Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1066 Survival Guide in the End Times

Chapter 1066 Survival Guide in the End Times (23)

After dealing with the zombies, Ji Ge was not in a hurry to go back to the rest room to rest. She walked to the girl, restlessly guarding the injured boy. The girl was very wary of the approach of strangers, clenched her hands into fists, calmly guarding against Ji Ge .

The girl tilted her head and greeted in a friendly manner: "Do you need help?"

The girl was taken aback, and looked at Cheng Yi with questioning eyes, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Cheng Yi was very decisive: "Thank you, classmate."

Ji Ge smiled and waved to Xu Zhi.

Xu Zhi led Xu Xu over and asked Ji Ge: "Ji Ge, what do we need to do?"

"Well," Ji Ge looked at Xu Xu and asked gently, "Xu Xu, can you condense some ice cubes?"

Xu Xu nodded silently. She has always been quiet, and her powers are not strong, but there is no problem in condensing the ice cubes. Ji Ge handed the cool ice cubes to Cheng Yi. The girl said simply: "Cool down."

"Thank you." Cheng Yi took the ice cubes, put them in a clean bag, and applied them on the boy's forehead.

Ice cubes cool down, so the possibility of boys surviving is one point higher.

The girl cast a grateful look at Ji Ge, but she couldn't get up because she wanted to restrain the boy. Cheng Yi came to help, and she whispered, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Ji Ge waved his hand, ready to take Xu Zhi and Xu Xu back.

Mu Ke frowned slightly, and subconsciously looked at Cheng Yi one more time. The boy looked elegant and gentle, and when he noticed Mu Ke's gaze, he raised his head and nodded to him with a smile, showing excellent etiquette.

Others in the team may not be able to perceive it, but he is also a supernatural person, but he can vaguely perceive the strength of the young man in front of him.

Mu Ke turned her head indifferently, and did not respond to Cheng Yi.

He was thoughtful, Ji Ge suddenly expressed kindness, was it because of Cheng Yi, or for some other reason...

The distracted attention made the young man purse his lips slightly, feeling a little irritated in his heart.

Ji Ge recalled the information related to Cheng Yi in the plot. Unlike the original owner, Cheng Yi can be said to be one of the protagonists. He is the deputy of the heroine Luo Qi, with powerful abilities. With her great help, they have a good impression between them, but before the window paper was poked open, Cheng Yi was implicated by the female partner and died in a mission.

That was the beginning of the breakup between Luo Qi and Yi Ran, and from then on Luo Qi devoted herself to her career.Powerful, beautiful and rare female supernatural beings are many labels attached to her. Such an excellent opposite sex naturally attracts the admiration of many male supernatural beings. However, Luo Qi did not accept any one of them and put all her thoughts on her. placed on the operating base.

There was interest in her eyes, she didn't expect that she would meet someone related to Luo Qi so early.

And to a certain extent, Cheng Yi and Yi Ran have opposite positions, and Cheng Yi has a keen mind, and he has long seen that the Shuguang Base is trying to use Luo Qi.

But Luo Qi and Yi Ran have a good relationship, and the head of the base has kindness to her, so she hasn't thought much about it. Cheng Yi is afraid that there will be a rift between Luo Qi and the base, which will hurt Luo Qi, so she just endured it all the time. He didn't mention it, but silently planned an escape route for Luo Qi.

After waking up in the middle of the night and driving for so long for half a day, Ji Ge was so sleepy that he fell asleep in a daze when he returned to the lounge.

She didn't find that Mu Ke's emotions were wrong. The young man was too restrained, and he didn't have much communication with her. Mu Ke's common sense was blank, and he was lacking in interpersonal communication. Such emotions were too strange to him.

The teenager sat on the sofa in the lounge with his knees hugged, his long legs slightly bent, and he was somewhat at a loss as to digest the negative emotions in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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