In Xu Feng's space, the seal knots in his hands were crazily knotted, the mysterious fire was still burning in his body, and the three souls had been tempered to be crystal clear.The spiritual energy from the outside world poured into Xu Feng's body crazily. Under the tempering of the profound fire, it turned into liquid droplets and fell on the three souls. Xu Feng's aura also soared crazily.

The momentum surged out, and a hurricane swept out, sweeping up everything around.

Xu Feng's three souls fell in the center, and the chakra of the seven souls shot out veins to connect the three souls. With the connection of the seven souls and the three souls, the surrounding aura poured into Xu Feng's body vibratingly.On Xu Feng's body, talismans and seals emerged one after another, looking very cumbersome and simple.

He Lao controlled the mysterious fire to continuously enter Xu Feng's body, and Xu Feng's three souls were also tempered to the extreme.The aura poured into the three souls and the chakras, and circulated continuously, and the aura of great consummation burst from Xu Feng's body.

But Xu Feng didn't stop at this time, and the knots in his hands were still knotted.Under Xu Feng's seal, the three souls approached slowly.

"Three souls in one!"

Under Xu Feng's shout, the three souls shot towards each other fiercely.And when the three souls merged together, Xu Feng's complexion changed drastically. The combined three souls didn't last long before bursting apart and turning into three souls again, bringing out a torrential force at the same time. Shocking Xu Feng's body, a mouthful of blood shot out from Xu Feng's mouth.

"Xu Feng, don't try to break through the Heavenly Sun Realm. If you haven't repaired your soul, you can only stop here in this life." He Lao said, pointing his finger, the mark that originally shot out the profound fire entered his forehead again.

Xu Feng exhaled lightly, calmed down the turbulent blood in his chest, sighed and said: "This is a good opportunity, I missed this time, and I don't know when I will find the next opportunity to break through. "

He Lao smiled and said, "We'll wait until you restore your soul, otherwise the best opportunity will be useless."

Xu Feng nodded, feeling the surging power in his body, the three souls and seven souls running through, forming a huge cycle, Xu Feng said: "The earth grade Xuanhuo is really a treasure."

"If you have the ability to completely refine the profound fire at the top of the land, it will be enough for you to reach the Chaoyuan state. But, can you refine it?"

He Lao's question made Xu Feng smile embarrassingly.Isn't this a joke?This time, if it wasn't for Mr. He's help, if he tried to refine it himself, he would have been burnt to powder long ago.

"Let's go!" Elder He said to Xu Feng, "I've wasted a lot of time, you're lucky, see if you can find anything else?"

"..." Xu Feng really wanted to say, I am not lucky, but I am an orthodox Huaxia clansman, can I not have an advantage?

But Xu Feng knew that even if he told it, Mr. He would not believe it.The Huaxia tribe has been exterminated long ago!


Outside the space, waves of power shot out from below, blasting towards the passage in the middle of the stone wall.There is no longer a gate at the passage, only a thin layer of light, but this thin light blocked the attacks of tens of thousands of people, without causing any ripples at all.

"Shoot together and hit the center." The one-armed leopard emperor shouted loudly, and the terrifying power shot out like a long river. Gathering together with the power of tens of thousands of profound practitioners, it turned into a rushing river, rushing straight towards the center of the two steles.

The terrifying pounding sound resounded throughout the world, violent power burst out, and the space collapsed crazily.It's just that such a terrifying attack still failed to smash the passage, which made everyone horrified.

The ancestor of Xue Lian also had a grim expression at this time, gathering so many overlord level, half overlord level, small overlord level and the power of countless profound practitioners, since he couldn't break through this passage, no one would believe it.

"I don't believe that I can't break you. Blood refining the sky!" The blood refining ancestor shouted, and the terrifying power rushed out, heading towards the middle.

Seeing this, the others also displayed their unique skills one by one.

"One-armed leopard cut!"

"The moonlight is flawless!"



With a sound of shouting, the whole world erupted with a force that penetrated the world, and the force rushed out, stirring the countless air currents in the void into a turbulent flow.Drawing a terrifying light, the impact went away.It hit directly on the halo between the two stone tablets.


The sound speaker resounded through the void, and countless shock waves blasted out, leaving only raging air currents in the entire space.And under the violent attack of the crowd, cracks appeared above the halo.

"make persistent efforts!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and the power continued to burst out violently, constantly bombarding the passage in front of them.

A series of voices resounded through the void, and some people were so shocked that their eardrums were bleeding, and they were all horrified. With so many strong people together, it would take so much effort to break through this passage.

Under the bombardment of countless forces, the channel finally couldn't hold on, the light burst open violently, and the sound of roaring sounded, and countless forces rushed out of it, rushing away like sea water.Seeing the old ghost of blood refinement and others, they violently retreated one by one.

And those profound practitioners who were weaker and closer to the front were instantly sucked in by this force, and their bodies were twisted to pieces.The corpses of tens of thousands of people turned into flesh and blood scattered in front of the passage, exuding a pungent bloody smell.

When this raging force stopped, a veritable blood path was formed in front of the passage.And the steles on both sides devoured the blood crazily. On one side of the stele, a big blood-red character appeared, exuding palpitations, like Shura.

"Blood sacrifice!"

Everyone took a deep breath, and they were even more in awe of the Huaxia Saint Clan in their hearts.These two words are very obvious. If you break through the passage by force, you will get blood.And this blood stain killed more than 1 people.This made everyone feel chills in their hearts.Even the blood refining old ghost became silent at this time.

After the stone wall swallowed the blood, the space in front of the passage distorted.Slowly forming a pattern, if Xu Feng was there, he would definitely be able to recognize this character. This is the 'open' of the ancient Huaxia character!

As soon as the word Kai appeared, the original light disappeared for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally someone shot in.But just after lasing in, a scream was heard, and everyone could see with their own eyes that behind the pattern, there was an infinite tidal storm in space.And this space tidal storm is more than a hundred times stronger than when Xu Feng and the others entered.

Looking at this terrifying tidal storm, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.And just when everyone stopped, a graceful figure shot towards them.This figure is beautiful and noble, and the infinite charm emanates from the delicate body in a blink of an eye, making the eyes of the blood refining old ghosts stare straight, and there is a light flashing in the eyes.

"Chichi! How can a woman be the first. Let me do it." After finishing speaking, the blood-refined old ghost rushed to the front of Ling Lianyi, showing his ugly yellow teeth to Ling Lianyi, showing his evil teeth. laugh.

Ling Lianyi frowned, didn't bother with him, and paused to let the blood refining old ghost go in first.

"Little beauty! My empress will go in first to find out the way for you." The blood refining old ghost sneered evilly, his figure flickered, and he shot towards the inside.The tidal storm came towards him.The blood refining old ghost laughed, swung his arms, and the power of space gathered together, colliding with the tide, and when he was fighting with the power of space, he flashed into it.

"Bastard!" Everyone outside couldn't help cursing when they saw the blood refining old ghost like this.The collision of the power of space will only make the surging tide even more terrifying.This old ghost is completely selfish.

And just as the old ghost rushed into it, the ancestor of Heishan also shot into it according to the method of refining the old ghost with blood.

Everyone saw that these strong men used this method to enter one by one, and while cursing in a low voice, there was nothing they could do.I can only watch the tidal storm in it become more and more terrifying.

"Everyone, this tidal storm is too terrifying. How about forming an formation and entering together?" Zhang Mazi only had the power of the Spiritual Realm, and he dared not go in alone, so he could only suggest so.

"It's so good!" This sentence was spoken in many people's hearts, and they agreed one by one.After that, they formed formations one by one and headed towards them.


When everyone showed their magical powers and entered it, Xu Feng flickered in the world, but the ground suddenly shook a few times.This made Xu Feng astonished, but Mr. He's face changed at this moment: "People from outside have come in."

This sentence surprised Xu Feng, the first group of people came in, after that people will come in continuously.

Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, at this time, wanting to get something is the real danger.Most importantly, the news that China's holy milk is in his hands will definitely spread.I'm afraid I'm going to face endless troubles.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "These bastards, why are you here so quickly to steal other people's things?"

When He Lao heard Xu Feng's words, he was astonished, thinking that this kid really took the things in this space as his.

Xu Feng let out a breath, took out a black robe from the ring, and wrapped his whole body.Although this black robe may not be able to deceive people who are familiar with him, it can always cover one or two.

Seeing that Xu Feng was wrapped in a black robe, Mr. He said to Xu Feng: "You have walked in the southeast direction㊊(7), then go west. I always feel that the direction where Xuanhuo and Guidan are located is just right. It is the heart of the formation, and it feels like the world forms a giant formation."

This sentence made Xu Feng stunned and said: "Isn't Mr. He just joking? Can such a big world be trained into a big formation? How terrifying strength does this require?"

He Lao smiled and said: "You haven't seen it before, and you don't know how terrifying the Huaxia Clan is. Don't talk about refining this world into a big formation, if the top powerhouses of the Saint Clan didn't disappear inexplicably, it would be possible to train an empire into a large formation." It is not difficult to form a large formation."

This sentence made Xu Feng secretly speechless and shocked.

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