Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1020 Angel Guardian Guidelines

Chapter 1020 Angel Guardian Guidelines (25)

Facing Man Xue, whose pupils were shining with expectations, Ji Ge was silent for a moment, and pushed her out resolutely.

"No need," she said briskly, "I have wings that I can touch."

Although the Lord has not come back, Ji Ge thought about Yu Xi who was not there, and considered his words: "Besides, if I touch your wings casually, will Yu Xi be angry?"

Man Xue was ignorant, and her voice was puzzled: "Why is Ah Xi angry?"


The drink in the goblet is filled with half a piece of bright light, and the clear blue liquid dangles and shatters, reflecting the figures coming and going on it.

Ji Ge lifted the hem of her skirt, carefully avoiding the crowd.

Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol, but they can taste some alcoholic beverages. Ji Ge drank half a cup and smacked his lips. The taste is not bad. There is a slight sweetness in the mellowness, and the aroma of cream melts into sweetness.

A certain family in S City held a birthday banquet, and the scene was extremely grand. Xia Wan couldn't come because of something, and even wishing his father and mother couldn't come back in time, the gift was given to the protagonist by Ji Ge.

The air in the banquet hall was a bit dull, Ji Ge politely bid farewell to the female companion next to him, went to the balcony to breathe, and at the same time calculated when it would be more appropriate for him to leave.

The night breeze was cool, and the temperature in early autumn dropped little by little. The girl was leaning on the balcony carelessly, her long curly hair tied into a bun, revealing her full and shiny forehead, and the light feathers on her earlobes accentuated her fair complexion.

Footsteps came from behind, approaching gradually.

Ji Ge turned his head and greeted the visitor with a polite smile on his face.

"Miss Lu."

Ji Ge is not familiar with this person, and the circle of wealthy children has always been distinct. She and Xia Wan are relatively close. As for Lu Yue, she is a veritable dandy, who spent money to enter the famous noble high school in S City, eating and drinking She is good at everything, she has a group of little sisters who play well, and Ji Ge can only be regarded as nodding friends.

"Ji Ge," the girl warmly greeted her with a goblet in her hand, "Why are you here alone?"

Ji Ge's attitude was lukewarm: "Come out to take a breath."

"The air is not circulating inside, it's really uncomfortable." Lu Yue didn't seem to see Ji Ge's intention of chasing guests away, with a smile on her face and a straightforward expression of kindness between the lines. The business is very unskilled, but the sincerity is visible to the naked eye.

Ji Ge raised his eyebrows lightly, with a vague smile on his lips, chatting with Lu Yue every now and then, looking not very focused.

Not long after, the girl resigned, and the cold male voice blew over with the wind, carrying a slight chill.

"The Lu family has been involved with demons in private."

Ji Ge looked sideways and saw Yu Xi standing there tall and straight. The young man nodded at her, his eyes were deep, and he spoke unhurriedly from a distance.

"I guessed it." Ji Ge sighed. Could it be that she put a good deceit on her forehead?With Lu Yue's appearance, it's written on my face that I have plans for you, without any concealment.

With the family background of the Lu family, there is no need to be friendly with Ji Ge, and she has not heard of any crisis in the Lu family recently.

The girl hopped slowly on the railing with her fingertips, slid her fingertips across the smooth skin, and said with great interest, "How do you know?"

Yu Xi said indifferently: "The people under me happened to discover that the Lu family seems to be involved with the devil behind the scenes, it's just a coincidence."

In fact, it wasn't. Yu Xi searched for so many years, and finally found some clues related to the devil. He didn't let it go, and patiently got to the bottom of the Lu family.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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