Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1036 Angel Guardian Guidelines

Chapter 1036 Angel Guardian Guidelines (41)

Ji Ge originally made an appointment with Xia Wan to go to the cinema to watch a new movie, but the other party was temporarily unable to come because of something. In order not to waste the movie ticket, Ji Ge asked Cang Li, who was the only one around who had time, to go with him.

The young man was tall and slender, with a beautiful appearance. Just standing at the entrance of the cinema attracted the attention of many passers-by.

Ji Ge, who was going to collect the tickets, came over, handed him one of the movie tickets, and said relaxedly, "Let's go."


Lonely Song picked a new post-apocalyptic film, with a magnificent background and magnificent scenes, the camera skipped over the devastated ruins, rotting zombies, survivors like walking corpses, the order collapsed, and the shots were realistic and tragic frame by frame .

The movie theater was dimly lit, and the girl looked at the screen intently, focusing on it.

The young man sitting beside him looked at her slightly sideways, blinking in doubt, the angel's character was pure and indifferent, and he couldn't empathize with humans, so he frowned inexplicably, and quietly analyzed the emotions in the movie.

At the end of the movie, the male protagonist holds the photo of the female protagonist and sinks into the abyss alone, so BE.

Ji Ge blinked, pulled away from the immersion, and took a slight breath.

A piece of paper was handed over at the right time.

Suppressed sobs came from around, Ji Ge shook his head, propped his chin, and looked at him with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm not crying."

The girl's light black pupils were soaked in the flickering light, and the soft and bright light spots like flowing light and shattered gold dragged and kissed her thick eyebrows, and she looked at her with a faint smile, which really didn't look like Feel the grief.

"However," Ji Ge dragged his tone slowly, with a hint of envy: "I still envy the male protagonist, who has a lover who is like-minded."

Cang Li stared at her, his breathing froze for a moment, the young man said with difficulty: "Ji Ge, do you want to fall in love?"

Ji Ge didn't quite understand why Cang Li's complexion turned sour in an instant, and this association was not surprising. She dragged and let out a long ah, the girl reacted for a moment, and said slowly: "I'm not yet an adult. , don't worry."

"Then when you're an adult." Cang Li asked, his knuckles on the armrest turned white.

The movie ended, and the audience went out one after another, Ji Ge and Cang Li mixed in, the girl shook her head, and said briskly: "When I grow up, I will definitely consider falling in love," Cang Li didn't listen carefully to the words behind, vaguely, "Isn't it normal to fall in love as an adult?"

The young man lowered his eyes, his expression was obscure.

According to Zai Clan, when the world is completely safe, he will leave the world and be separated from Ji Ge, and a new person will appear next to the girl, who will take his place and become her friend... Or is a mate.

As long as he thinks of this scene, Cang Li finds it hard to breathe.

The scene in the big devil's phantom before reappeared in front of Cang Li's eyes, the girl who was walking with a strange boy intimately, indulged in the other's approach, let him lift his hand to pick off the leaves on her head, and smiled sweetly .

The young man's lowered eyes showed a dazed expression. It was the first time for Cang Li, who had always been emotionally indifferent, to experience such a strange and strong emotion.It was difficult for him to distinguish the ingredients, complicated and anxious, he bit his lip slightly, thinking silently without saying a word.

So, what kind of existence is Ji Ge to him?

Cang Li thought absently.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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