Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1045 Survival Guide in the End Times

There was a sneer in the boy's eyes: "Are you going to stay in the car at night as rations for the zombies?"


"Okay, Sasha," Shen Chi said at the right time, interrupting the quarrel between the two, and said helplessly, "Ah Xi, can't you let Sasha go?"

He Xi stopped talking, and glanced at Yin Sha lazily, which made Yin Sha almost explode.

"Is it safe here?"

The other boy didn't get involved in their conversation from the beginning to the end, and glanced around guardedly.

He Xi raised his chin: "It's safe."

He Xi is a person with psychic abilities. Fortunately, he awakened his abilities at the beginning of the end of the world. His abilities are still weak, but his intuition has been strengthened, and he has a strong premonition of good and bad.

Jige followed silently at the end of the team, thinking about other things.

The plot of pushing the original owner into the tide of zombies is not here, but when the original owner arrives at Shuguang Base, he meets Yi Ran during a mission, and she regards her as a shield to attract zombies.

Therefore, she doesn't need to follow the team.

After all, one of the original owner's wishes was to protect his mother, and Jiang's mother was probably still in the next city, and she couldn't find anyone here.

After all, according to He Xi and Shen Chi's plan, the route they planned was completely opposite to that of the city next door.

"Jiang Jiang," Shen Chi noticed Ji Ge's separation from the team, and reminded her, "Go faster, don't fall behind."

Ji Ge came back to his senses and quickened his pace.

The place He Xi found for the night was a small hotel on the edge of the urban area, keeping a certain distance from the surrounding buildings. The elevator had already stopped working and could not be used, so they could only go up on foot.

He and Shen Chi walked in the front vigilantly, holding the knives they searched from other places in their hands. As girls, Ji Ge and Yin Sha were protected by them. They fled for more than ten days, so naturally they did not Maybe she has never killed a zombie, even Yin Sha, from the initial fear, has gradually become numb.

The road was not smooth sailing, the boy's technique was very neat, he simply cut off the zombie's neck, the dark green sticky blood splashed out and was wiped away by disgust.The current zombies are still very low-level and unresponsive. As long as they don't encounter a group of zombies, it is not particularly difficult to deal with them.

The door of the suite room on the fifth floor was open, He Xi stopped and said, "It's right here."

Shen Chi has no objection, He Xi has a very good idea, and because of his supernatural ability, he is very good at finding a place to stay. The smell of strangers spread out on low floors, which will easily attract zombies wandering on the street, and it is inconvenient if it is too high escape.

The suite is not big, there is only one room, Ji Ge and Yin Sha live together, while the three boys sleep in the living room, forming a cordon to keep out.

The relationship between Yin Sha and Guan Guan is not good, and there is no unnecessary communication between the two of them. Yin Sha held the corner of her clothes and sniffed, frowning, a little unbearable.

She hasn't taken a shower for a long time. The end of the world broke out too suddenly. The five people had been escaping in a hurry for the first ten days. They were so nervous at night that they couldn't sleep at all. They found a car behind them and drove in turns. The rest of them Rest in the car.

She went to the bathroom to try it out, and the faucet came out with clear water. Yin Sha was instantly happy, and reported the situation to Shen Chi.

They are still not short of water for the time being, because a lot of mineral water was found in the refrigerator of the suite, and the team also searched for a lot of water before, so after a brief discussion, the five of them jointly decided to use the water for washing.

two more

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