Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 1353 How can I be more specific?

Eunuch Qibao was stunned for a moment, and his eyes turned even redder.

Raising his hand to wipe his eye sockets, he hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, old slave, tell me, old slave, let me talk..."

My heart became more and more excited, but I didn't know where to start for a while.

Ye Qianhan turned his eyes to look at him and said, "What are you excited about?"

Eunuch Qibao: "..."

The emperor is finally willing to listen to the queen's affairs, can he not be excited, is he too excited!

"The empress is kind-hearted, beautiful, smart, witty, powerful, perfect, and a chivalrous hero..."

Eunuch Qibao racked his brains, wishing he could use all the good words in the world on the queen.

Ye Qianhan frowned and interrupted him, "Who told you to talk so much, please be more specific!"

Eunuch Qibao: "..."

He's not boasting, he's seeking truth from facts!
The empress is so beautiful!

To be specific, how can it be called specific?
Father Qibao was puzzled by Monk Zhanger for a while.

Bi'er, who was waiting at the side from a distance, was very anxious when she saw that Father Qibao couldn't tell the details for a long time, and risked being beheaded, he knelt down with a "plop".

Her voice choked slightly, "The Empress likes to be free and always likes to go out of the palace. The emperor got angry many times because of this. The empress obediently admits her mistakes every time. It will be the same next time. The emperor has nothing to do about it and is often distressed.

The empress likes to eat sour, sweet, bitter, hot, all kinds of messy things, and often brings small pastries from outside to honor the emperor. The emperor always dislikes it, but the empress can't stand the diligent sales, the emperor will always bite the bullet and try.

The empress doesn't like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she doesn't know acupuncture and moxibustion. She doesn't know anything girls should know, but she knows everything girls don't know. The hexagram tells about misfortune and fortune.

When the empress is in a good mood, she will help the emperor grind ink, but every time she makes herself into a pretty face, and in turn asks the emperor to clean it up for her.

When the empress is in a bad mood, she will eat extravagantly, and then pester the emperor for a walk and take a bath.

The empress is kind-hearted and likes to pick up small animals. She picked up a little white fox, a big black cat, and a little Huihui...

However, since the empress disappeared, the little white fox, the big black cat and little Huihui have all disappeared..."

As Bi'er talked, she couldn't care less about being disrespectful in front of the imperial court, her tears were pouring down like rain, she couldn't help herself, she was so distressed that she couldn't say a word anymore.

As Ye Qianhan listened to her eloquence, a vague phantom seemed to appear in his mind.

Sure enough, there is a little girl in the phantom, who will accompany him to practice calligraphy for a while, eat with him for a while, and ride the horse with him for a while, and walk through thousands of mountains and rivers...

Many pictures flashed by, the girl was extremely vivid, but her face could not be seen clearly.

He tried hard to see clearly, tried hard to see clearly, but layers of fog covered his eyes, he tried hard to pull out the fog, but his head suddenly felt like a tearing pain.

It was as if it was suddenly split by a sharp axe.

He raised his hand violently to cover his head.


Seeing the emperor's sudden pain, Eunuch Qibao screamed in fright.

Bi'er was brought back to her senses by the scream, and immediately stopped crying, and lowered her head into the mud.

She was ready to kill or cut, she only hoped that what she said could remind the emperor even a little bit of the empress.

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