Ba Yan Supreme: First-class Family Ding

Chapter 259 I Can't Make You Love, So Just Hate

Early the next morning, Xu Feng finally couldn't bear to go to the Xiao Mansion first, but learned that Xiao Yilin hadn't come back, which made Xu Feng a little disappointed, and actually had the urge to rush to the academy to see her.However, remembering that Ye Si and Liu Qianru were still waiting for him, Xu Feng finally held back the thought.

Xu Feng felt it was funny, how could he be so obsessed with Xiao Yilin.

After Xu Feng explained a few words to the housekeeper of Xiao's family, he went to Zhou Wang's mansion to meet Ye Si and others.After bidding farewell to King Zhou and the others, they headed for the capital with the guards prepared by King Zhou for Liu Qianru.

The road to the capital is not long, so King Zhou prepared horses.To Xu Feng's surprise, both Ye Si and Liu Qianru were very good at riding.Coupled with the natural training of those guards, Xu Feng's riding skills seemed very clumsy.If Xu Feng said it was riding, it would be better to say that he rode his horse galloping with the help of his strength.

If Xu Feng didn't have the strength of Tenth Heaven, he would be thrown to death just relying on his poor riding skills.

Seeing Xu Feng riding funny, Ye Si couldn't help laughing first, thinking that Xu Feng usually seemed to understand everything, but now seeing him make a fool of himself, only then did he feel that Xu Feng is really a boy.

"Master Xu, do you want me to demonstrate it to you first?" A guard asked Xu Feng enthusiastically.

Xu Feng glared at him, ignored his words, and glanced at Liu Qianru who was also smiling brightly with her lips pursed. Xu Feng rode his horse and ran between Liu Qianru and Ye Si: "Sister Ye Si, Qianru, how about giving me some pointers?"

Seeing Xu Feng like this, the guard almost didn't slap himself after being taken aback for a moment, thinking how could he be so stupid?Young Master Xu likes to be nestled among women the most, but Young Master Zhao, Young Master Wang Lu and others personally commented on it. He has this opportunity to get close to such beautiful women, so why would he ask him to teach him?

Ye Sibai glanced at Xu Feng and said, "Who taught you your riding skills? Does your master have a grudge against you?"

Xu Feng shrugged and said, "The last time I tamed a strong horse in the grassland, I did it by myself. Sister Ye Si, you also know that I am a little servant. How can I hire a master?"

Ye Sike didn't listen to Xu Feng's nonsense, and felt sorry for Xu Feng's riding skills being tortured, so she still taught Xu Feng seriously.Of course, during the teaching process, Xu Feng secretly ate Ye Si's tofu from time to time.Ye Si was a little blushed by Xu Feng's actions, Ye Si didn't want others to know the relationship between Xu Feng and her.So in the end, Ye Si stopped teaching after teaching!

Ye Si also had ghosts in her heart, although both she and Xu Feng knew that their actions were ambiguous.But in the eyes of outsiders, it doesn't feel like anything.Those guards already knew that Xu Feng and Ye Si were close, so they taught him how to ride?Normal touching is normal, and they didn't think much of it.

Ye Si had a thin skin and he had a ghost in his heart, so he found an excuse and said that he would never hand over to Xu Feng again.Xu Feng had no choice but to turn his pitiful eyes to Liu Qianru, and said pitifully with a long voice: "Qianru, little Qianqian..."

Hearing Xu Feng's tone, Liu Qianru shuddered, and said to Xu Feng: "I can teach you, but from now on you can only call me Liu Qianru or Miss Liu, nothing else."

"That's easy to say!" Xu Feng agreed without thinking.

Seeing that Xu Feng agreed so readily, Liu Qianru also pointed Xu Feng to get up.Ye Si smiled and looked at Liu Qianru beside him, wondering how long Liu Qianru could last.

However, what surprised Ye Si was that Xu Feng and Liu Qianru cooperated tacitly, one taught and the other learned, and the time passed by like this.A beautiful picture of a good student and a good teacher was staged.Seeing all this, Ye Si couldn't believe it.

She still doesn't know who Xu Feng is?If you don't make a little weird, how can you give up if you make a little trouble?However, now it's actually a few hours.

Not to mention that Ye Si and the group of guards were surprised, even Liu Qianru, who taught Xu Feng, was equally surprised. She originally thought that Xu Feng would not last long under her indifferent tone, and then she found a reason to dismiss Xu Feng, but she did not expect Xu Feng to actually Really study hard.

The more Liu Qianru thought about it, the more she felt that there was a conspiracy, and her heart tightened slightly. She was a little vigilant and cautiously faced Xu Feng, especially when she saw Xu Feng's evil smile on the corner of his mouth, Liu Qianru was even more worried. I feel that Xu Feng has a big conspiracy.

"Okay! Learn this, I think I have mastered it." Xu Feng smiled at Liu Qianru, and respectfully saluted Liu Qianru, "Thank you teacher."

This sentence made Liu Qianru's heart skip a beat.Seeing that Xu Feng really got on the horse and ran to Ye Si's side, the uneasiness in her heart became even stronger.If Xu Feng really just asked her about riding skills like a good student, she wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

This way, Liu Qianru felt that Xu Feng had a conspiracy.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Si obviously had the same idea as Liu Qianru, rolled a glance at Xu Feng and said, "Don't you bully Qianru?"

Xu Feng shrugged and said innocently: "I've been honest since just now, okay? I've been an honest person for so long, and you still doubt me."

Ye Si looked at Xu Feng suspiciously, and then glanced at Liu Qianru. Seeing Liu Qianru looking at Xu Feng with some vigilance, Ye Si, who couldn't figure out what Xu Feng was going to do, could only sigh helplessly. Feng's manipulative methods emerge in endlessly, and Liu Qianru needs to be helped to guard against them.

But along the way, Xu Feng did nothing.Except for occasionally showing a bright smile to Liu Qianru, she just chatted with the guard next to her.

Ye Si looked at Liu Qianru who was frowning more and more tightly, Ye Si suddenly realized, looked at Xu Feng dumbfounded, and scolded: "You are really serious, even you are willing to bully Qianru?"

"Where did I bully him? Didn't you all look at me all the way?" Xu Feng said innocently.

"Go..." Ye Sibai glanced at Xu Feng and said, "It was because you were on guard against you all the way that you bullied me. I'm afraid Qianru was on guard against you along the way, especially when you smiled at her. I'm afraid I'm afraid. You are so bad that Qianru thinks of you all the way."

"Haha..." Seeing that Ye Si understood, Xu Feng didn't hide it, shrugged and said, "Who told her to ignore me all the time. She must always leave a little place in her heart. It's good to let her think about me more." Yes, since you can't make her love me, let her hate me."

Hearing Xu Feng's unreasonable reasoning, Ye Si couldn't laugh or cry, and only then did he understand how much Xu Feng held grudges.

Ye Si rode his horse and ran to Liu Qianru's side, and whispered a few words in Liu Qianru's ear.Liu Qianru, who was still frowning and looking at Xu Feng from time to time, immediately gritted her teeth and looked at Xu Feng, a layer of frost was smeared on her beautiful face, and she clenched her fists tightly.

"Xu Feng!!!"

The words that popped out from between the teeth made Xu Feng look at Liu Qianru innocently, and asked aggrievedly: "Teacher! I didn't offend you?"

"Just wait and see! Hmph!" Liu Qianru snorted, took out a bow and arrow, pulled the string, and shot towards Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was startled, and hurriedly rode his horse to dodge.Liu Qianru didn't seem to be planning to let Xu Feng go, she shot an arrow at Xu Feng, making Xu Feng dodge in embarrassment.


A group of people went to Crane City so intimately, especially when Xu Feng looked at the two curvaceous and heroic girls sitting on the horses, he felt very comfortable.

"Master Xu, Miss Ye, something seems to have happened ahead." A guard suddenly said to Xu Feng and Ye Si.

Xu Feng and Ye Si turned their heads and saw a gorgeous carriage surrounded by a group of people. Ye Si frowned and said to the guards, "Go up and see what's going on?"

The guards nodded and rode away. Soon a guard came back and said, "It's the daughter of Supervisor Chu. She seems to be in trouble."

"Chu Mei ㊣ (6)?" Ye Si asked suspiciously, looked at Xu Feng and asked, "Go over and have a look?"

Xu Feng shrugged and said, "Then go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Feng suddenly remembered something, and smiled at Liu Qianru, "Perhaps she can become your rival in love in the future?"

"Shut up!" Liu Qianru couldn't help but drink to Xu Feng even though she had an elegant temper. She felt a little irritable, and Liu Qianru naturally knew that Xu Feng was talking about Zhou Yang's marriage proposal.

Ye Si looked at Xu Feng helplessly, and wanted to shut up the elegant and quiet Liu Qianru, Xu Feng really has the ability.

"Miss Chu, what's the matter, do you need help?" Ye Si rode to Chu Meier's side and asked her.

Seeing that it was Ye Si, Chu Meier was overjoyed, and said to Ye Si, "How about you help me get rid of these people?"

After Ye Si finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the crowd surrounding Ye Si. Seeing that these people didn't look like robbers, he glanced at Chu Meier, and finally said: "Miss Chu said to let you go, please."

This group of people felt a little dizzy when they saw Ye Si. They thought that Chu Meier was already a disaster that made them unable to control themselves.But after seeing Ye Si, she realized that there really is such a thing as perfection in the world.

Seeing these people staring at her with fiery eyes, Ye Si frowned and said to Chu Meier: "Miss Chu, let's go together."

Chu Meier glanced at these people, then nodded and said, "Thank you, Miss Ye Si."

After finishing speaking, Chu Meier's eyes also swept over Liu Qianru and Xu Feng, seeing Liu Qianru with a surprised expression.But when he saw Xu Feng, he just glanced over lightly.For Xu Feng who lived in her own home for a period of time and had her home blocked for a period of time, Chu Meier didn't have much good opinion, and of course she didn't have much bad opinion. For Xu Feng, her understanding was limited to the fact that she had a good relationship with Zhou Yang. .

==Going to review today, the next chapter should be updated later.Jia Ding wants to slowly enter the climax, please support more, more support for genuine, support 3g bookstore.Please...==

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