Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1064 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1064 Survival Guide in the End Times (21)

Ji Ge was not surprised by Xu Zhi's decision, nodded, and opened the door first to go out.

At the same time, she has carefully held a thin and sharp dagger in her hand.

Mu Ke is by her side, the young man always listens to Ji Ge's opinions, and rarely refute, Ji Ge sometimes thinks that Mu Ke is like a delicate and beautiful but empty doll, with weak and pitiful self-awareness.

Different from the calmness in the lounge, it was quite noisy outside, with hurried and noisy footsteps, suddenly, a piercing and sharp sound came, like fingernails sliding straight through the glass, bringing a nauseating nausea .

Ji Ge's face turned pale. She has strong mental strength, but she is restricted in this plane for the most part. In addition, this body is just an ordinary person's body, and her endurance is limited.

Mu Ke supported her in time, and asked slowly, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Ji Ge's gaze unconsciously slid over the boy's hand that touched her. His hand was very beautiful, with long and slender knuckles, and delicate bones. His complexion was unhealthy, and the girl was slightly surprised. Unable to figure out what happened, Mu Ke actually took the initiative to touch her.

She shook her dizzy head and temporarily stopped thinking.

Xu Zhi's situation was worse than hers, and Xu Xu's hand was crumbling.

The younger sister held her elder sister's hand tightly in silence, her lips were slightly pursed, revealing a bit of firmness and comfort.

Xu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and tightened his sister's hand to show that he was fine, so that Xu Xu didn't have to worry.

There is a short corridor outside the lounge, and the hall is just past it. The people guarding the hall turned around cautiously, subconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands.

"Don't do it," the boy sitting at the front of the hall spoke first, with a solemn tone. His clothes were splashed with a large amount of zombie blood. The dark green blood was thick and stinky. If there was a wound on his body, it would be easy to get infected. He frowned and took off his coat. Stand up and look at Ji Ge.

The girl raised her smiling face, her gaze dropped slightly, and she skipped over the boy who was held down by the girl's support.

"Are your men injured?"

She asked.

The topic was not very suitable. The girl who was protecting the injured boy had red eyes, but the expression of the leading boy did not change at all. He nodded quietly: "The zombies outside are very powerful."

He paused: "There are zombies that have evolved, and it is estimated that they have evolved more than once. It can command other zombies."

Ji Ge said oh, probably understood why they were in such a mess.

There is only a glass door between them and the zombie, which is crumbling. Through the transparent glass, you can see the face of the zombie sticking to the door, and the gray eyes are looking at them indifferently, without emotion.

This door won't last long, the boys and the others just rested in the hall before, and will continue to go out to clean up the zombies later.

Ji Ge made a judgment, and asked Mu Ke beside him.

"Can you handle so many zombies?"

Ji Ge is good at melee combat, and she is best at single-target combat. With so many zombies surrounding her, she will probably disappear within a few seconds. She needs to clean up the place first to give her a place to act.

Mu Ke lowered his eyes: "No problem."

Ji Ge smiled and said briskly, "That's good."

She turned her head and talked to Xu Zhi who had been following her all the time. After all, she was the only one among them who could cook, so she had to protect her: "Xu Zhi, you and Xu Xu will stay in the hall, it's too dangerous outside."

Xu Zhi knew that going out would only add to the chaos, so he took a deep breath and said, "Okay."

 Dizziness, I can't hold it anymore, I will make up for it tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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