Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 104 Zombie King Raising Rules

Chapter 104 The Zombie Emperor’s Breeding Rules (40)


The girl's voice came through the door. Because of illness, the sweet and crisp voice was slightly hoarse, waxy and soft, with a trembling end, gently scratching the tip of the heart like a feather, which made people itch.

"It's me." A clear young voice came from outside the door.

Ji Ge was silent for a few seconds before opening the door for him.

The person who came was the younger brother of the sister next door, a very sunny boy with earth-type supernatural powers, cheerful and enthusiastic personality, and had an unusual affection for Jige.

"Miss Lu," the boy asked cautiously with a blushing face, "Are you sick?"

Ji Ge coughed and said with frowned eyebrows, "It's okay, I just caught a little cold, it's nothing serious."

The boy volunteered: "In that case, let me cook a bowl of hot porridge for Miss Lu."

"No need," Ji Ge said perfunctorily, his eyelids drooping, and his whole body was weak: "I just want to sleep now, and take a good rest."

"Then I won't bother Ms. Lu." The boy was rejected by his sweetheart, a little listless, but he could also understand that Ji Ge was uncomfortable now, and he probably didn't want to talk to him, so he bid farewell and left wisely.

Ji Ge went back to the room and fell asleep until the sky was dark.

It was also dusk when I woke up, but Bai Mengmeng hadn't come back yet.

Ji Ge went to the next door to ask, but the young lady who went out with Bai Mengmeng didn't come back either.

Now, the boy couldn't sit still anymore, and went out with Ji Ge to find someone.

There were no traces of the two of them inside or outside the apartment building, and there were even traces of fighting not far away, so Ji Ge paid attention to it.

Ji Ge frowned, suspecting that something might have happened to the two of them, so they couldn't come back in time, and planned to go far to find someone.

A few supernatural beings came to City A recently, Ji Ge was afraid of meeting someone he knew, so he deliberately found a cloak to cover his whole body tightly.

The spiritual ability unfolded, Ji Ge closed his eyes, and began to search for Bai Mengmeng's location.

His predecessor was the Zombie King, and he could manipulate many zombies, so Ji Ge's psychic ability level is not low, and his psychic detection is enough to cover a radius of several kilometers.

Soon, Ji Ge opened his eyes, the corners of his lips twitched, his eyes were full of coolness.

found it.

I don't know who is not afraid of death, but dares to touch her. Since he likes to die so much, then she will let him do it.

Ji Ge calmly tightened the cloak, and the cold wind came in, making her limbs feel cold.

The body that has not yet recovered from the illness is very weak, and the boy who is closely following him has been looking at Ji Ge anxiously, for fear that if he does not pay attention to Ji Ge, he will fall down.


Over there, Bai Mengmeng woke up from his coma, recalling the memory before coma, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed.

Bai Mengmeng was stunned by someone unexpectedly, but that person probably didn't expect that, as a healing power user, she has a relatively high resistance to drugs and the like, so she woke up in advance.

The girl's hands were tied behind her back, and the hemp rope used to bind them was rough, which made the originally delicate skin red and slightly painful.

When he just woke up, his mind was still a little groggy, Bai Mengmeng didn't say a word, and quietly observed the room he was in.

The room was not big, the curtains were pulled tightly shut, and the light was dim. A burly man was sitting at the door, smoking a cigarette unrestrainedly, puffing out clouds of smoke, and the air was filled with the choking smell of smoke.

Bai Mengmeng is not the only one here, there are many sleeping girls lying around, and the young lady next door who was stunned with her is impressive.

Bai Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to look away when he suddenly met the gaze of a girl.

"Shhh." The girl blinked, motioning her to keep quiet.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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