Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1040 Angel Guardian Guidelines

Cang Li also seemed to know that he bit Ji Ge painfully, even if he was pinched back mercilessly, he didn't say a word. He was a little more conscious, but he was still in a chaotic state, and he did things more by instinct.The young man put it on flatteringly, and the wet and soft touch was sticky. When he realized what Cang Li was doing, Ji Ge froze slightly, wishing to push Cang Li away immediately.

But he didn't realize it, he hugged her quietly, but subconsciously he still obeyed her, he was so obedient, he whispered softly, and his words were jerky and slow, but he could just be heard by Ji Ge: "Sorry, Ji Ge .”

He repeated it over and over again, with a pitiful and docile appearance, Ji Ge sighed, and decided not to care about the unconscious person.

Time passed bit by bit, and Ji Ge was hugged drowsily, and when he was about to fall asleep, his vision suddenly brightened.

The light cocoons disappeared like melting snow, and the girl's pupils reflected the clean and cold room with few decorations. She exhaled slightly, and her vision was filled with a pair of beautiful and bright wings, which were white and soft, like fluffy dandelions in early spring. It is also like a snow that has not melted in late winter, the holiness and beauty that cannot be described in words.

Ji Ge was stunned, Cang Li successfully differentiated?The girl lowered her head slowly, looking at Cang Li's situation, and met the boy's clear pupils with long curly eyelashes, as pretty as a doll.

He smiled quietly at her, the corners of his lips curved slightly softly to hold the flowers that were about to fall.The boy's facial features are still unbelievably exquisite, thrillingly beautiful, but no longer the indistinguishable beauty and softness before, but a kind of sharp-edged, three-dimensional and smooth outline.

When he turned his face silently, he would no longer make people mistake his gender.

Cang Li touched the screen, watched the spout filled with a cup of hot water, then carefully held the glass and walked towards Ji Ge's room.

Thanks to Cangli's blessing, Ji Ge, who has always been physically fit, was hugged by a humanoid ice cube for a long time, so cold that he caught a cold.Because Ji Ge's illness was mainly attributed to him, Cang Li felt guilty and volunteered to take care of Ji Ge.

Cang Li knew that Ji Ge didn't like to drink bitter medicine, so he bought her cold medicine made into small capsules.The boy put hot water on the bedside table and said, "Ji Ge, it's time to take medicine."

The sleepy girl curled up on the bed, almost huddled into a ball. She frowned and stared at the small tray on the bedside table, and said softly, "I don't have a serious cold, so I don't need to take medicine."

"No," Cang Li insisted on this aspect: "If you don't take medicine, you will get better slowly, and you will feel uncomfortable when you get sick."

Ji Ge dawdled, looked at Cang Li's face above, and reluctantly swallowed the capsule.

Cang Li handed her a candy at the right time, the candy wrapper was peeled off, Ji Ge wrinkled his face and stuffed the candy into his mouth, the sweet and greasy strawberry flavor melted away, covering up the faint bitterness.

She stretched her brows and eyes, and continued to reach out to Cang Li, expressing that she wanted more.

Cang Li laughed, and simply put all the small candy she bought into Ji Ge's heart.

Ji Ge put the candy in the drawer contentedly, opened his mouth and was about to say something when the phone on the bed rang.

The girl glanced at the caller ID above and chose to connect. She had a slight nasal voice when she spoke, and it was difficult to distinguish without listening carefully.

"Hey, Mom."

She sat up straight suddenly, her eyes widened: "Are you outside the door?!"

two more

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