Everyone didn't expect that the first person to enter was not Venerable Huoyun, but that young man.This made their eyes look a little strange, wondering if this young man is more courageous or Venerable Huoyun is timid?

"Venerable Huoyun, let's go in too!"

Just when everyone was still shocked by Xu Feng's four people entering, a soft voice came faintly from the carriage pulled by Huo Ya, and only then did everyone know that there were people in the carriage.Although the sound is not loud, it makes people shake.

"Miss! Do you really want to go in? It's extremely dangerous inside. Even I may not be able to escape unscathed. It's not an exaggeration to say that I'm close to death!" Venerable Huoyun emphasized.

"Go in! I have twin souls, and there may be something I want in the tomb of the ancient ghost warlock." The charming voice still came out faintly.

Venerable Huoyun also seemed to know the other party's determination, nodded, and said to Jin Weiming and the others: "Protect Miss! The old man will open the way first!"

Jin Weiming was also sluggish. The only person with twin souls in the Warlock Guild was the monstrous apprentice of the president!It's just that she didn't expect that she would also enter the ancient tomb, no wonder a legend would come.

The lady with two souls is the treasure of the Warlock Guild. It is rumored that the first leader of the Warlock Guild was a character with two souls.Therefore, the orthodoxy left by the Warlock Guild is most suitable for characters with two souls.

They also heard that the president wasted his own original power to cleanse the young lady's soul every day to improve his strength, and the strength of the president also declined because of this.Although I don't know if it's true, but it can also be seen from this, how important she is in the Warlock Guild.

However, at this time, she was allowed to take the risk.

In Jin Weiming's sluggishness, Venerable Huoyun also fell into the tomb. A seductive woman stepped out of the carriage and slowly walked in front of him, exuding a seductive fragrance, which seduced many men. Red in the face.

"Go in!" Zi Yan gently parted his delicate red lips, and shouted at Jin Weiming and the others.

Jin Weiming nodded quickly, asked the disciples of the Warlock Guild to protect her in the center one after the other, and then jumped towards the hole under the tombstone.

Everyone was still immersed in Ziyan's enchanting charm, and the residual fragrance made them feel distracted!However, Zi Yan's actions also made some men who had retreated courageously jump into the hole under the tombstone.

"Even a woman dares to go in, what else are they afraid of?"


Xu Feng, Chen Tian and others fell into it, and it was not as dark as they imagined.Although it is not too bright, the faint light is enough to clearly illuminate everything in it.Of course, there is also a gloomy atmosphere in it.


Chen Tian suddenly pointed to the front and shouted, Xu Feng fixed his eyes and saw that there were skeletons all over the endless passage in front of him, the white bones were shining, and he was very palpitating.

Lots of white bones covered the entire passage, and when Xu Feng stepped on it, he could hear the sound of bones brittle when he stepped on it.

"Master! Be careful! These people came in when the tombstone was opened, and they turned into bones here, which shows that there is danger here." Chen Tian reminded Xu Feng.

Xu Feng nodded, and walked forward with Chen Tian and the others. As Xu Feng continued to move forward, Xu Feng and the others did not encounter any weird things.This made the crowd relax a little bit.

Continuously moving forward, this passage leading to the interior of the barren mountain did not know how far, Chen Tian couldn't help but cursed: "Damn, people are scary. It turns out that there is nothing here, thanks to our being careful."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but spit out to vent his dissatisfaction.

Xu Feng smiled, but before he said anything, his complexion suddenly changed, he moved his fingers, and a bolt of lightning shot out, bombarding behind him.

"Master, what's the matter?" Xu Feng's action made Chen Tian, ​​who was just relieved just now, immediately think about it, and looked at the place where Xu Feng's thunder and lightning shot, the thunder and lightning bombarded the empty space, but he could clearly A scream was heard.

Following this scream, a person in the shape of a ghost spit out from the void, and disappeared into the void with a chirping sound as it was burned by lightning.

"Ghost warlock's special skill... ghost body!"

Chen Tian was so surprised that he immediately cheered up.The ghost body may not be as powerful as a mysterious person of the same level in terms of attack power.But the sneak attack on Yingzang is very terrifying, even if they are powerful, they dare not underestimate it.

Xu Feng nodded. When He Lao was still in the soul body, he could also control the ghost body.Xu Feng thought he was a ghost warlock at first.But later I realized that ghost warlock is just He Lao's amateur skill!

Compared with the one he killed just now, his ghost body at that time was simply indescribable.The overlord that Xu Feng killed just now was comparable to human beings.Moreover, it is very well hidden.Even with his soul power, he was almost deceived by him.

"Be careful! This ghost body is not weak. As powerful people, if you are attacked successfully, you will suffer." Xu Feng said to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian and the others nodded, but they didn't take it too seriously.They just didn't pay attention to it just now, otherwise, with the ghost body in the Overlord Realm, no matter how well they hide it, they can be dug out by them.

Xu Feng and Chen Tian's speed slowed down, and they were still moving forward in the passage. Later, they also encountered a few ghost bodies, but they were killed by them.There is also a ghost body in the realm of the sky, and Chen Cai, Chen Tian's fourth brother, was almost attacked by him.Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to kill it.

"Damn! These ghost bodies are really good at hiding in this tomb." Chen Cai cursed, "Outside, the ghost bodies in the Hetian Realm can't walk within ten meters of me, but this One of them walked within three meters of me. The bad environment in the tomb allows them to hide well."

Xu Feng nodded. He had seen it in Crane City's notes.The ghost body is not the essence of the ancient ghost warlocks, it is just their skin.What they are really powerful is refining ghosts!

The horror of ghosts is far beyond what the ghost body can match. The ghost body is just a group of strange creatures that rely on the combination of your soul and aura, and the lethality is not very great.

However, the ghosts produced by ancient ghost warlocks are different. Ghosts combine souls with the vitality of heaven and earth, and use various secret methods to train them into magical creatures between people and souls.They can explode extremely strange powers, such as hooking out human souls, seizing bodies, and sucking human blood.

There are countless methods of ghosts, but most of them are evil.This is also one of the reasons why ancient ghost warlocks have such a bad reputation.

Judging from the tomb, this ghost warlock must have the means to refine ghosts, but it is not known whether there are any ghosts he refined after his death.

This not-so-short passage was finally reached by Xu Feng and Chen Tian. Dozens of ghost bodies were killed along the way, most of them were around the Overlord Realm.Of course, not every ghost body attacked them, on the contrary, these ghost bodies hid when they saw them.It is rare to actively attack them!However, the strength of the five of them is very strong, and they have pulled out these ghost bodies.

"These ghost bodies are smart, they can sense the fluctuations of the world around us, and they don't take the initiative to attack us." Chen Tian muttered, "I wanted to kill a few more, but I didn't expect it to be enjoyable."

When Xu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said to Chen Tian: "If you want to kill, I will give you a chance. There must be ghosts behind this tomb, and then I will let you deal with them .”

Hearing Xu Feng's words, Chen Tian shuddered, he chuckled, and said to Xu Feng: "Master, isn't this a joke, who the hell wants to deal with those ghosts and people."

Xu Feng didn't reply to him either, his eyes were already attracted by a stone tablet.At the end of the passage stood a not-so-tall stone tablet, but the blood-red characters written on it were murderous!

"Whoever breaks into the tomb and teases me to sleep, die!"

The ten big characters are not pretty, but the blood red is like blood, which is shocking, and there is a faint smell of blood, which shocks people's hearts and makes people unable to bear the horror in their hearts.

"Master!" Chen Cai, who was the weakest, couldn't help but shuddered. As a powerful man, he was actually taken by these words, and fear emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing this, Xu Feng yelled angrily. His voice was loud and vibrated, and it hit his mind.He, who was shocked by these blood-red characters, finally recovered.

Chen Cai couldn't help but blush when he thought of his performance just now: "Master! Thank you!"

Xu Feng shook his head, and glanced at the stone wall with blood written on it. It was not surprising for Chen Cai to behave this way, because there was a strong killing intent in the stone wall.The more you look at the stone wall, the more you will be affected by the killing intent.

Xu Feng also paid attention to it for a long time at that time. If he hadn't mastered the sword, he wouldn't have been so calm.

"Go in!" Xu Feng looked at the stone gate next to the stone wall. He knew that after entering the stone gate, he had completely entered the tomb!

Chen Tian and the others nodded, their whole bodies tensed up, and they were about to step into this fierce place, so they had to be shocked.


When Xu Feng pushed the stone door, they didn't know.Behind them, those bones that had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up at this moment.As if alive, the white bones attacked the crowd who came in from behind ㊣(7).

Venerable Huoyun opened the way in front of him, moving his fingers.Infinite flames shot out from it, and the bones were burned into powder.

However, this could not stop the attack of the bones, thousands of bones rushed towards Venerable Huoyun as if they were dying, which made people feel chilling.

But at this time, Venerable Huoyun showed his legendary strength. No matter how many bones there were, they would all be reduced to ashes in his hands.

The power of these bones is not weak, some even burst out with the power of the sky.However, seeing these thousands of white bones are like ants under the hands of Venerable Huoyun, each of them couldn't help casting admiring glances.This is the real powerhouse!With a raised hand, everything turned into ashes.

"Go!" Venerable Huoyun obviously dismissed these bones, and said to the crowd behind him, he opened the way ahead, and the speed of the crowd was very fast.

The mysterious practitioners following behind Venerable Huoyun were all very excited, thinking that such a strong person would open the way.What are you afraid of?

Of course, they were also surprised why they didn't see Xu Feng and the others. Could it be that they could be like Venerable Huoyun in the face of these bones?

Naturally, they didn't know that Xu Feng hadn't been attacked by the bone at all. If they knew, they would definitely vomit blood angrily.

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