Chapter 256 The Truth 3
"The Prince Regent really has a good plan. If I leave, the only one Her Majesty can rely on is you."

Lin Jihan didn't refute, but just asked: "So, are you going or not?"

"Do you think it's over if you force me away? You can't even imagine the queen mother's methods. She is in the harem, and only in the harem."

Lin Jihan repeated his original words, "But she is already dead."

"Moreover, the future is destined to be dominated by Her Majesty the Empress. The general trend is unstoppable."

Shen Qingning looked at Lin Jihan who had an unruly face, she smiled and said: "No wonder the emperor's grandmother said that the one who wins the heart of the regent can win the world. This princess has tried so hard to not be favored, she sits in the capital and does nothing but wins you Heart, this may be God's will."

"It is indeed a heaven-sent fate, and it is also a heaven-destroyed fate." Lin Ji said coldly, "The queen mother has put thousands of knots between this king and her majesty, and you are the most difficult knot. This king hopes that before you leave, you can go to the palace to meet with Her Majesty the Empress to untie this knot."

"The Prince Regent is kind. As long as I can untangle this knot, then other matters are just a matter of time." Shen Qingning looked at Lin Jihan and said, "But why do you think I will help you?"

Lin Jihan said with determination: "You are willing to obey the Queen Mother not because of Tianyuan Kingdom, but because of protecting Her Majesty the Empress."

Shen Qingning's hands trembled slightly.

Lin Jihan said again: "Every time Her Majesty is going to be in danger, someone will cleverly give her the news one step ahead of time, telling her to be prepared. Why do you think it's such a coincidence?"

"Compared with this king, you care more about Her Majesty the Queen, after all, you have held her in your palm since childhood."

Looking at Shen Qingning whose expression was slightly loosened, Lin Jihan continued: "The imperial doctor said that Her Majesty is so weak that she has few years left to live. If she wants to continue her life, she must either have the bergamot from the heavens, or she must practice June You don't want her to be depressed, and her lifespan is getting shorter."

When Shen Mengqi's life was mentioned, Shen Qingning sighed and was finally relieved, "I'll go."

"Princess Lime County really has sincere feelings for Her Majesty the Queen, and this king thanked you here."

This was the second day Shen Mengqi was imprisoned in Jingtai Palace. Her mood calmed down a little bit from anxiety and anger, but she didn't know what Lin Jihan told the courtiers about imprisoning herself.

She was worried that the court bureau and the Tianyuan Congress would be pulled back into the abyss, but also felt a lot lighter in her heart, and always felt that the burden on her body seemed to be a lot lighter.

The fetus in the womb has become more active recently, always churning in her stomach, so that she has a feeling that she really wants to be a mother.

On the third day, Shen Mengqi had completely calmed down. She asked someone to fetch pens, ink and silk cloth. She practiced calligraphy and embroidered flowers when she had nothing to do, and her life was quite pleasant.

It seems that today, she has only truly become a noble woman, she has no ears to hear the affairs of the world, and she only focuses on being a female celebrity.

Once a person who has adapted to the fast pace slows down, she has more things on her mind.Shen Mengqi has thought about many people these days, the emperor's uncle, the emperor's grandmother, her mentor Cheng Yili, her three older brothers, the Luo family, the court's newcomer Yi Bai, and Shen Qingning and Lin Jihan.

On this day, Shen Mengqi was lying on the dragon bed and embroidering a pair of tiger-faced shoes, when she heard Luo Jiuqing, who had been guarding the door, say, "Your Majesty, the Regent has brought Princess Ding'an over."

Shen Mengqi's hand embroidered with tiger whiskers paused, she hid the needlework in her hand, looking at her gradually showing pregnant belly, she silently added another layer of loose robe to herself.

"Welcome them in."

Zuo just came to tell her to see that their husband and wife raised their eyebrows together, and he just took this opportunity to ask Lin Jihan how the court situation outside is going.

Shen Mengqi was supported by Luo Jiuqing to the door. In the past few days, Lin Jihan replaced the Imperial Army with Lin Family Army. He no longer locked her up, but he only allowed her to move around in Jingtai Palace and never went out. One step at the palace gate.

Looking at Lin Jihan and Shen Qingning who were walking from afar, Shen Mengqi's calm heart still had slight rippling.

Luo Jiuqing looked at Shen Mengqi, who was obviously pregnant but was extremely thin except for her stomach, and said, "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Shen Mengqi smiled and shook her head, "What's the matter? If you plant the cause, you will bear the fruit. I'm happy for it."

"Director Wang, go ask Mother Wang to prepare tea. Remember, the regent's favorite is Biluochun, and Princess Ding'an loves West Lake Longjing even more. Don't make a mistake."

Luo Jiuqing said distressedly: "Your Majesty the Empress"

"The regent is an important minister of the country, and Princess Ding'an is my blood relative, so I should treat her thoughtfully."

(End of this chapter)

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