Niangniang is a squeamish bag, she must be spoiled!

Chapter 1362 Just because she is our common enemy

Concubine Li was still too shocked, she yelled directly, "No, it's impossible, you're so ugly!"

Lin Susu: "..."

Mr. Qu is shrewd and capable, how could he give birth to such a straight and stupid daughter.

He dared to send such a daughter into the palace, tsk tsk...

She raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Beauty and ugliness are just different eyes, beauty is in the eyes of beholders, maybe the emperor thinks that I am as beautiful as a fairy!"

Lipin choked.

He stared at her again with wide eyes, put his arms around his chest, and said with a sneer, "You are as beautiful as a fairy, and there are no fairies in this world!
Tell me, did my father ask you to hook up with the emperor? "

She has been unable to invite favors, her father must have given up on her, and sent a little girl to the emperor instead!

Lin Susu smiled lightly, "Do you think the emperor can hook up casually?"

Lipin choked again when she heard that.

But I can't disagree with this statement.

It is true that the emperor is not easy to hook up with. She is naturally beautiful, talented, and looks like a fairy. She has been in the palace for so long, so she hasn't hooked up yet!

Looking at Lin Susu again, she said with disgust, "How did you manage to fascinate the emperor?"

Lin Susu smiled and said, "Of course it depends on charm."

Concubine Li: "..."

The apricot eyes stared, "What charm? Excuse me, I don't see the charm of an ugly girl like you!"

Lin Susu smiled and said, "I didn't see it because of your poor eyesight."


Concubine Li was so enraged that she couldn't refute a word, and for a moment she forgot to settle the score with Lin Susu.

But Lin Susu suddenly covered her stomach with one hand, and said in pain, "Ms. Li, the girl has no grievances with you, why do you want to kill me, ouch, my stomach!"

Li Pin was so frightened that the bullets jumped out of the way, and said anxiously, "I didn't do anything, you, don't pour dirty water on me!"

Lin Susu frowned and said, "You didn't do anything, what are you doing here, you have to come here alone, who else is not you?"

"I, I was just so angry that I ran over to take a look, I, I didn't do anything!"

Li Pin jumped another long step anxiously.

Lin Susu said in a low voice, "It's you anyway, there's no one else here."

Li Pin stomped her feet angrily, "I told you it wasn't me. I was the one who was going to attack you. Seeing that you are so ugly, I can't do it anymore. What are you going to do!"

Lin Susu glanced at her and said, "Anyway, it's not you, it's Mrs. Qu. Mrs. Qu likes the emperor. Seeing that the emperor likes me but doesn't like her, she must be holding a grudge. This time I entered the palace just to use your hands to get rid of me." , kill two birds with one stone.

I'm resting here, but only Madam Qu knows about it. In short, it's your Qu family who want to kill me! "

As Lin Susu said, she covered her stomach with her pale face.

When Li Pin heard it, the whole thing exploded!

He muttered, "You're right, that goblin woman must have done it, this old goblin, it's not enough to bewitch daddy, she also wants to bewitch the emperor, where's the face of her!

I'm going to tear her face off! "

Li Pin angrily turned around and was about to leave.

Lin Susu said in a low voice, "In public, how could you tear her face off? I have a white claw scratching heart pill. You might as well find a way to let her eat it. She will definitely make a lot of ugly appearances on the spot and lose her face. "

Li Pin paused, turned her head and said, "Why should I trust you?"

Lin Susu said lightly, "Just because she is our common enemy, we don't want her to be decent."

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