Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1084 Survival Guide in the End Times

Not long after, a military off-road vehicle slowly approached, and Luo Qi, who had been paying attention to the surrounding environment, was refreshed, "Here he is."

The Shuguang base can be said to be the largest base in the vicinity. The head of the base is highly respected. He led several nearby bases to organize the research and development of anti-zombie virus serums. In order to speed up the research and development, the researchers and scientists from the nearby bases were all transported to the Shuguang base.

That's why this mission was issued.

The scientists were escorted by the supernatural beings and soldiers from the base. The escort was huge. Luo Qi and Cheng Yi went down to pick them up in person and successfully completed the handover.

There were no accidents in the process, she was relieved, and organized the supernatural beings to get in the car and prepare to return to the base.

Ji Ge did not relax.

There is a detailed description of this plot in the world plot. On the way back to the base, they will encounter a wave of zombies. Because there are too many zombies, they have no choice but to abandon the car and flee.

Luo Qi first escorted the scientists who had no self-protection ability to leave, while Yi Ran and the others were left to stop the zombies. Naturally, those who were left behind did not last long. Yi Ran panicked and dispersed with the large army.

At that time, the original owner happened to be near P City in order to find Mother Jiang, and met Yi Ran. In order to survive, Yi Ran pushed the original owner into the group of zombies that were chasing him, causing the original owner to be bitten to death.

This is a good opportunity to avenge the original owner, so Ji Ge decided to seize it.

The plot has not changed, Luo Qi's eyes are sharp, looking at the zombies chasing towards the vehicle, feeling cold all over, "It's a wave of zombies."

She finally knew where all the zombies in P city had gone.

The road ahead was blocked by zombies. Luo Qi had experience and knew that the car would only be surrounded by zombies if it rushed over. She made a decisive decision without hesitation, "Get out of the car."

If they continued to drive, they would be exhausted by the zombies. They had to get out of the car and run to the building next to them before the zombies came back.

The vehicle was stopped in an emergency. Yi Ran seldom participated in base missions. She stayed in the base and was well protected. This was the first time she saw such a scene. The girl's mind went blank, and she instinctively relied on the leader.

She looked at Luo Qi, and Luo Qi made a decision in an instant, "Ran Ran, A Yi, you stay here, I will escort those scientific researchers to leave first."

Scientists are ordinary people with low combat power, but they are very important and cannot make mistakes. Luo Qi is not at ease. Most of the supernatural beings are left behind. Only a few supernatural beings of the power department escorted the scientists away with Luo Qi.

"I'll stay too," Ji Ge proposed, touched the dagger at his waist, Mu Ke remained silent, he was always by Ji Ge's side, Luo Qi never thought that he would leave Ji Ge, just about to nod in agreement , I heard the girl say, "Mu Ke will go with you."

Mu Ke turned his head instantly when he heard the sound. The pupils of the slightly autistic boy were dark and clear, like beautiful inorganic gemstones. His emotional ups and downs were too small, which often made people feel like a delicate but empty beautiful doll.

This is the first time that Luo Qi has seen Mu Ke have such strong emotional fluctuations. The young man's lips are pursed and turned white, and his black hair hangs docilely beside his snow-white cheeks, but he firmly rejects Ji Ge's proposal, "No way. .”

The girl smiled and embraced the boy's arm coquettishly, "Mu Ke, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Mu Ke opened his mouth, and before he could speak, Ji Ge stretched out his hand and gave him a hug. The girl promised earnestly, "I promise."

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