Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1001 After losing weight, I became the favorite of the group

Ji Ge wasted a lot of time because of moving the books, and it was already late when he returned to Nan's house.

As soon as the girl walked into the house, she was keenly aware that there was something wrong with the breath in the air.

The atmosphere was tense, Nan's father was sitting on the sofa with a sullen face, Nan's mother was sitting next to him, talking softly, and the three brothers and sisters of Nan's family were also sitting upright in the living room, without communicating, but looking at each other, full of mountains. The rain is about to come and the wind fills the building.

Ji Ge walked in calmly and calmly, without any fear.

"What's going on here?"

She pursed her lips and smiled, revealing two inconspicuous dimples on her cheeks.

"You still have the nerve to say it," Nan's father raised his eyelids, and the cold and solemn air flowed instantly. Due to the natural majesty of the parents towards the child, Nan Luowen's body shivered obviously, even the always stable and mature Nan Luowen Xu also restrained his expression and quietly listened to his father's lecture.

Ji Ge smiled, hooked her fingers on the strap of her schoolbag, tied it unsteadily, and unwrapped it again. An ugly and cute slime pendant hung on the zipper. The dark green made her fingertips white. almost transparent.

She played with it tirelessly, her voice was calm.

"Why is Mr. Nan so arrogant?"

Ji Ge ignored Nanmu's gaze and advice, and simply said, "Yes."

"Nonsense," Nan's father patted the table, and the man who had always been moody and indifferent was furious: "Shu Jige, have you ever asked your parents for advice?"

"Song of Silence!"

"Thank you for taking in this little time," the girl said politely, and her alienation was self-evident.

"Do you think she treats me like a father?" Nan's father said with a dark face, "Mr. Nan is not obedient at all."

Nan Luo simmered in Nan's mother's arms, biting her lips.

She spoke slowly, her bright black pupils turning slightly, as if she was genuinely puzzled.

She fell down: "My younger sister doesn't like liberal arts. She must think that my parents are too partial to me, so I made such a mess."

"Mr. Nan, I thought you forgot," Ji Ge turned his face, showing his white teeth: "My surname is Shu, I have no father or mother, and I live alone."

"Ji Ge will figure it out, she lost her temper," Nan's mother choked up, suppressing her guilt and apology together: "It's because we didn't do a good job as parents."

"It's the other way around." Nan's father got a headache from anger, and ordered in a cold tone: "Nan Luoxu, stop Shu Jige's card, let's see how long she can last."

"No way, no way," Nan's mother patted Nan's father's chest a few times to ventilate: "Don't be angry, Ji Ge is young and easily impulsive, as a father, don't be angry with your child."

"Mom, don't be sad." Nan Luowen stepped forward and supported Nan's mother: "It's my fault. If you didn't consider that I am not good at science, you wouldn't force your sister to study liberal arts and make her angry."

"It's none of Wen Wen's business," Nan's mother patted the back of Nan Luowen's hand, looking at the bright and beautiful girl in front of her, her brows and eyes were full of self-confidence and pride, some images flashed in her mind, and her warm voice comforted Nan Luo temperature.

"I will remember to pay back the money Nan's family spent on me during this time."

"You filled out the class transfer application form yourself?" The unfamiliar address seemed to draw a clear line between father and daughter, and Nan's father was like a stick in his throat, getting straight to the point.

Father Nan was so angry that his hands trembled and he couldn't say a word for a long time. Ji Ge turned around and walked upstairs to his room without any haste. He stepped down and bent down towards a neat row of people sitting on the sofa.

After finishing speaking, Ji Ge left Nan's house.

Mother Nan remained silent.

Nan Luoxu reminded in a low voice: "Ji Ge."

Nan Luoxu raised his voice, trying to suppress Ji Ge's rebellious words, but he was a step too late.

Ji Ge's behavior really exceeded her expectations, she didn't expect her submissive daughter to suddenly rebel.

Shu Jige, why has his personality changed so much all of a sudden?

Was she, like her, reborn?

Nan Luowen swallowed the irritability, so what about rebirth, Shu Jige was the winner in the previous life, holding the script of the real daughter of the group pet, everyone liked her, but her fake daughter fell into the mud, but it is different now , she is the only eldest lady of the Nan family in name.

Nan Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and his confidence returned again.

Six more

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