Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1038 Angel Guardian Guidelines

Chapter 1038 Angel Guardian Guidelines (43)

Cang Li's coming of age was caught off guard.

When the sleepy-eyed Ji Ge stepped into the classroom, her seat was empty. She originally thought that Cang Li was just getting up late, but until the class bell rang, Cang Li still didn’t come. Ji Ge began to pay attention to this matter and went to the office specially Ask the class teacher.

The head teacher replied to Ji Ge that Cang Li asked for leave, so he didn't come today.

Ji Ge returned to his seat, and secretly sent a message to Cang Li to inquire.

But when she checked again, she found that Cang Li hadn't replied yet.

Ji Ge frowned.

Cang Li came to the world alone, he is not human, he has no relatives and friends, the only thing he is familiar with is Ji Ge.

Angel has a special constitution and will not get sick easily, so Ji Ge didn't think why Cang Li asked for leave for a while.

It's not going to happen, is it?
Ji Ge's fingers rested on the edge of the clean screen, and her nails showed an almost transparent color. She pursed her lips and couldn't help worrying. She was going to ask for leave to go back and see how Cangli was doing.

Cang Li had given Ji Ge the key to his residence before, but now the doorbell rang, Ji Ge waited patiently for a minute, but no one responded, so she found the key and opened the door of the house.

The door was pushed open, revealing the cold display inside. The design of the boy's residence was quite cold and simple. Ji Ge casually glanced at it, and raised his voice tentatively: "Cangli?"

The house was empty, and no one answered her.

Ji Ge frowned, and asked the system: "Is there nothing wrong with the target?"

The system inquired about Cangli's current status, hesitated, and said vaguely: "Don't worry, the host, the target of the raid is safe, but the current situation is a bit special."

Ji Ge relaxed slightly, and walked a few steps into the house.

This is the first time for her to come to Cangli's house, and she just feels that it is deserted and unpopular, and even daily necessities are rare.There was a coolness in the air, and it was close to the skin. The girl slowly went in every room to check, but found no one, and stepped into the second floor.

She finds a... cocoon in her bedroom on the second floor.

Ji Ge silently looked at the cocoon of light on the bed.

It was said to be a cocoon, but it was actually more like a ball of light. The light golden halo was soft and diffused, blocking Ji Ge's sight. She bit her lip slightly. Although there was no evidence, she had an intuition that Cang Li was inside.

This situation is really weird. Ji Ge sent a message to Man Xue to inquire. The other party was still in class at this time, and it took about half an hour to get back to her.

"Cang Li is about to come of age."

Ji Gexin raised it slightly: "Is there any process for an angel to become an adult?"

"It'll be fine, Ji Ge, if you're really worried, just stand by and wait for him to disintegrate."

"Although Cang Li can't respond to you, she should be aware of the outside world."

Ji Ge was noncommittal and decided to try it.

She approached, walked in front of Guangcocoon, and bent down, the girl's long hair slanted down, curling into fluffy and soft arcs like seaweed, her voice was very light and clear.


She leaned a little closer: "Can you hear me?"

The light cocoon remained silent.

Jige couldn't help being a little disappointed.

She straightened her body, ready to wait for Cang Li to differentiate, just when she sat down by the bed, her vision suddenly brightened, and the radiant light blinded her for a moment.

Ji Ge let out a low exclamation, and the light cocoon not far away emitted a strong suction force, she leaned forward, and inevitably fell onto the light cocoon.

(End of this chapter)

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