Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1005 After losing weight, I became the favorite of the group

Nan Luoheng stood in front of the teaching building in a daze, acting as a human-shaped barricade. He frowned in confusion, as if he had encountered something difficult to solve.

"Shu Ji Song."

He shouted anxiously, and the volume was raised.

Ji Ge didn't even look back, and walked fast.

There were footsteps behind him.

Ji Ge thought it was Nan Luoheng who was chasing after her, but turned around, but she didn't expect to see her roommate, Shen Zhi.

"Zhizhi," Ji Ge said in a brisk tone, "what a coincidence."

After getting along for a few days, Ji Ge has probably figured out Shen Zhi's temperament. She is a typical ice beauty, with a cool and cold personality, keeping a distance from the classmates in the class, and walking alone every day.

"What a coincidence." Shen Zhi said bluntly, the girl leaned close to her, leaned over intimately, and continued to walk for a distance in silence, Shen Zhi suddenly said: "You and Nan Luoheng... what happened tonight , I won't tell anyone."


Shen Zhi subconsciously turned to look at her.

Nan Luoxu, who was waiting in the living room, knew the result when he came back alone, so he raised his elder brother's airs: "Luo Heng, come back early next time, Mom will be anxious if you come back late."

Shen Zhi understood why Ning Mu liked to stick with Ji Ge so much.

The girl's cheeks were soft and fair, like panna cotta, and the soft touch could almost be imagined.

Nan Luoheng lowered his eyes: "I want Ji Ge to go home, but she doesn't agree."

Nan Luoxu couldn't help but laugh, Shu Jige...has no nostalgia for them, how could he be willing to come back.

Who doesn't want to pinch such a sweet and cute soft girl.

Nan Luoheng returned to the villa absent-mindedly.

The girl was funny, and confessed: "Nan Luoheng is my brother."

"I'm not going back."

A harmless look.

The touch is really great.

She calmly narrated: "Same father and mother, a brother who has an inseparable blood relationship."

Ji Ge reacted for a while before realizing that she seemed to have misunderstood her relationship with Nan Luoheng.

"We were wrongly hugged at birth. After our background was discovered, my parents were concerned about the feelings of their daughter who had raised them for so many years, and they were unwilling to announce it to the public. Then I also choose liberal arts."

Nan Luoheng didn't speak, but nodded slightly in acquiescence.

"Thank you Zhizhi."

Nan Luoxu said softly, "We'll discuss this matter later."

Shen Zhi's face softened a bit: "I will keep it a secret for you."

Unsurprising result.

Shen Zhi couldn't help it, stretched out his hand and squeezed it, and Rua's Ji Ge gave her a dissatisfied look, like a chipmunk, soft.

The boy clasped his hands: "What did you talk about with Jige?"

"Okay, go back to your room and sleep."

There was no sadness on the girl's face: "You may find it incredible, because the Nan family has only one daughter to the outside world, and that is Nan Luowen."

The girl is crisp and authentic.

Nan Luoheng pursed his lips lightly: "I will pay attention next time."

"I've come to my senses," the girl blinked lightly with bright arcs in her eyes and delicate eyelashes full of starlight that was about to drip down, "I have nothing to do with the Nan family anymore. Heng came to me just to persuade me to go back to the Nan family."

In the upstairs room, Ye Yuqian has been here many times and knows the layout of Nan Luowen's room like the back of his hand. He spread out the exercise booklet in front of the desk, remembered something, and asked with concern: "Wen Wen, have you been doing well these days?" unhappy?"

Nan Luowen was looking down at the topic on the desk: "No, Yuqian, you feel wrong."

Ye Yuqian said seriously: "Wen Wen, don't lie to me, has anyone bullied you?"

Nan Luowen bit her lip, bowed her head and said nothing.

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