Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1042 Angel Guardian Guidelines

Mother Zhu originally planned to sleep with Ji Ge at night to satisfy her surging maternal love, but the accident of Ji Ge's illness disrupted her plan.Under Ji Ge's insistence, she had no choice but to give up this idea, bid farewell to Ji Ge and left the room.

There is a room on the first floor for Zhu Fu and Zhu Mu. After Ji Ge and others left, they took out the phone and found out the message Cang Li sent her. After the boy returned home, he told her that he was safe. She poked the screen, Reply Cang Li.


Cang Li returns to her.

"Ji Ge, when can I meet your parents in a fair manner?"

This is equivalent to asking for a name secretly.

Ji Ge was in a state of contemplation, typing slowly.

"let me see……"

On the other side, a kitten crying emoji was sent.

Ji Ge held the phone, imagining Cang Li bitterly staring at the screen, bent his lips, and stopped teasing him.

"After the college entrance examination."

Cang Li got the reassurance and calmed down.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Ji Ge didn't continue to mix in the plot, there was Cang Li to protect him, and there were occasional omissions. The demons attracted by the fragrance of the girl's flesh and blood were all solved, and daily life moved forward in an orderly manner. Walking fast, the college entrance examination arrived in the blink of an eye.

During the college entrance examination, Zhu's father and mother specially asked for leave to accompany Ji Ge through the most important period of his life. Cang Li only came to greet Ji Ge politely because Ji Ge's parents were outside and it was not easy to get close to the girl.

The young man's appearance was too stunning, Zhu's mother's eyes lit up, and her gossiping eyes swung between Ji Ge and Cang Li. After Cang Li left, she inquired round and round: "Ji Ge, you are very familiar with that boy just now. ?"

Ji Ge hasn't answered yet, Zhu Fu is not happy: "Ji Ge's important day, why are you so concerned about an outsider?"

Ji Ge coughed and interrupted their conversation: "Mom, it's time, I'll go in first."

Zhu's mother's attention was diverted smoothly: "Go, baby, work hard for the exam, don't put too much pressure on it."

Ji Ge responded and walked in along the crowd.

Cang Li handed in the paper first, and Ji Ge came out in one step. The young man stood outside the examination room waiting for Ji Ge to come out. He suddenly raised his eyes, and the people standing beside him disappeared.

The young man frowned slightly, feeling silent.

He didn't know when he entered an enchantment.

Cang Li's eyes fell on one place, and said softly: "Come out."

The person who had hidden his figure appeared, clutching his knuckles, the holy beauty unique to the angel family, he looked at Cang Li, the corners of his clothes curled up.

"Cang Li, your mission is complete," the angel reminded: "It's time to go back."

"Priest," Cang Li didn't move, looked sideways at the high priest who taught him how to grow up, and said in a calm voice, "I'm going to stay in the world."

He had already thought about it, so he didn't hesitate to answer.

The priest had expected it a long time ago, and only asked, "Because of the human being who needs your protection."

Cangli defaults.

The priest has a headache. The angels are indifferent in nature and lack of emotion. Even within the group, there are few contacts, but basically the group of angels who were sent to the human world to complete the mission chose to stay in the human world. He originally thought that the most powerful among them Cang Li, who is close to God and also has the coldest personality, will be the exception. I didn't expect Cang Li to be here too.

"Cang Li, you have to think about it," the priest reminded softly, "Is it worth giving up your identity and power to be close to God and staying in the world?"

one more

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