xuanzheng Palace at the moment, he directly hugged Shen Mengqi and turned around two or three times, "Okay."

"Madam, when my husband returns from the expedition, I will definitely offer you a unique marriage."

Looking at Lin Jihan who was smiling brightly like stars, Shen Mengqi forced a smile, "Got it."

"Then go to the barracks to transfer troops for my husband, you."

"I will put on my wedding dress and perform it for you above the city gate."

"Then it's settled."

Lin Jihan was so happy that he didn't care if there was anyone around, he hugged Shen Mengqi and kissed her several times.

After Lin Jihan left, Shen Mengqi couldn't hold on any longer, she squeezed her aching heart and breathed heavily.

Shen Nanchen, who had been watching from the sidelines, hurried forward to support Shen Mengqi, "Are you all right?"

Shen Mengqi shook her head, and she showed Shen Nanchen a smile uglier than crying: "Second brother, I have something to do here, so I'll leave first."

Seeing Shen Mengqi who was staggering away, Shen Nanchen was a little worried. He didn't go back to his Prince Pingan Mansion immediately, but followed Shen Mengqi in a carriage to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

When he arrived at the palace, Shen Nanchen didn't get out of the carriage, but he didn't leave either. Instead, he sat silently in the carriage. He always felt that something was wrong with Shen Mengqi today.

After returning to the palace, Shen Mengqi found out the wedding dress she wore for her big wedding, but she didn't put it on for a long time, but sat on the edge of the bed.

The huge sense of humiliation overwhelmed her, and a divorced person saw off her ex-husband in front of the people of the capital in a wedding dress. She could only become a joke in the capital.

She, Shen Mengqi, is so proud, how could she suffer such humiliation, but she is not only Shen Mengqi, but also Princess Anshun.

As Shen Mengqi, she is qualified to be willful, arrogant, and stubborn, but as the Princess Anshun who is worshiped and supported by all people, she is not qualified to do so.

Taking the lives of millions of people to force her to give up everything she owns, Lin Jihan is really cruel to herself.

Outside the house, Shi Qi waited for a long time and saw no movement inside the house, so he couldn't help but knocked on the door, "His Royal Highness, are you alright?"

Hearing Shi Qi's urging, Shen Mengqi suddenly recovered.She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, numbly took off the clothes on her body, and then put on the wedding dress.

Fortunately, when they got married, it was a chilly spring, so the wedding dress was made very thick, so that when Shen Mengqi walked out, her heart was cold, but her body was not cold.

Shi Qi, who waited for a long time but could not hear any movement in the room, became a little anxious. He raised his hand to knock on the door again, but at this time, the door in front of him opened by itself.

Seeing Shen Mengqi with delicate face, red lips, and even wearing a phoenix hairpin, Shi Qi couldn't help but stare blankly.


"Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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