Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 1086 Survival Guide in the End Times

With Jiang Jige holding back the zombies, she should be safe.

There was a reassuring smile on Yi Ran's face, but before he could take a few steps forward, his wrist was grabbed hard.

She turned around in horror, and the unscathed girl mouthed goodbye to her, and pulled Yi Ran into the crowd of zombies with her backhand.

The change happened so fast and suddenly, Yi Ran had no time to react, staggered and fell to the ground, and was immediately overwhelmed by the surging zombies.

And Ji Ge stopped, turned his head and bent his eyes, and snapped his fingers neatly.

The plan was successful.

Although most of the zombies were attracted by Yi Ran, a small number of them reached out to grab Ji Ge. The girl turned her wrist and flexibly cut off the palm that the zombie was grabbing at her, then kicked the zombie's knee and kicked it back. In the crowd of zombies, she was short of breath, so she didn't waste any time, and walked forward at a faster pace.

An eye for an eye, if Yi Ran survived by chance, it would be her luck.

The girl walked briskly and went upstairs quickly.

The wave of zombies lasted for a while before dissipating. Ji Ge carefully observed the surroundings for a while before carefully walking out of the tall building. She wandered around for a while before meeting up with Luo Qi who was looking for someone.

Seeing Ji Ge, Luo Qi was obviously relieved, she pointed behind her, "Ji Ge, Mu Ke has been looking for you."

"I see." Ji Ge nodded, and was stopped by a girl when she was walking in the direction Luo Qi pointed.

"Is it Yi Ran?" The girl showed just the right surprise and shook her head, "I seem to have seen it, but I don't know if I saw the wrong person."

"What's wrong with her?" Luo Qi's body tensed slightly, patiently waiting for Ji Ge's answer.

The heroine is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Before Yi Ran's true face was revealed and the two of them broke up, she always regarded Yi Ran as a close relative and friend, and cared about Yi Ran all the time.

Ji Ge raised the corners of her lips, her pointed little canine teeth were white and sharp, like a delicate porcelain miniature sculpture, the girl had a beautiful and soft appearance, her forehead hair was fluffy and fluffy, her cheeks were white and small, and she outlined a decent and beautiful appearance of an excellent student, gentle And clean appearance, harmless to humans and animals.

"She seems to be overtaken by zombies," Ji Ge muttered, showing Luo Qi the direction, "I didn't pay attention later."

Luo Qi choked for breath, hurriedly bid farewell to Ji Ge, "I see, thank you Ji Ge."

Luo Qi was anxious to make sure Yi Ran was safe, but ignored the coolness in the girl's pupils, she nodded, "I see, let's go."

Ji Ge groped for a while, and successfully found the gathering place of the team.

She looked around, but did not find Mu Ke.

"Mu Ke just went out to find you," Cheng Yi said. He and Ji Ge came back almost one after the other. The boy thought for a while, and said solemnly, "Ji Ge, can I talk to you?"

"Yes." Ji Ge didn't know what Cheng Yi was going to say, after thinking about it, he agreed.

The two walked to a secluded place.

"Ji Ge," Cheng Yi considered his words, and said quietly, "I saw it."

"?" Ji Ge raised his eyes.

"When Yi Ran pushed you into the crowd of zombies," Cheng Yi said tactfully, "I saw it."

What Cheng Yi said was roundabout, and Ji Ge guessed that he should have seen the whole process, but he missed the result of Yi Ran pushing her to be killed and pushed into the group of zombies.

Cheng Yi was secretly showing his favor to her.

"Oh, really?" The gentle and beautiful girl looked at him quietly, then smiled lightly, not afraid that Cheng Yi would publicize the matter, "That's a pity."

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